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SAES Inactive
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Everything posted by Licano

  1. Hi @Hash . Since you couldn't get this request sorted within the first 48 hours after its creation, this property will be put onto a public sale.
  2. Sorted.
  3. Hi @SheraP . Please stick to the original formulary which is something like this: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/2946/inactive-whetstone . I'll make an exception since I was checking the guy account and I was able to confirm his last seen. Next time, please include it in the post. Now, since you couldn't get this request sorted within the first 48 hours after its creation, the property will be put onto a public sale. Regards, Licano.
  4. Sorted.
  5. @cappo Don't know how many times people bring up the "realistic" side of the game... This server is not based on a rp server but a rpg. There's nothing realistic about killing the cashier and getting on top of the store after killing the guy, waiting to get the money, it is just about gameplay and the impact it has among the community. However, making the SR's automatic will be good for cops, since they will get a chance of getting more money when there are not that much of criminals, also it will make people use other places to sr rather than the regular ones, etc. Isn't a big of a change, but could be interesting to see.
  6. Licano


    I'll be waiting for you old man. Take care of you and your daughter.
  7. Hi @koko . In order to keep this forum clean and tidy we archive every auction within 14 days from its creation. Feel free to create another one and never doubt in calling a SAHA Agent as middleman!
  8. Sorted. This is your second this week.
  9. Sorted.
  10. Hi @Jasser . In order to keep this forum clean and tidy we archive every auction within 14 days from its creation. Feel free to create another one and never doubt in calling a SAHA Agent as middleman! Regards, Licano.
  11. Hi @Aboody ! Since you failed in claiming this property within 48 hours after this request creation, this property will be put onto a public sale.
  12. Hi @Sw3dy ! The current owner of this property isn't inactive yet! His last log in was the September 20th from the current year. He will be inactive at October 20th from 2018.
  13. Sorted.
  14. Hi @Sw3dy this is not the right place to post your requests, instead in the future post them here. I'll move this post to the right section.
  15. Hi @Therubik . Since you were unable to get this request sorted within 48 hours after its creation, it will be put onto a public sale.
  16. Hi @Jokerulty . Since you were unable to get this request sorted within 48 hours after its creation, this property will be put onto a public sale.
  17. Hi @ItzSpicey ! Since you couldn't get this request sorted within the first 48 hours before its creation, this property will be put onto a public sale.
  18. Sorted.
  19. Hi @ziad-i . This is not the auction forum, if you wanna participate in an auction you can refer here , there you can find people willing to sell their properties and you can bid in the topics on that forum. Now, regarding @zeelinho , since you have not been able to get this request sorted within 42 hours from its creation, the house will be put onto a public sale. Regards, Licano.
  20. ^[] ^[Event: Knock me off my NRG] ^[Prize: 500k each round (3 rounds) for a total of 1.500.000 bitcoins.] ^[Winner: Rikki, FoxZilla & KristsLV] ^[Hoster: Arms Assassins] ^[Helper LWS/G6: Licano] ^[Screens: https://imgur.com/a/V05QjSi]
  21. ^[] ^[Event: LMS @ Pizza] ^[Prize: 1.500.000 of bitcoins] ^[Winner: [ThC]PerroLoco] ^[Hoster: Arms Assassins] ^[Helper LWS/G6: Licano] ^[Screens:] ::: :::
  22. The property has alredy been sold, hence, archived.
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