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Everything posted by Howlze

  1. @Rzz0
  2. @Bartman said in [SUGGESTION]Cops Spray can: how about spraycan for crimes? also the one with damage & shit. i cant understand why clo fire disgunster remooved & traines can use spray can thought walls to get crimes stuck & arrest at jbs Yeah, because criminals need more shit to do with their already 10 to 1 cop ratio.
  3. Part I: How much have you donated for the sever? Not sure, like 100-150 When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? Never, sisr Why do you need this change? I want Skimmers Links to your donation topics: Archive mostly Links to your previous donation changes requests: Archive, mostly ======================================================================== Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicle 1: Everything Location: (IF PLACED AT A PERSONAL PROPERTY, LIST THE PROPERTY NAME AND OWNER'S USERNAME HERE SO WE CAN LOCATE IT.) Interior: ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: 15 Skimmers Location: One in every city, thanks. Username: howlze
  4. Happy birthday, you two beautiful cunts
  5. Time to kamikaze the living shit out of this event
  6. Hi everyone, Recently there has been a lot of suggestions for new potential scripts - great to see! There are a lot of fantastic suggestions that could help out the server with its current player base, especially the lack of activities for the police side. Here comes the issue; the lack of free time for the current SAES developers. We have a few pensource members, who are interested in helping the server, which is also great to see. Obviously, their time is minimal due to having a proper job, or perhaps studying, which requires a lot of their intention. Here is where my idea comes to mind... How would the community feel about opening up a fundraiser (hosted by one of the HQs preferably, to ensure safety about your donations towards this fundraiser), which is purely to be used to rent/hire a scripter for some of the very brilliant ideas you, the community has? I understand that this would result in the current donations primarily aiming to help the server keep the lights turned on, however, with this idea, perhaps we could introduce quite a few new players to the server by extending the activities on the server? Let me know what you think - just a small Monday idea I had.
  7. Damn, this is pretty crazy. Remember being in TST back in the day with @Danny2106 and @Toxic.
  8. @Cornelius said in Disallowing police/squad members from respawning or disconnecting.: @Howlze said in Disallowing police/squad members from respawning or disconnecting.: @Cornelius I give up, I have no idea what you are trying to say. You speak about how gang members spawn as cop to start BR. I speak how squad members disconnect to stop BR. Understand at least this. YES?! Do you even read what I am posting? I literally posted EXACTLY THAT. If there are 10 cops on, and a bank robbery is initiated, it should not be deactivated just because someone disconnects. Point-blank what I wrote on my topic.
  9. @Cornelius I give up, I have no idea what you are trying to say.
  10. Once again ... Which is exactly what I stated on my topic. @Howlze said in Disallowing gang members to spawn for a bank robbery: Current script should be relying on the current amount of cops. If there are 10 cops on as the bank robbery spawns, it shouldn't "deactivate" the ability to crack if they despawn. I agree with that.
  11. @Cornelius said in Disallowing police/squad members from respawning or disconnecting.: @Howlze said in Disallowing police/squad members from respawning or disconnecting.: .. Huh? He copy-pasted my topic? Most of SAES players can't read or are illiterate If you read carefully you will see difference: ::: You talk about gang members. I talk about squad members. You speak how to manage gang member problems. I speak about how to manage squad members problems. I said report those cops, or dont even count them anymore - remove 10 cop script. ::: Which is exactly what is on my topic .. ? Instead of cussing out everyone due to your negligence, how about you actually take the time and properly read through a topic, before getting your panties in a bunch?
  12. @Lincoln said in Disallowing police/squad members from respawning or disconnecting.: @Howlze said in Disallowing police/squad members from respawning or disconnecting.: Why are you posting the exact same I did? What good is that going to do? You posted the exact same thing, why are we not allowed to and you are. .. Huh? He copy-pasted my topic?
