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FBI- Federal Bureau of Investigation


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Name: MouRiS
Account Name: ryadmahsoudi
Nationality: algeria
Primary Language: English
Other Languages you speak: French

How long have you been playing MTA: almost 4years
How long have you been playing SAES: RPG: 1 year and a half
Do you have a ProCop diploma? If no, please specify why: No, i am trying to
Previous G/S/C memberships and why you left:
TST, ICE, left for some problems with the leader
Why do you wish to join the FBI: FBI have strong reputation ingame which fit me alot tbh, also all their members are respectful and loyal so i would be proud to be an FBI agent
Why should we accept you: I am active ingame which help FBI alot to raise their activity and reach level 5 as they deserve to be, also i will try my best there to show my loyalty.
Previous bans or admin jails: I have never been banned or a.jailed before.

Are you a former FBI member: No
If you answered question 1 with yes, please state when you left the Bureau: N/A
If you answered question 1 with yes, please state why did left the Bureau: N/A
If you answered question 1 with yes, please state your former rank: N/A
If you answered question 1 with yes, please provide evidence of your stated rank (screenshots, etc): N/A
Are you a SAPA or PC member: No, as i said above i am trying to join the academy

What is roleplaying: Roleplaying means acting like a real life, and act in the situation that you are in.
What is deathmatching: DM means killing/shooting/hiting somebody without specific reason
State three server rules (F1):
Dont camp at hospital
Dont dm/revenge dm
Dont marker arrest/marker kill
Are you allowed to deathmatch: No

What are your English skills out of 1 to 10: 6/10
What are your driving skills out of 1 to 10: 7/10
What are your shooting skills out of 1 to 10: 7/10
What are your role-play skills out of 1 to 10: 6/10
What are your strengths: Teaming, and being respectful and calm toward the players
What are your weaknesses: I face some problems like getting insulting by some noob players, also i am lagging at the middle of the day (sometimes)

Scenario One: You are the agent-in-charge of a patrol unit which includes you and two other agents. You are informed of an ongoing store robbery and there are no other units available for back up. How would you successfully resolve the store robbery.
EXPLAIN HERE: i will infrom my two friends to take a good position to snipe the targets, and i will move to the store slowly and carefully and raid in.
Scenario Two: You are the leader of an assault on a suspected criminal base being used for drug distribution. You are in charge of an assault team (armed with M4s and combat shotguns), a backup team (armed with M4s and combat shotguns) and a recon team (armed with sniper rifles). The fence around the base is protected by four armed criminals. Inside the base, there are a further three armed criminals. How would you secure the base? EXPLAIN HERE: First of all i will make a plan which is, snipers from the back at a good position that can give us more infos about criminal's places, second i will make sure to the assault team is covered from the back by backup team, then i will device the both teams to two groups from the back and one from the front, then i we attack carefully and take out the base
Scenario Three: An armed FBI Unit is called to a hostage situation to a building nearby to the Los Santos Police Department. Two criminals had attempted to rob a fast food restaurant but police had arrived during the robbery. As a result, they have taken an old woman hostage and are barricaded inside. The two-armed criminals are young and very nervous. You have access to the same squads as in scenario two. How would you diffuse/ deal with the situation?
EXPLAIN HERE: i will first try to have a talk with the criminals so i can help them to understand their situation, if they didnt go well with me i will try to make a plan before with my other squad mate, to go from behind while i start talk to the criminals, and after he arrive to the criminals i quick tase one of the criminal and my friend take care of the other one

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Hi my IGN is Rottenpipe40
Currently iam using nickname:Gentle
I would like to apply to FBI
I really liked this agency after I saw there
Team work and Effectince I would like to
Learn from there Experiences.
I have been working as police trainer for 3 days
And I really liked it and I would like to try something new

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Account Name:Rottenpipe40 currently Gentle(nickname)
Primary Language:Arabic
Other Languages you speak:English

How long have you been playing MTA:30 hours
How long have you been playing SAES: RPG:30 hours
Do you have a ProCop diploma? If no, please specify why: I don't know what is that
Previous G/S/C memberships and why you left: this is my first place to register in
Why do you wish to join the FBI:because I liked there teamwork and there efficiency
Why should we accept you:Because server needs more Squads
Previous bans or admin jails:yeah 1 admin jail for 7minutes because of revenge Dm

Are you a former FBI member:
If you answered question 1 with yes, please state when you left the Bureau:no
If you answered question 1 with yes, please state why did left the Bureau:
If you answered question 1 with yes, please state your former rank:
If you answered question 1 with yes, please provide evidence of your stated rank (screenshots, etc):
Are you a SAPA or PC member:no

What is roleplaying:Playing and simulating real life
What is deathmatching:playing to death I guess
State three server rules (F1):7/10
Are you allowed to deathmatch:I don't really know what is that

What are your English skills out of 1 to 10: 9/10
What are your driving skills out of 1 to 10: 7/10
What are your shooting skills out of 1 to 10: 7/10
What are your role-play skills out of 1 to 10: 5/10
What are your strengths:A good speaker and got hard mind when I follow criminals never leave them alone
What are your weaknesses:I most of the times kill criminals insted of arrest when it's really hard to capture

Scenario One:
You are the agent-in-charge of a patrol unit which includes you and two other agents. You are informed of an ongoing store robbery and there are no other units available for back up. How would you successfully resolve the store robbery.
EXPLAIN HERE:well if we are three agents 12 armed criminals we I would make 1 snipe
And when the number decreases to 8 we charge
At them from 2 different way really quickly while they are bussy with the sniper

Scenario Two:
You are the leader of an assault on a suspected criminal base being used for drug distribution. You are in charge of an assault team (armed with M4s and combat shotguns), a backup team (armed with M4s and combat shotguns) and a recon team (armed with sniper rifles).

