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Everything posted by Licano

  1. Archived.
  2. Archived.
  3. Archived.
  4. Guess this is done, archived.
  5. Hello @JoseFrags ! In order to keep this forum the cleaner possible we're archiving every post within 14 days (aka 2 weeks). If you have not been able to sell this property, feel free to create another auction. Regards, Licano.
  6. Archived.
  7. Hi @Zoom-In this auction will be archived to keep this forum clear. (Every auction that have been sort or not within 14 days will be archived). Feel free to create another one. Regards, Licano.
  8. Hello @moenesmjaid ! At the time we met in game to sort this request you had an amount of 8 houses alredy on your posetion, due to this situation I have to put this house on a public sale and is no longer a SAHA issue! Regards, Licano.
  9. Hi @Winston ! I'm sorry to inform you that due to this request not being solved within 48 hours this propety has been put into a public sale! Regards, Licano
  10. Sorted
  11. Hi @cvn87 ! Since you have not been able to get this request sorted within 48 hours and the owner is now back to activity https://imgur.com/a/Tg2CJ0P I'll get this topic closed and move it to the archive! Regards, Licano.
  12. Hi @Steve ! This property was alredy requested and due to the lack of response within 48 hours of the previous request, it has been put into a public sale! I'll put this into the archive. Regards, Licano.
  13. Hi @Pump ! Since you have not been able to get this sorted within 48 hours, this property will be put into a public sale! Regards, Licano.
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