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SAES Inactive
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Everything posted by Licano

  1. Sorted. And: https://archive.saesrpg.uk/staff here you can find the list of all SAES members (at least before the news one came)
  2. Hi @xDarkMan . I'm pleasured to notify you that your application (although it was poor) is under review in this moment. In order to move on with your application, please take 10 photographs of whatever you want and send it to any of the HQ's via discord. Also, join our discord channel.
  3. Sorted.
  4. Hi @dub1step ! I'm sad to inform you this property isn't inactive yet. It will be at 00:00 of August 23th. Hence I can't sort this request and you will need to create another one. Regards, Licano.
  5. Archived then. Never doubt in calling a SAHA Agent as middleman. Regards, Licano.
  6. Hi @Ramby . In order to keep this forum clean and tidy we archive every auction within 14 days, whether it has been sold or not. Feel free to create another auction if needed and never doubt in calling a SAHA Agent as middleman. Regards, Licano.
  7. Hi @FoxZilla . In order to keep this forum clean and tidy we archive every auction within 14 days, whether it has been sold or not. Feel free to create another one if needed and never doubt in calling a SAHA Agent as middleman. Regards, Licano.
  8. Hi @Ramby . In order to keep this forum clean and tidy we archive every auction within 14 days, whether it has been sold or not. Feel free to create another auction if needed and never doubt in calling a SAHA Agent as middleman. Regards, Licano.
  9. Archived then. Feel free to create another auction whenever is needed and never doubt in calling a SAHA Agent as middleman! Regards, Licano.
  10. Archived then. Feel free to create another auction and never doubt in calling a SAHA Agent as middleman! Regards, Licano.
  11. Sorted.
  12. Sorted.
  13. This property have been alredy requested.
  14. This property been alredy requested.
  15. Archived then.
  16. This property alredy was requested.
  17. This property been alredy requested.
  18. Sorted my friend.
  19. This property been alredy requested.
  20. Sorted my friend.
  21. Sorted c:
  22. Sorted, and congrats!
  23. Hi @Steve ! I'm sorry to inform you that at the time you made this request, the user wasn't still inactive. Hence, request denied.
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