The fence around the base is protected by four armed criminals. Inside the base, there are a further three armed criminals. How would you secure the base?
EXPLAIN HERE:first I let the snipers shot them and whille they are shooting we move and try to break in and the support team will charge from the opposite way so we confuse them

Scenario Three:
An armed FBI Unit is called to a hostage situation to a building nearby to the Los Santos Police Department. Two criminals had attempted to rob a fast food restaurant but police had arrived during the robbery.
As a result, they have taken an old woman hostage and are barricaded inside. The two-armed criminals are young and very nervous.
You have access to the same squads as in scenario two. How would you diffuse/ deal with the situation?
EXPLAIN HERE:there are two ways
1:we should try to negotiate with them (roleplay way)
2:snipers we could use snipers to kill the guy near the hostage and arrest the other

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U.S. Department of Justice
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Office of the Executive
San Andreas, 757-000


First of all, thank you for applying to us! We're more than happy to accept fresh meat in our squad, but before we do that, we will set you on pending period. In that period, please show around your activity, show us your loyalty, maturity and activity overall. Jump in our patrols, get known a bit more, and you shall be expecting final answer in upcoming days.


Hello there. You've been recognized as a new player in the server, which means you're career is just about to start. Before we proceed with you, we'd like to get to know you a bit more. We have very nice gentlemens in the squad, which can help you with basic tutorials around the server, for any questions, ask us, we'll be always available for you. For now, you're set to under review period. This means, you gotta show everything you got, and prove us that you can be part of FBI. Expect final answer in upcoming days.

FBI Top Brass HQ.

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U.S. Department of Justice
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Office of the Executive
San Andreas, 716-000


You've sucefully engaged in our activities and you had positive feedback from our Agents. We decided to give you a chance and be one of us in the Bureau. You're accepted, find any SAC+ for your entry tests.


We have decided not to proceed with your application. You should be joining our patrols and activities in-game to get yourself known better and gain experience. Your applications goes denied. Feel free to re-apply in 2 weeks if still interested.

Matthews, Special Agent in Charge

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Name: Robert
Account Name:2antisociali
Nationality: Romanian
Primary Language: Romanian
Other Languages you speak: English

How long have you been playing MTA: 2 years ago
How long have you been playing SAES: RPG: 10 hours
Do you have a ProCop diploma? If no, please specify why: I didn't play for a long time as a cop so I didn't
Previous G/S/C memberships and why you left:I did not have
Why do you wish to join the FBI: Because I really like the FBI and because I want to help you how I can
Why should we accept you: You don't have to accept me, it's up to you how you think
Previous bans or admin jails: I don't have

Are you a former FBI member: No
If you answered question 1 with yes, please state when you left the Bureau: No
If you answered question 1 with yes, please state why did left the Bureau: No
If you answered question 1 with yes, please state your former rank: No
If you answered question 1 with yes, please provide evidence of your stated rank (screenshots, etc): No
Are you a SAPA or PC member: No

What is roleplaying: Roleplaying is something that you must do stuff like you are in real life. You must act on purpose of your job or occupation. In order to do roleplaying, you need one more player. You can simply use animations in order to make it better.
What is deathmatching: Deathmatching is an action which can be provided by 2 or more people. You can either use your weapons and kill them or just kill them via ramming etc.
State three server rules (F1): Impersonating someone or a group is forbidden.

Cheats and trainers aren't allowed.

DeathMatching is not allowed.
Are you allowed to deathmatch: no

What are your English skills out of 1 to 10: 8/10
What are your driving skills out of 1 to 10: 9/10
What are your shooting skills out of 1 to 10: 7/10
What are your role-play skills out of 1 to 10: 8/10
What are your strengths: Active and good shooter
What are your weaknesses: insults

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Name: Gabriel
Account Name: MxE
Nationality: Romanian
Primary Language: Romanian
Other Languages you speak: English

How long have you been playing MTA: almost 1 year
How long have you been playing SAES: RPG: 11 hours
Do you have a ProCop diploma? If no, please specify why: No i didn t play too much as a cop to have procop diploma
Previous G/S/C memberships and why you left: No one
Why do you wish to join the FBI: I want to join the FBI because i want teamwork and a new experience
Why should we accept you: I will be active almost all the time because you know ..school..
Previous bans or admin jails: None

Are you a former FBI member: No
If you answered question 1 with yes, please state when you left the Bureau: -
If you answered question 1 with yes, please state why did left the Bureau: -
If you answered question 1 with yes, please state your former rank: -
If you answered question 1 with yes, please provide evidence of your stated rank (screenshots, etc): -
Are you a SAPA or PC member: no

What is roleplaying: Roleplaying is basically when you try to do real life scenarios
What is deathmatching: Killing people for no reason
State three server rules (F1): Excessive abuse will be penalized, no cheating, no dm random people for no reason
Are you allowed to deathmatch: Not for no reason

What are your English skills out of 1 to 10: 10/10
What are your driving skills out of 1 to 10: 9/10
What are your shooting skills out of 1 to 10: 7/10
What are your role-play skills out of 1 to 10: 7/10
What are your strengths: When i chase a criminal i will always be on his tail ( almost always :) )
What are your weaknesses: Gangs , snipers , fast cars that criminals have

Scenario One:
You are the agent-in-charge of a patrol unit which includes you and two other agents. You are informed of an ongoing store robbery and there are no other units available for back up. How would you successfully resolve the store robbery.
EXPLAIN HERE: We would talk to the criminals and get them to put their guns down and move in and place them into custody.

Scenario Two:
You are the leader of an assault on a suspected criminal base being used for drug distribution. You are in charge of an assault team (armed with M4s and combat shotguns), a backup team (armed with M4s and combat shotguns) and a recon team (armed with sniper rifles).

The fence around the base is protected by four armed criminals. Inside the base, there are a further three armed criminals. How would you secure the base?
EXPLAIN HERE: We would surround the area and move in.

Scenario Three:
An armed FBI Unit is called to a hostage situation to a building nearby to the Los Santos Police Department. Two criminals had attempted to rob a fast food restaurant but police had arrived during the robbery.
As a result, they have taken an old woman hostage and are barricaded inside. The two-armed criminals are young and very nervous.
You have access to the same squads as in scenario two. How would you diffuse/ deal with the situation?
EXPLAIN HERE: Send some guys over to the robbery scene and call for more backup over radio. Put 2 snipers on the roof 2 guys with 2 armored cars blocking the road 1 helicopter searching the area and the rest will rush to the store and snipers will cover them from the bad guys :) that s how i ll deal with a robbery :)

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U.S. Department of Justice
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Office of the Executive
San Andreas, 716-000

@2antisociali said in FBI- Federal Bureau of Investigation:

Name: Robert
Account Name:2antisociali

@MxE said in FBI- Federal Bureau of Investigation:

Name: Gabriel
Account Name: MxE

We have decided not to proceed with your applications due to several reasons. Both of the application goes DENIED. You may re-apply in 2 weeks from today if still interested.