  13. Why are you posting the exact same I did? What good is that going to do?
  14. @Teddy said in Disallowing gang members to spawn for a bank robbery: Sure, but only if the counterbalance is that once a BR starts, cops cannot respawn to block the bankrob from continuing and make it fail, since that's just lazy. Script should be relying on the current amount of cops. If there are 10 cops on as the bank robbery spawns, it shouldn't "deactivate" the ability to crack if they despawn. I agree with that.
  15. @Filex said in Disallowing gang members to spawn for a bank robbery: cops respawn while a gang is bring on purpose so the br fail if the thing will be fixed so no restriction of 10 cops after the br is started i will vote yes for that otherwise i've seen enough to vote no So what .. you are trying to state that off-duty cops, who may be doing something else before the bank robbery starts can't respawn as a cop? What ... How does that even make any sense? They're off-duty cops for christ's sake.
  16. Hi, In the present as well as the past we've noticed multiple gang members spawning as a cop in order to bypass the 10-cop requirement for starting a bank robbery. This should not be allowed for obvious reasons. A simple fix to this is for validation of whether or not a person is in a gang, and thereby deciding whether or not to count them towards the 10-cop limit script. Current script should be relying on the current amount of cops. If there are 10 cops on as the bank robbery spawns, it shouldn't "deactivate" the ability to crack if they despawn. I agree with that.
  17. @Kim said in Ingame Squad Spawn Arrests Scoreboard: @Daryl I didn't say that the suggestion is a bad idea, the question is why should we have it when all other servers got it too? Can't we be different by other servers instead of all servers be same (servers which contain scoreboard, i mean) Because the idea is good - and it brings a sense of competition on the table, which is what makes a lot of people want to grind even more - to be the #1 on the leaderboard. We shouldn't be limited just because someone else has introduced the same idea to their server. Other servers have cops, other servers have a military force .. so why do we? Shouldn't we be unique? I get your point, we shouldn't copy ideas that are specifically constructed for that server. Some servers have a way to rewarding their donators, by giving them "boosted hours" - obviously, that idea shouldn't be implemented here, due to the nature of it being from another server, and that would merely be copying their idea. Great idea, DROT - I would love to see this.
  18. Howlze

    FBI form

    @Gentle - You are very welcome. Glad to help a new player build an experience on the server. I just noticed your post on their topic; that is not completely correct. You need to fill out this application with your information: STAGE 1 Name: Account Name: Nationality: Primary Language: Other Languages you speak: STAGE 2 How long have you been playing MTA: How long have you been playing SAES: RPG: Do you have a ProCop diploma? If no, please specify why: Previous G/S/C memberships and why you left: Why do you wish to join the FBI: Why should we accept you: Previous bans or admin jails: STAGE 3 Are you a former FBI member: If you answered question 1 with yes, please state when you left the Bureau: If you answered question 1 with yes, please state why did left the Bureau: If you answered question 1 with yes, please state your former rank: If you answered question 1 with yes, please provide evidence of your stated rank (screenshots, etc): Are you a SAPA or PC member: STAGE 4 What is roleplaying: What is deathmatching: State three server rules (F1): Are you allowed to deathmatch: STAGE 5 What are your English skills out of 1 to 10: /10 What are your driving skills out of 1 to 10: /10 What are your shooting skills out of 1 to 10: /10 What are your role-play skills out of 1 to 10: /10 What are your strengths: What are your weaknesses: STAGE 6 Scenario One: You are the agent-in-charge of a patrol unit which includes you and two other agents. You are informed of an ongoing store robbery and there are no other units available for back up. How would you successfully resolve the store robbery. EXPLAIN HERE: Scenario Two: You are the leader of an assault on a suspected criminal base being used for drug distribution. You are in charge of an assault team (armed with M4s and combat shotguns), a backup team (armed with M4s and combat shotguns) and a recon team (armed with sniper rifles). The fence around the base is protected by four armed criminals. Inside the base, there are a further three armed criminals. How would you secure the base? EXPLAIN HERE: Scenario Three: An armed FBI Unit is called to a hostage situation to a building nearby to the Los Santos Police Department. Two criminals had attempted to rob a fast food restaurant but police had arrived during the robbery. As a result, they have taken an old woman hostage and are barricaded inside. The two-armed criminals are young and very nervous. You have access to the same squads as in scenario two. How would you diffuse/ deal with the situation? EXPLAIN HERE:
  19. Howlze

    FBI form

    Hi @Gentle, Glad to see you've gotten an interest for the server and hereby also an interest in joining one of the official squads on SAES. However, this is not the correct place to post your application nor interest to the FBI. You should instead read their official application topic here: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/6123/fbi-federal-bureau-of-investigation?page=1 By reading through the topic, you should also be met by their application form; fill this out and post it as a comment to their own topic, and a representative from FBI will give you an answer to your application. If you have any questions, then feel free to quote me or PM me. Good luck in your endeavours!
