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SAES Inactive
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Everything posted by Licano

  1. Hi Kajo, you requested this prop way too early. Gotta wait till november 7th.
  2. Add the last seen of the user to your screens.
  3. Think making the one selling and the one buying wanted would be a cool solution.
  4. @starwars You can tase more than a player at the time. "Let's not even talk about realism" tasers only have one shot, and they take a lot of time to get it back up again. Besides that, the suggestion isn't bad at all, could be considered and debatable without whining about how "stupid" it is. Cops right now are way more powerfull than criminals, considering than a single cop can take down even one of those "pro players", and it isn't a matter of skills, but a matter of hitting just 1 bullet of a gun. Not sure if removing one of the bullet in the magazine would make a good difference, but still, instead of bragging on "how stupid this suggestion is", better show how stupid you are not, and suggest anything usefull.
  5. PerraLoco Reward: $4,000,000. @PerroLoco @Human_ you just jelly you ain't wanted.
  6. Hi @JohnnyEnglish . Since you couldn't get this request sorted within the following 48 hours after the creation of this request, this property has been put onto a public sale.
  7. Sorted.
  8. Buena suerte, puta madre
  9. Consider this one as archived but denied.
  10. Sorted. Right username is bannour but I consider it as a minimal mistake.
  11. The auction ends tomorrow, feel free to drop your last bids and tomorrow I'll contact the winner.
  12. Sorted.
  13. @kajobecha2 :kissing: I didn't want to hurt you while you were trying to arrest me.
  14. Hi @bastian1 . This is not the right place to do the inactive request, is this one: here. Since it seems you alredy made a post in there, I'll archive this one.
  15. Then this request is denied and archived.
  16. Stop spamming, you noob! Archived.
  17. Sorted.
  18. This one was done right, sorted.
  19. This request was made when the user wasn't inactive, hence denied and archived.
  20. Sorted.
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