Matthews, Special Agent in Charge

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  • 2 weeks later...

Name: Berkan
Account Name: berkanplb
Nationality: Dutch/Turkish
Primary Language: English
Other Languages you speak: only Dutch/Turkish/English

How long have you been playing MTA: 7 years
How long have you been playing SAES: I guess around 6 years
Do you have a ProCop diploma? If no, please specify why: I had no time for that, was busy with real-life stuff
Previous G/S/C memberships and why you left: S~D, AA, TST, NNB, ThC, STF
S~D: Closed
AA: Decided to join copside.
TST: I got kicked for some invalid reason
NNB: I got blacklisted, cause we decided to open S~D
ThC: Left to join copside.
STF: Closed
Why do you wish to join the FBI: Cause I have a cousin in FBI, he told me to join copside, and he told me to join FBI since he has a lot of fun in FBI
Why should we accept you: I am good as being a cop, got a good teamwork/communication around the community, I am friendly guy, also a good player.
Previous bans or admin jails: I got banned once, there was a jail in FC and we found a bug to escape with NRG, but that's some years ago

Are you a former FBI member: Nope, I failed the test some years ago.
If you answered question 1 with yes, please state when you left the Bureau: N/A
If you answered question 1 with yes, please state why did left the Bureau: N/A
If you answered question 1 with yes, please state your former rank: N/A
If you answered question 1 with yes, please provide evidence of your stated rank (screenshots, etc): N/A
Are you a SAPA or PC member: N/A

What is roleplaying: Acting like in real life.
What is deathmatching: Killing someone without any reason.
State three server rules (F1): No DM, No abuses no cheats, No avoid arrest.
Are you allowed to deathmatch: Of course not, it's against the rules.

What are your English skills out of 1 to 10: 7/10
What are your driving skills out of 1 to 10: 9/10
What are your shooting skills out of 1 to 10: 10/10
What are your role-play skills out of 1 to 10: 6/10
What are your strengths: Shooting.
What are your weaknesses: Parajumping

Scenario One:
You are the agent-in-charge of a patrol unit which includes you and two other agents. You are informed of an ongoing store robbery and there are no other units available for back up. How would you successfully resolve the store robbery.
EXPLAIN HERE: What I should do is, is trying to get some information about the robbers, securing the area would be also good, and if I can't do it alone I would ask radio to get some plans from them

Scenario Two:
You are the leader of an assault on a suspected criminal base being used for drug distribution. You are in charge of an assault team (armed with M4s and combat shotguns), a backup team (armed with M4s and combat shotguns) and a recon team (armed with sniper rifles).
The fence around the base is protected by four armed criminals. Inside the base, there are a further three armed criminals. How would you secure the base?
EXPLAIN HERE: I would put the recon team on the roof, they can take the criminals down from high ground, assault team should stay ready to attack the criminals from ground, the back-up team should stay alert to help the assault team in case they die

Scenario Three:
An armed FBI Unit is called to a hostage situation to a building nearby to the Los Santos Police Department. Two criminals had attempted to rob a fast food restaurant but police had arrived during the robbery.
As a result, they have taken an old woman hostage and are barricaded inside. The two-armed criminals are young and very nervous.
You have access to the same squads as in scenario two. How would you diffuse/ deal with the situation?
EXPLAIN HERE: I would put the recon team on roofs again, I wouldn't rush, I would communicate with them first, I would go alone if they don't listen to the orders, and wait on the good moment to take them down

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U.S. Department of Justice
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Office of the Executive
San Andreas, 757-000


We've decided to proceed with your application to the next stage, which is pending. In the meantime, hang with us, jump in our patrols, show yourself worthy enough and expect to be tested in upcoming days.


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Name: Bar Tezel
Account Name:baristezgel2
Nationality: Turkish
Primary Language: Turkish
Other Languages you speak: English

How long have you been playing MTA: For about 4 years
How long have you been playing SAES: RPG: Same as the question above. I started playing on SAES right after I found about MTA
Do you have a ProCop diploma? If no, please specify why: No I don't. Because, I've always been in squads or gangs since I joined the server so I didn't really have a reason to get a diploma. But, I'm planning on getting it pretty soon
Previous G/S/C memberships and why you left:
CDC - The overall activity of the gang was not really good. Timezone differences made it hard for me to join group activities
TT - I felt like making a change and joining up with another friend in a different gang
B~B - I was bored of criminal side because that's what I've been doing since I joined the server
FOX - The squad management was awfull, HQ's and above kept punishing members for no good reason so I was quite bothered about it
Why do you wish to join the FBI: I'd like to join FBI because FBI is one of the oldest squads in the history of SAES. I've tried FOX before this one and as I stated above it didn't really end well.
Now, I'm looking to take place in a professional and rooted organisation. Therefore, I think FBI will be the perfect fit for me at this moment. Apart from that I really think FBI is cool. It is not
a lie that the squad was a bit inactive but after Kain the squad has risen up to its feet once again. So I want to join and help FBI protect it's reputation while enjoying my time with the new people
I'm going to meet there.
Why should we accept you: Because I'm experienced, I've been playing since 2014 and I've learned a lot about cop side while I was a criminal.About 4 months ago, When I left B~B and joined FOX, I added more knowledge to
myself and I can easily say I'm a '' pro '' cop if you know what I mean. Anyways, I'm active and dedicated to police duties which'll improve the activity of FBI and make us more efficient among other squads. That is basically
why I think I should be chosen.
Previous bans or admin jails:

I've received a ban because I got in an argument with 2 other Turkish because they were acting like dickheads and that really frustrated me. The admin was strict so he banned me.
I've received one admin jail because I ran over a person with my vehicle. They were so convinced that it was a DM act so they banned me, which I think was pretty unfair.
Other than those above, I've received 1 or 2 more admin jails in the past when I was still in the process of learning the game. Nobody is flawless and I can assure you I'm over that now.

