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Everything posted by Licano

  1. Hi there @Filex ! I'm sorry to inform you that since this request have not been sorted within 48 hours, this house will be put into a public sale! Take care! Regards, Licano.
  2. LV & SF 8/8 29/07/18 ::: ::: SF & FC Turf ::: :::
  3. In-game name: Licano Username: licano Age: 20 y/o Nationality: Colombian Previous bans/punishments: None. Why you think you would be suitable for the role: I feel like I'm suitable for the role since I'm an active member in this server, got alredy some years of experience in this game and I don't mind at all helping people needing a hand. Besides that I feel qualified to do this job. Why? Because I have some background experience in working with people and helping them with their request/needs (I study law and I've been able to deal with some things related to my profession). I want to be part of SAHA in order to help people and also getting used to attend people with their problems. Also, I consider myself as a mature guy who can handle the things and pretty sure I won't be any trouble for the people alredy working in SAHA. Regards, Camilo.
  4. Happy late birthday little pal <3
  5. ProCops? Pro-Crims! With the increasing amount of the criminality around San Andreas, the less that San Andreas residents could wait from their officers in the field is to fight for the peoples rights and enforce the law. But are our officers really interested in bringing us the peace we deserve or are they taking the law as a business? The KTNs reporter team decided to answer this question. We brought our cameras with us and some microphones to get to know the reality in San Andreas. The first place we decided to visit was the LS prison, where all those criminals you would not want near your family are supposed to be jailed. As soon as the KTNs team got near the jail, this was the first image we could capture from the jail. Nothing less than one of those gang punks outside the JAIL selling his cargo as it was completely legal! Just in front of the police department nose a random criminal can sell their merchandise as it was nothing to care about! After we were able to capture this image the criminal ran out of the scene, maybe thinking we were going to accuse him to any useful cop. The reality was very different though. KTNs team decided to get inside of the jail to get a better look at whats happening inside of it. Sadly, as soon as we tried to get inside the jail some cops did not want us inside of there, so they kicked us out, we were not even able to take some photos but one of them a meter away from the entrance. And some others as soon as we got kicked out of the establishment They did not really want us there even though we told them it was a work of reportage. Sadly, we could not accomplish the task we had on mind, but we would not give up that easily, so the KTNs team decided to keep patrolling the San Andreas streets to get more information about what was happening with the cops. The time was passing, and the team and I were not achieving our purpose in Los Santos, so we decided to move from city and see if the things went a bit better in other places. Sadly, they did not. In fact, we found something even more breathtaking. Some police officers were taking their part of the cake from a civilian cargo in the road LS LV. Apparently, they wanted some money in order to let the truckers move down the city. Then they were sharing the income between them. We couldnt continue with our task after watching this scene, we were afraid of what we could find inside the police departments of the San Andreas. This are the kind of cops we as community deserve? Are some cops taking advantage of the increasing criminality in San Andreas and using it as an excuse to get some rewards from the innocent civilians and then blaming it on the criminals? In any case, we let you do your own conclusions! What we really want to do is to make a shout out for those heroes that are still around San Andreas among this corrupt society, we need you more than ever! _ Thanks for reading, On behalf of Kool Times News, KTN NE Licano.
  6. Event type: Find @Combine & me Personal event: 1 Date: 13/07/2018 Winner/s: @koko Prize: 1 Donation vehicle Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/KSaPMwI
  7. Event: Reach the Roses Prize: 10.000.000 of bitcoins Winner(s): None. Helper LWS/G6: @M7mod Screens: ::: https://imgur.com/a/paFryzA :::
  8. That's some sad shit. Damn, take care pal. Stay c00l.
  9. Happy Birthday M7, love you my egyptian, hairy monkey <3
  10. Turfing around SF ::: https://imgur.com/a/2uPbtwB :::
  11. Part 1. Nickname: Licano Age: 20 Gender: Male Current Groups: CLO, VT, TMH, CC. Rate your english: 10 Have you ever been banned: Never, I'm a cool guy, now gimme hq. Part 2. What job are you interested in: I want to be reporter and photographer. Why are you interested in joining this division: I want to join both since I think I can do both things in a cool way and I'd be the besto friendo to work with myself (: . Why do you want to be part of KTN: Cuz I recognize a good talented group of players as soon as I see em and I want to support it. State why should we choose you over other candidates: I'm active, I consider myself as a cool guy, I think I can get interesting news.
  12. Finally! Been waiting for this long ago
  13. Rude (@Marko )
  14. Raid
  15. Will the unread feed always be full of everything that everyone's post in the forum (even the private sections) or can you pin the relevants things for you?
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