  20. Speed has been in the game for as long as I can remember. I agree with the fact that it shouldn't be as easy to get as it is today. Every criminal has speed, and let's be real - catching a criminal with speed while you don't have pretty much impossible (in the case that you're patrolling alone). I don't think speed is where the change should be made, really - there are other priorities we need to balance before looking into (smaller) cases such as this. The first thing that needs to be balanced is the bank interiors; there needs to be changed soon, as this is one of the main reasons as to why the cop side is bleeding, a lot. It is simply impossible to succeed at a bank robbery for cops, as not only is the police to criminal ratio 1:8, but the interior has a large margin of favor for the criminal side, due to the alleyways, which is extremely easy for criminals to spam. I love the interior @Sam_ made here: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/10714/los-santos-bank-suggestion-mapping-video-preview-poll This allows the cops to win over the banks in case a bank robbery is in place. There is a need for a change soon; otherwise I am afraid that the cop side is going to die sooner than expected.
  21. ^[] Go further freely People of San Andreas, the country is sinking into poverty, a civil war is present, and no one can protect your streets anymore - why may this be? It is because you believe in what you hear from the media, your family and friends say - but no! It is today to step up for your well-being, for your life, and for your future. The past few political parties that have been elected into presidency have shown you what a non-functioning party can do NOTHING! Mistakes upon mistakes are what we have seen in the past, but no more! It is time to take radical steps, and the new-functioning part of the Liberation is here for YOU. Let us prove to you, that change is good - change for the better. History The Liberty Party was created by Bob Russell, who has for years worked in the White House under different positions. Bob Russell has seen plenty of Presidents arrive, only to leave due to the fact that they failed to convince the most important community, the people - you. Having learned enormous pointers thanks to the many missions he has successfully carried out to the Presidents, governors and ministers he accompanied, he has now decided to go forward with his own beliefs - his own political party. This political party carries all the knowledge and strengths to bring improvement to our country. Ideology Our goal is not rocket science, it is simple. Our goal is to bring you, the People, a better life. Our mission is to improve the quality of life for each habitant by creating a greater form of house pricing, decreasing the unemployment rate by providing more jobs and protecting our city by using our great military force and the finest officers. Organizational structure The president: The President of San Andreas is elected by the citizens of San Andreas directly as stated before in the Presidential Election. The Vice president: The Vice President has a casting vote in Senate matters. Their role is largely dictated by the President. The Chief of Staff: Manages the Executive Branch Departments on behalf of the President. Special Advisor: A special advior works in a supporting role to the United States government. With media, political or policy expertise, their duty is to assist and advise government ministers. Press Secretary: The responsibilites of the press secretary is to act as a spokesperson for the executive branch of the government administration, primarily with the regard to the president and executives, as well as governmental policies. Their daily workload consists of collecting information about actions and events within the administration of the executive branch, and issue the administration's developments alongside reactions to said developments around the world. The press secretary is also the streamline between the White House and the media. Minister