Are you a former FBI member: No.
If you answered question 1 with yes, please state when you left the Bureau: N/A
If you answered question 1 with yes, please state why did left the Bureau: N/A
If you answered question 1 with yes, please state your former rank:N/A
If you answered question 1 with yes, please provide evidence of your stated rank (screenshots, etc): N/A
Are you a SAPA or PC member: N/A

What is roleplaying: Roleplaying is, acting a person in real life while taking emotions etc into consediration.
What is deathmatching: DM is damaging someone or their property for no good reason
State three server rules (F1):
-Abusing is punishable
-No DM'ing
-No marker arrest
Are you allowed to deathmatch: No.

What are your English skills out of 1 to 10: 6/10
What are your driving skills out of 1 to 10: 9/10
What are your shooting skills out of 1 to 10: 8/10
What are your role-play skills out of 1 to 10: 5/10
What are your strengths: I have general knowledge of the GTA map, I am dedicated and I arrest people like crazy, I can drive and shoot real good. I'm really good at using taser so I can arrest people effectively.
What are your weaknesses: I'm not really into RPing so I think that may be a weakness, other than that I can get annoyed easily. Other than that I'm a pretty friendly guy.

Scenario One:
You are the agent-in-charge of a patrol unit which includes you and two other agents. You are informed of an ongoing store robbery and there are no other units available for back up. How would you successfully resolve the store robbery.
EXPLAIN HERE: First, I'd try to connect with other squads in the server. If I can get a backup from them it'd make it so much easier. But since we can not get any backup what I'd do is;
I'd set one of the agents at a rooftop with a sniper while the other agent and I sneak up on the robbery place. The sniper can take down known professional criminals who're good at combat and send them do the hospital while we go in sneaky stlye
and try to arrest the criminals. Another tactic for the sneaking in would be using parachutes. The sniper can attarct attenion and while the crims are trying to deal with the sniper we can parachute in and use the element of surprise to stop the robbery.

Scenario Two:
You are the leader of an assault on a suspected criminal base being used for drug distribution. You are in charge of an assault team (armed with M4s and combat shotguns), a backup team (armed with M4s and combat shotguns) and a recon team (armed with sniper rifles).

The fence around the base is protected by four armed criminals. Inside the base, there are a further three armed criminals. How would you secure the base?
EXPLAIN HERE: First I'd recon the base and set a good spot for my sniper team. After getting them into position I'd like to learn about the positions of the criminals that are inside the compound. After I get provided with the information
I'd stack the assault team near the enterance of the compound while i set the backup team for either a parachute enterance ( if the base allows it ) or I'd find them another spot to breach in so we can cover more angle on the criminals that are
inside. After everything is set, I'd order the recon team to take down the suspects at the enterance and move in with the assault team while I order the backup team to breach or parachute in from a different angle. Take the criminials that are inside to gun-point.

Scenario Three:
An armed FBI Unit is called to a hostage situation to a building nearby to the Los Santos Police Department. Two criminals had attempted to rob a fast food restaurant but police had arrived during the robbery.
As a result, they have taken an old woman hostage and are barricaded inside. The two-armed criminals are young and very nervous.
You have access to the same squads as in scenario two. How would you diffuse/ deal with the situation?
EXPLAIN HERE: I'd set my recon team at a position where they can take a clear shot and neutralize the subjects. Then I'd set both of my attack and backup team in the enterance if something goes wrong. Then I'd step in to negotiate with the young lads since they
seem worried. I can easily offer them a way out with a ransom or even get them to surrender. While I try to negotiate I'd have all teams ready and as I said if things go wrong I'd first give the recon team permission to take their shots if they have a clear angle. If not, I'd breach the building with smoke and flash granades.

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Name: Abdullau
Account Name: Mor
Nationality: Suadi
Age: 14
Primary Language: English
Other Languages you speak: English & ARIBA


How long have you been playing MTA: 4 Years
How long have you been playing SAES: RPG: 2 Months but inactive and now back.
Do you have a ProCop diploma? If no, please specify why: I don't have it. I think it's not really necessary since I know basics and I am an experienced MTA player and I have been connected to some other CnR servers which makes me an experienced player.
Previous G/S/C memberships and why you left THIS MUST BE IN DEPTH OR RISK DENIAL: N/A
Why do you wish to join the FBI: I would like to represent FBI with my kindness and leading skills. I have some new friends from FBI and I want to learn everything from them. I am not a troublemaker so I guess I will easily adapt to the group and it's members.
Why should we accept you: I am a very kind and experienced player. I respect everyone's opinion and I am helpful. I love to patrol with FBI members and I can be a part of the FBI without any doubts.
Previous bans or admin jails THIS MUST BE IN DEPTH OR RISK DENIAL: N/A


Are you a former FBI member: N/A
If you answered question 1 with yes, please state when you left the Bureau: N/A
If you answered question 1 with yes, please state why did left the Bureau: N/A
If you answered question 1 with yes, please state your former rank: N/A
If you answered question 1 with yes, please provide evidence of your stated rank (screenshots, etc): N/A


What is roleplaying: Roleplaying is something that you must do stuff like you are in real life. You must act on purpose of your job or occupation. In order to do roleplaying, you need one more player. You can simply use animations in order to make it better.
What is deathmatching: Deathmatching is an action which can be provided by 2 or more people. You can either use your weapons and kill them or just kill them via ramming etc.
Tell us three server rules (F1):

Impersonating someone or a group is forbidden.

Cheats and trainers aren't allowed.

DeathMatching is not allowed.

Are you allowed to deathmatch: No.


What are your English skills out of 1 to 10: 9/10
What are your driving skills out of 1 to 10: 8/10
What are your shooting skills out of 1 to 10: 8/10
What are your role-play skills out of 1 to 10: 9/10
What are your strengths: Active, Good driver.
What are your weaknesses: Lag, fps , insults

Thanks, for Reading my application!

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Name: RadiO
Account Name: oussama88
Nationality: Tunisian
Primary Language: Arabic
Other Languages you speak: English, French, and some Spanish

How long have you been playing MTA: Since 2015
How long have you been playing SAES: RPG: Since 2015 but I've been inactive for so long and I've back from like 1 year
Do you have a ProCop diploma? If no, please specify why: No, the FBI will be my first step in being a good cop so I hope that I'll get it while being a part of the FBI.
Previous G/S/C memberships and why you left: Recently, I was a part of MMC and I left because I'm joining the cop side.
Why do you wish to join the FBI: FBI is one of the oldest and respected squads on SAES, that's why I'm here today trying to be a part of it.
Why should we accept you: I'm not going to say that you should accept me, but I think I have the required skills to full fill the job.
Previous bans or admin jails: I have been banned back in the days for multi-accounting when I was newbie, some admin jails like anyone else, but lately I'm clear.

Are you a former FBI member: No.
If you answered question 1 with yes, please state when you left the Bureau: -
If you answered question 1 with yes, please state why did left the Bureau: -
If you answered question 1 with yes, please state your former rank: -
If you answered question 1 with yes, please provide evidence of your stated rank (screenshots, etc): -
Are you a SAPA or PC member: No.

What is roleplaying: Roleplaying is putting real-life scenarios into a video game or just acting as you're a character that has a specified job he has to do.
What is deathmatching: Deathmatch is the act of aimlessly shooting/killing/damaging a person or his vehicle using weapons. It further includes Revenge killing out of personal prejudice or other causes.
State three server rules (F1): Speak English on the main chat / Respect other players and Clan members / Cheating/Abusing aren't allowed and you might get banned for doing any.
Are you allowed to deathmatch: Nope.

What are your English skills out of 1 to 10: 7/10
What are your driving skills out of 1 to 10: 8/10
What are your shooting skills out of 1 to 10: 7/10
What are your role-play skills out of 1 to 10: 7/10
What are your strengths: Working with people very well in a way where I use the strengths of each individual in a team to produce the best results because of my easy-going personality.
What are your weaknesses: I believe that everyone has some weaknesses but not sure if I have any.

Scenario One:
You are the agent-in-charge of a patrol unit which includes you and two other agents. You are informed of an ongoing store robbery and there are no other units available for back up. How would you successfully resolve the store robbery?
EXPLAIN HERE: Well, we will try to do it on our own, there are two easy methods. First, it to attract the criminals attention with something else which will be a bit far away from the SR, f.e, an agent sniping from a rooftop, while the other goes from the back to the top of the SR and arrest the rest. Else, we still can skydive it but the sniper still needed to attract their attention.

Scenario Two:
You are the leader of an assault on a suspected criminal base being used for drug distribution. You are in charge of an assault team (armed with M4s and combat shotguns), a backup team (armed with M4s and combat shotguns) and a recon team (armed with sniper rifles).

The fence around the base is protected by four armed criminals. Inside the base, there are a further three armed criminals. How would you secure the base?
EXPLAIN HERE: Recon the base will be the first step, giving good spots to the sniper team to cover it from nearby rooftops, I'll try to make them get any possible pieces of information about the criminals and their spots, second, Assault team, will use flashbangs to rush and eliminate criminals at the entrance ofc while using Armors and Helmets. Backup Team can use parachutes to skydive the base as the recon team will clear the roofs if it's not possible to go in from the roof they might use the FBI Enforcer to break the wall or maybe bombs if it's available.

Scenario Three:
An armed FBI Unit is called to a hostage situation to a building nearby to the Los Santos Police Department. Two criminals had attempted to rob a fast-food restaurant but police had arrived during the robbery.
As a result, they have taken an old woman hostage and are barricaded inside. The two-armed criminals are young and very nervous.
You have access to the same squads as in scenario two. How would you diffuse/ deal with the situation?
EXPLAIN HERE: Well, we will try to solve it with fewer losses, like if they are robbing, that's means they require money, we will send one of our agents to go inside, without any weapons and equipment. He will try to talk with them and make them free the old woman, if they will accept, he will come to get out and take a briefcase with money inside it and ofc a GPS tracker, after they' ll think that they did it and got their money, Assault team will follow them and catch them where they are hiding they might find the other people and it might be a big criminals organization. ( i saw this on MBC2 like 3 years ago not sure if it still works like that nowadays )

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U.S. Department of Justice
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Office of the Executive
San Andreas, 757-000


Nicely written application overall, you have been already taken in discussion. At the end, we've decided to proceed with you to the next stage, where you receive entry test and interview. Since that was already taken care of, nothing else to say but congratulations. Since you have passed entry tests, your application has been accepted.


You have already been caught joking about your age in the past, you have been also told not to re-apply again. Yet, you still did that. Anyway, we don't think you could fit in FBI, therefore we have decided to deny your application and not proceed with you. That means you are denied. You may re-apply again, once you fix yourself, if it's possible (that can be February, 2020).


We have witnessed your punishment in game recently, and that affected us the most while discussing about you. Therefore, we have decided to not proceed with you. Your application goes denied. If you are still interested in becoming FBI Agent, I advise you to avoid getting involved into rulebreaking, and you may re-apply in 1 week.


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Name: Dragula
Account Name: alfmeister
Nationality: Tunisien
Primary Language: Arabic
Other Languages you speak: English - French

How long have you been playing MTA:
4 months
How long have you been playing SAES: RPG: 4 months
Do you have a ProCop diploma? If no, please specify why: No, because SAPA doesnt give PC anymore and i need to be in a squad for more than a month get PC
Previous G/S/C memberships and why you left: N/A
Why do you wish to join the FBI: Because i love it role and it reputqtion also its one of the oldest and most respected squads on the server

Why should we accept you: Because i can offer my respect, my trust, my skills, my courage and my honesty. And, i try to help anyone.
Previous bans or admin jails: I got few adminjails when i was newbie for deathmatching but i've learned from that.