of Relations with Ministry: Manages the agreements and work of the various departments. Government Spokesperson: Spokesperson of the Government will be issuing all official governmental announcements. Ministry of Justice: Manages the conduct of punishment laws in their territory. Ministry of Police (the Interior): Manages the conduct of the police units. Ministry of Territorial Cohesion: Manages the conduct of territories and arranges meetings with the senators. Ministry of Armed Forces: Manages the conduct of the Armed Forces. Ministry of Economy and Finances: Manages the conduct of domestic economy and finances of the country. Ministry of Public Accounts: Manages the conduct of the state's Economy. Ministry of Health: Manages the conduct of the emergency and assistance services. Ministry of Labour: Manages the conduct of work. Ministry of Ecology: It has the responsibility of preservation of biodiversity, climate protocol, environmental control of industries as well as air-, road-, railway-, and sea regulation. The Ministry as a whole has the responsibility for the energy policy. Senators: Manages the proposing of laws to improve the lives of the People. There are 8 Senators allocated in the following areas: Las Venturas Los Santos San Fierro/Bayside Red County Bone County Tierra Robada - Chilliad/Whestone - Flint County Members: Will be able to participate in government activities, have preferential seats and enjoy benefits. The Ministry will enforce a specific role and are there to propose laws to improve the countries economy including, but not limited to: increasing GDP, PCI and decrease the crime rate. OFFICIAL ROSTER The President: Joshua Watson - @Howlze The Vice President: Bob Russell - @ZeKinG The Chief of Staff: Jo Winston - @JojoDb Special Advisor: ~[free]~(red) Minister of Relations with Ministry: ~[free]~(red) Government Spokesperson: ~[free]~(red) Press Secretary: ~[free]~(red) Ministry of Justice: Juan Guaido - @Spanish Ministry of the Interior: Diego Alfonso @Lilskies Ministry of Territorial Cohesion: ~[free]~(red) Ministry of Armed Forces: John Cale - @Predator Ministry of Economy and Finances: Jari Aarnio - @JoGe Ministry of Public Accounts: Teodor Andrew - @Elite Ministry of Health: Calvin Perez - @Markus Ministry of Labour: Alvin-Dulac - @ZoRo Ministry of Ecological and Solidarity Transition : Name - @Tilong Senators (8): Mr. Tahir_Buyukakin - @Freezoom Mr. Andrew Dawson - @Ardron Mr. Zaidi - @Haseeb Mr. Mike_Colway - @FoxZilla Mr. English - @JohnnyEnglish Mr. Mark Calaway - @TaJ Mr. Toni Brown - @James Mr. Judge Jayo - @Dkano Members: @Groove - SAES>Groove @Bartman - Bartman @Snowyyy - Snowyyy @Potato - Pothead @ESO - SAES>ESO @KARIM - Karim @Tut-Greco - SAES>Tut @DeepK - DeepK @Razak - Razak @RadiO - Radio @Domingez - Domingez @Poodlyz - Poodlyz @Siirtuga - SiirTuga @ExtraDip22 (xwolf) - Vladimir_Wolf @Domingez - Mr.Domingez ~[Obligations]~(red) If you want to join us, you are required be active, and participate in role-plays organized by the party. Follow the ideology of the Party. You cannot be in 2 political parties. Discord https://discord.gg/M8XUbs6 Liberty Party HeadQuarters Location : Las Venturas South - East ::: ::: Application In-game Name: Role-play Name: Username: Nationality: How often are you on the server? (Hours per week): Current organization: English proficiency (1/10): What position would you like to apply for: Current role-play affiliations (groups): Why do you deem yourself fit for the Liberty Party:
  22. @Cornelius And then you'd get admin jailed -- later on banned. There are loads of things on this server that could be abused - this shouldn't restrict adding this script. It is a fantastic feature for the role-playing scene.
  23. I have a slight memory reminding that we had this back in the early 2010s? Probably was removed for abuse. I'd love to see it return, it is a great opportunity for role-plays and also a money sink. and for me to DM people during the night in the weekends
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