Are you a former FBI member:
If you answered question 1 with yes, please state when you left the Bureau:
If you answered question 1 with yes, please state why did left the Bureau:
If you answered question 1 with yes, please state your former rank:
If you answered question 1 with yes, please provide evidence of your stated rank (screenshots, etc):

Are you a SAPA or PC member: No

What is roleplaying:
RolePlay or RP means that you have to act like in real life by following their acts and rules.
What is deathmatching: DeathMatch or DM means killing a person without any reason and it's for sure not allowed but you can DM if you have a proper reason such as ''JB,BR,SR..''
State three server rules (F1):

  • Do not multi-accounting

  • Do not abusing

  • Do not deathmatch

Are you allowed to deathmatch: No

What are your English skills out of 1 to 10:
What are your driving skills out of 1 to 10: 8/10
What are your shooting skills out of 1 to 10: 5/10
What are your role-play skills out of 1 to 10: 5/10
What are your strengths: Driving, teamworking, listening and aplying orders
What are your weaknesses: Roleplaying and shooting

Scenario One:
You are the agent-in-charge of a patrol unit which includes you and two other agents. You are informed of an ongoing store robbery and there are no other units available for back up. How would you successfully resolve the store robbery.


  • I'd rather use an airforce f.e. use a helicopter and we parashut on the roof of SR or go on diffirent high points and snipe down all the criminals .

Scenario Two:
You are the leader of an assault on a suspected criminal base being used for drug distribution. You are in charge of an assault team (armed with M4s and combat shotguns), a backup team (armed with M4s and combat shotguns) and a recon team (armed with sniper rifles).

The fence around the base is protected by four armed criminals. Inside the base, there are a further three armed criminals. How would you secure the base?


  • I'd send the recon team to handle the security on the fence then i will push toward with assault unites and try to reach the place where the distribution is and if we will meet something unexpected i would call back up unites

Scenario Three:
An armed FBI Unit is called to a hostage situation to a building nearby to the Los Santos Police Department. Two criminals had attempted to rob a fast food restaurant but police had arrived during the robbery.
As a result, they have taken an old woman hostage and are barricaded inside. The two-armed criminals are young and very nervous.
You have access to the same squads as in scenario two. How would you diffuse/ deal with the situation?

  • I'd rather trade them their freedom for leaving this old woman then we chase them and if that fails and they dont agree i will give an order to the reacon team to shoot them down after giving them few more warnings

^[''Fidelity, Bravery, Integrity'']

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Account Name:wissou
Primary Language:Arabic
Other Languages you speak:English,Frensh,Turk


  • How long have you been playing MTA: since 8years
    How long have you been playing SAES: RPG: 4-5 years
    Do you have a ProCop diploma? If no, please specify why: No, i am working for it
    Previous G/S/C memberships and why you left:
    -3[Rebel][ILeft Because Ihave some problems with the VL]
    -5[CDC][ILeft it Because It was an inactive gang,no turfs no br's...]
    -6[ICE][ILeft Because iwant join TST
    -7[TST][ILeft Because iwant to start new life with criminal...]

Why do you wish to join the FBI: It's my opportunity to find a place to consider as a family and prove my loyalty as well, FBI suits perfectly with my expectation of a perfect police squad.
Why should we accept you:I've been playing this game for a long time.I know the map well. I'm pretty good at driving, aiming and acting. I can help the squad as much as I can.
Previous bans or admin jails: N/A

Are you a former FBI member: No
If you answered question 1 with yes, please state when you left the Bureau: N/A
If you answered question 1 with yes, please state why did left the Bureau
: N/A
If you answered question 1 with yes, please state your former rank: N/A
If you answered question 1 with yes, please provide evidence of your stated rank (screenshots, etc): N/A
Are you a SAPA or PC member: No, as i said above i am trying to join the academy

What is roleplaying: Roleplay is mainly acting and suiting your own charracter's role in-game and to detailing it with ingame commands f.e /me and /do. and realizing all that things as possible as can how it is in real-life.
What is deathmatching: Most of the deat-matching situtations are the exceptional on theese days. So, i would like decide it by putting it to understandable line if that player's anwers very truthful enough and i'd leave him sincerely, But if i cannot explain and he tryes to prove himself as right, can report him to the staff sincerely too.
State three server rules (F1) :
Dont Avoid Arrest
Dont Dm
Dont MultiAccounting
Are you allowed to deathmatch: No

What are your English skills out of 1 to 10: 7.5/10
What are your driving skills out of 1 to 10: 7/10
What are your shooting skills out of 1 to 10: 9/10
What are your role-play skills out of 1 to 10: 7/10
What are your strengths: Teamwork,Driving,Shooting,Parachuting
What are your weaknesses:I would say my biggest weakness is my actions in the past, which has gotten me nothing but a lot of hate, and a lot of proving to do.
Scenario One: You are the agent-in-charge of a patrol unit which includes you and two other agents. You are informed of an ongoing store robbery and there are no other units available for back up. How would you successfully resolve the store robbery.
The first thing we do is attract their attention by placing a person on the roof as a sniper and bring a fan and leave the radio line open when we give a signal to the sniper to fire his weapon to attract the attention of criminals and thus take advantage of the opportunity and jump my colleague and me to go astray over the store.
Scenario Two: You are the leader of an assault on a suspected criminal base being used for drug distribution. You are in charge of an assault team (armed with M4s and combat shotguns), a backup team (armed with M4s and combat shotguns) and a recon team (armed with sniper rifles). The fence around the base is protected by four armed criminals. Inside the base, there are a further three armed criminals. How would you secure the base?
EXPLAIN HERE: The first thing we will do is divide the team into two teams, then we will secretly surround the place and send a civilian-shaped agent to buy them scraps so that we can verify the communication. Bullets and the head of the armed team, killing everyone who moves, and so the mission is done
Scenario Three: An armed FBI Unit is called to a hostage situation to a building nearby to the Los Santos Police Department. Two criminals had attempted to rob a fast food restaurant but police had arrived during the robbery. As a result, they have taken an old woman hostage and are barricaded inside. The two-armed criminals are young and very nervous. You have access to the same squads as in scenario two. How would you diffuse/ deal with the situation?
EXPLAIN HERE: Well the first thing we do as usual is to divide the team into two teams and we surround the place so that we may find another entrance for us to enter from (and this is the task of the second team). From him, throwing the waste, the team enters, and at the commander's signal the criminals are fired with rubber bullets

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Account Name:MarwinL
Primary Language:Bulgarian
Other Languages you speak:English, a thing or two in Spanish

How long have you been playing MTA: I started playing MTA around 2012-2013, i can't tell exactly when.
How long have you been playing SAES: RPG: I heard about SAES from a friend and started playing on it in the autumn of 2013.
Do you have a ProCop diploma? If no, please specify why: No, i do not have since i spend 95% on SAES playing as a criminal.
Previous G/S/C memberships and why you left: I won't specify any unofficial gangs so only SoA. I left SoA in 2015, because back then I was going inactive for quite a while.
Why do you wish to join the FBI: I've never thought about the "cop life", but in the last couple of days i experience probably the most friendly attitude towards me since I joined SAES and it was right from you, FBI.
Why should we accept you: Even though I'm not the "best" cop, I think I am qualified enough both in skills, game knowledge and I can surely state that I am mature enough. I bring positivity everywhere and I am very sociable. I always try to help others by any means necessary.
Previous bans or admin jails:

Are you a former FBI member: No, I am not.
If you answered question 1 with yes, please state when you left the Bureau:
If you answered question 1 with yes, please state why did left the Bureau:
If you answered question 1 with yes, please state your former rank:
If you answered question 1 with yes, please provide evidence of your stated rank (screenshots, etc):
Are you a SAPA or PC member: As i stated above, no.

What is roleplaying: Not only playing the game with a desired character of yours, but getting in his shoes. From being a truck driver who drives all the way from one country to other to deliever for example vegetables, sometimes illegaly transporting immigrants or drugs and all that stuff. Roleplay is not for everybody, because it requires deep understanding of the whole purpose behind their character.
What is deathmatching: Basicly griefing (killing someone, or taking them to 1hp, destroying their car, bike etc. . All in one, DeathMatching can be interpreted in many ways, but the most simple one for me is killing someone or demolishing their vehicle without any reason behind it, even with a reason you are not allowed to.
State three server rules (F1): Deathmatching is ALWAYS punished, English must be the only language seen in the main chat and abusive language towards everybody is punishable.
Are you allowed to deathmatch: No, and taking revenge is the same as deathmatching.

What are your English skills out of 1 to 10: 9/10
What are your driving skills out of 1 to 10: 9/10
What are your shooting skills out of 1 to 10: Here depends on which weapon I am using. I mostly use the Combat Shotgun, Sniper Rifle, M4A1 and the Desert eagle. I can say that I am pretty bad with the sawed off. I can say that I am decently good with the rest of the SMG's and Rifles.
What are your role-play skills out of 1 to 10: 10/10
What are your strengths: Driving, Being patient and not rushing things too much, Leadership
What are your weaknesses: Doing anything under adrenaline rush or too much pressure.

Scenario One:
You are the agent-in-charge of a patrol unit which includes you and two other agents. You are informed of an ongoing store robbery and there are no other units available for back up. How would you successfully resolve the store robbery.
EXPLAIN HERE: Firstly as the agent-in-charge I will dispatch one of the officers/agents to scout the area as soon as possible. Once he gathers enough information again as the agent-in-charge, I'll keep my distance with the Sniper Rifle, tell the two officers/agents to rush in while I'm covering them from distance with the rifle.

Scenario Two:
You are the leader of an assault on a suspected criminal base being used for drug distribution. You are in charge of an assault team (armed with M4s and combat shotguns), a backup team (armed with M4s and combat shotguns) and a recon team (armed with sniper rifles).

The fence around the base is protected by four armed criminals. Inside the base, there are a further three armed criminals. How would you secure the base?
EXPLAIN HERE: Firstly I will tell the first two assault team to take position, but not rush until i give them my command. I will tell the Sniper Rifle team to start shooting the fence area which is covered by the first wave of criminals. It won't matter if our sniper team manages to kill them or not as long as they get distracted. Once i decide it's the time I will immediately command the first two assault teams to rush in and take the are by storm.

Scenario Three:
An armed FBI Unit is called to a hostage situation to a building nearby to the Los Santos Police Department. Two criminals had attempted to rob a fast food restaurant but police had arrived during the robbery.
As a result, they have taken an old woman hostage and are barricaded inside. The two-armed criminals are young and very nervous.
You have access to the same squads as in scenario two. How would you diffuse/ deal with the situation?
EXPLAIN HERE: Rescuing the old lady is a must and the biggest priority in this situation. Since i have access to the same teams as in scenario two, I will tell the sniper teams to take position again. Since they are young, they will most likely value their freedom instead of being in jail. I will tell the two criminals that I am getting inside the store unarmed, ready to speak to them, but have at least two officers right behind me who will sneak into the store unseen. So now i have both the officers inside the store and two snipers outside who have taken position. There are two outcomes: First one - They surrender and leave the old lady. Second one - Once they point their guns towards me, they will be shot immedeatly.

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Account Name:Lordgork.
Primary Language:Romanian
Other Languages you speak:English,Romanian,Italian.


How long have you been playing MTA: since 12years.
How long have you been playing SAES: RPG: 4 years.
Do you have a ProCop diploma? If no, please specify why: no, ijust unblocked the jb guardian trainer.
Previous G/S/C memberships and why you left: no one previous G/S/C.

Why do you wish to join the FBI: because one of your member invites me to join.
Why should we accept you:because, i am a good cop.
Previous bans or admin jails: no Previous bans or admin jails

Are you a former FBI member: No
If you answered question 1 with yes, please state when you left the Bureau: N/A
If you answered question 1 with yes, please state why did left the Bureau: N/A
If you answered question 1 with yes, please state your former rank: N/A
If you answered question 1 with yes, please provide evidence of your stated rank (screenshots, etc): N/A
Are you a SAPA or PC member: N/A

What is roleplaying:Roleplay is play a game like real life.
What is deathmatching:Deathmatching is whean many player shots oponends is a ffa.
State three server rules (F1) :
Dont Avoid Arrest
Dont Dm
Dont MultiAccounting
Are you allowed to deathmatch: No

What are your English skills out of 1 to 10: 9/10
What are your driving skills out of 1 to 10: 8.6/10
What are your shooting skills out of 1 to 10: 10/10
What are your role-play skills out of 1 to 10: 10/10
What are your strengths: Shooting and cooperating.
What are your weaknesses:Sometimes i dirft to hard with the car .
Scenario One: You are the agent-in-charge of a patrol unit which includes you and two other agents. You are informed of an ongoing store robbery and there are no other units available for back up. How would you successfully resolve the store robbery.
i gonna to hide in some place nearst to store and i sniping it.
Scenario Two: You are the leader of an assault on a suspected criminal base being used for drug distribution. You are in charge of an assault team (armed with M4s and combat shotguns), a backup team (armed with M4s and combat shotguns) and a recon team (armed with sniper rifles). The fence around the base is protected by four armed criminals. Inside the base, there are a further three armed criminals. How would you secure the base?
EXPLAIN HERE: Easy i will divede the team in 2 parts, first team with m4 go on front and kill every enemy in outside second time go inside an kil rest enemy.
Scenario Three: An armed FBI Unit is called to a hostage situation to a building nearby to the Los Santos Police Department. Two criminals had attempted to rob a fast food restaurant but police had arrived during the robbery. As a result, they have taken an old woman hostage and are barricaded inside. The two-armed criminals are young and very nervous. You have access to the same squads as in scenario two. How would you diffuse/ deal with the situation?
EXPLAIN HERE: I divide the team in 2 parts, first team will block every exit second team will fire, at same time, the enemy head.

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Personal Information
Name: Klay
Account Name: bendhiab
Nationality: tunisian
Age: 20
Primary Language: arabic
Other Languages you speak: english and french

In-Game Information
How long have you been playing MTA: 3 years.
How long have you been playing SAES: RPG: 3 years.
Do you have a ProCop diploma?: No,I don't have PC
Previous G/S/C memberships and why you left::
ICE: I wanted to gain more experience.
OC: I didn't feel well there so I left.
Rebel:they were so inactive.
Vec: I left one week before it has been active.

Why do you wish to join the FBI: I want to join FBI because of one main reason that their memebers are really skilled and I want so much to gain experience from them,during the periode that i been with them they showed me all the respect .
If you have been previous banned, link your ban appeals: yes long time ago , when I first started playing. I can't find the topic cause it has been really long time .

General Knowledge
Define roleplaying: roleplaying is to act like you are facing the situation in real life ,you have to live the role like you are living it.
Define deathmatching: deathmatching is to kill someone for no reason or for revange.
State three server rules (F1): every player is allowed to have only one account.
do never avoide arrest when you are being chased.
do not marker arrest or marker kill

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U.S. Department of Justice
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Office of the Executive
San Andreas, 757-000

@alfmeister - Dragula

We're still unsure about you, therefore we're setting you under review. In meantime, prove yourself worthy joining FBI, play more as cop and definitely less as criminal. Expect final answer in few days.


Your application has been proceeded to the next stage, where you take entry test in order to join us. You passed the tests and that mean's you are accepted.


We have already decided to proceed with your application, you have also been given an entry tests and passed them. You're accepted. Welcome aboard.


We have decided not to proceed with your application due to lack of general knowledge. You are denied. You may re-apply again in 2 weeks, if still interested.


Your application has been proceeded to the next stage, where you take entry test in order to join us. You passed the tests and that mean's you are accepted.


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U.S. Department of Justice
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Office of the Executive
San Andreas, 757-000

@alfmeister After further review, application is denied due to lack of experience and proficiency in English language. We recommend You to get more experience before re-applying. You may want to apply for SAPA and get more experience as a police officer.

On behalf of FBI HQ.

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Personal Information
Name: Reus
Account Name: Karamani
Nationality: Tunisia
Age: 17
Primary Language: Arabic.
Other Languages you speak: Frensh & English

In-Game Information
How long have you been playing MTA: 3years
How long have you been playing SAES: RPG: I started on 2017
Do you have a ProCop diploma?: I don't have diploma but im Good cop.
Previous G/S/C memberships and why you left:
Gangs:-MI-6: I left cause there is a lot of inactive members also little activity

-ICE: I decided to left the cop side forever and join criminal life for some activity.

-UE: I have kicked because I did avoid arrest.

-BBMC: I left because of disrespectful Members.

-CDC: I left because there was a member who bugged the safes on bank robbery and HQs though it's me I got warning So I decided to leave also I have screens about this member who bugged them.

-UE: I left Because I did fight with member and you cant do IC with (Z-O) I was bored and I decided to Join OC.
OC: I have been kicked for telling some helper how much Votes he had .
ThC: I left to help Clandistine MOB
C: I left Clandistine to join FBI (Back to cop life)
Why do you wish to join the FBI: I want to join FBI cause its active squad and stong also the members are helpful and i have a lot freinds there and after a long period playing as crim i decided to join FBI.
If you have been previous banned, link your ban appeals: No i Didn't.

General Knowledge
Define roleplaying: Roleplay means RP is Roleplay and its when you act like doing somthing in real life/ for an exemple stopping a criminal and u want to deal with him / do /talk or think like real life.
Define deathmatching: Death matching when u kill some one whithout reason or some one he had 0 stars
even dming his car.
State three server rules (F1):
-Respect every one
-Don't deathmatch
-Do not marker arrest/park arrest.

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Personal Information
Account Name:xxxtriple
Age:18 soon 19
Primary Language:Arabic
Other Languages you speak:Frensh,English also i speak a bit italian

In-Game Information
How long have you been playing MTA:i started playing on august 2019
How long have you been playing SAES: RPG:on august 2019
Do you have a ProCop diploma?:No
Previous G/S/C memberships and why you left: -OC: i left cause i had an issue with the leader
-UE: it was all good there i wanted to create my own gang
TBD: died
Z: i wanted to finish my saes career there, but being a gang membre and DE at the same time is a pain in the ass i can explain more ingame if it's needed
Why do you wish to join the FBI:Well, i see FBI as the best squad in SAES i even like it irl despite that being an fbi agent would be such a great pleasure so i really wants to be one of you
If you have been previous banned, link your ban appeals:nope

General Knowledge
Define roleplaying:Roleplaying is to act a personality like in the real life
Define deathmatching: Deathmatching is killing or damaging a player or even a vehicule without any reason
State three server rules (F1): -Dont abuse
-Respect every player ingame
-Dont deathmatch

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