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Everything posted by Howlze

  1. is in a budget gang
  2. Hi, I'm looking for someone who could create some banners for me. I have a template to go out from, however, I'd like some unique touch to it, to make it look more elegant and formal. If you are one of those people, who create shiny childish banners - don't bother; I'm in no way interested in that. Have what it takes? Drop a post, or shoot me a PM on here or Discord.
  3. Why change something that isn't broken?
  4. Happy Birthday, Smack!
  5. Marge Simpson
  6. What a beautiful house the screenshots are taken at . . . DO YOU WANT TO OWN THAT BEAUTIFUL MANSION? LOOK NO FURTHER: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/11239/mansion-house-surrounded-by-billboards/2
  7. Involved SAI members: E. Watson Responsible SAI Teams involved: Foxtrot Other involved people: N/A Date, time and duration of activity: 21.08.2019 Activity type: State-wide patrol Details: Patrol around San Andreas in search for hazardous drivers, potential illegal firearms and intoxicated drivers. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/9s1faIc
  8. With the current difficulty of bank robs, less than 8/8 is a failure.
  9. Involved SAI members: E. Watson // A. Brandon // R. Crimson // R. Teem // J. Drenth // A. Meier // T.Cooper Responsible SAI Teams involved: N/A Other involved people: N/A Date, time and duration of activity: 20.08.2019 (Approximately 20 minutes) Activity type: Random checkpoint Details: A random checkpoint was today setup between Los Santos and Los Venturas highway to check for valid identification and search for contraband, fugitives, and or weapons that are not permitted in civilian hands. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/nU313lH Involved SAI members: E. Watson // A. Brandon Responsible SAI Teams involved: N/A Other involved people: N/A Date, time and duration of activity: 20.08.2019 // 10 minutes Activity type: Patrol Details: Tpr. Watson & Tpr. Brandon was patroling San Andreas for hazardous drivers and potential fugitives. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/NbvVRLG
  10. Address: House Surrounded By Billboards Starting bid: $8,000,000
  11. This is an automated post TXN ID: 02M08555XR142720D Donation Amount: 50.00GBP Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below Vehicle Type: Vehicle Colour: Specify any upgrades: Usernames to lock: (your username first, followed by all other usernames) Where you want it placed: For any help with rewards, please check topic.
  12. Name: Howlze Username: howlze Rank before kick/leave: I was SGT, IIRC. I joined SAPA after leaving the criminal side, and left a few months later to join SWAT. Do you have PC: Not anymore, no. Lost it due to inactivity. How long have you been in sapa: It was a few months. Who kicked you: I left myself. Date of kick/leave: At some point in 2015 or so. Reason for kick/leave: Decided to join SWAT. What happened from your side/why did you leave? : I was given an opportunity to join SWAT and decided to pursue it. Why do you want back in? : I like helping new players / new cops, and give them the appropriate training to become some of the best officers in San Andreas. What have you learned from this? : That SAPA is a great platform for new cops to learn and grow in, and also a great place for upcoming tutors to strengthen their abilities to teach. Who do you want to apologize to? : I don't feel like there's anyone I need to apologize to - I just want to thank you all for helping me become a great cop back in 2011-ish. Why should we give you a second chance?: Because I used to help a lot back in my days at SAPA, helped form a lot of new cops, and I am also one of the few people willing to spend time to give new cops / new players a chance to become some of the greatest cops on here.
  13. @JoGe It shouldn't be supposed to be EASY to rob a bank. It should be a challenge for the criminals - currently, the amount of failed bank robs are close to 0%, it should be at least 50%. Sure, we can discuss increasing the revenue from robbing a bank, in the case that it gets more challenging - I have nothing against that. Risk = reward, currently the risk is slim to none. Nice mapping - makes it more challenging to the criminals, and is also more attractive to look at.
  14. Mary had a little lamb ... Now she doesn't! Eid Mubarak :)
  15. Username: Howlze Amount Donated: 75.00 GBP Links to all previous donation topics (including archive): https://saesrpg.uk/topic/9989/donation-howlze-amount-50-00-gbp/3 add me to donator spawn, please daddy Master
  16. Roleplay type: Training Course Description of roleplay (minimum 3 sentences): On a daily basis we run through buildings on fire, we climb obstacles, that shouldn't be climbed. We do this, to keep the citizens of San Andreas safe. Every single firefighter should be proud of themselves, and what they do for this country. Our job as firefighters is tough, it requires a lot of physical and mental strength. To keep these factors up to date, we need to keep ourselves in condition, and today we did that by running through our training course. Location: LVFD Participants: Howlze - @Toolbox - @Riley - @Ramos - @MrTheBank - @Ntruder - @hassan - Devenoid - @Freezom - @Spicey Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/1mEmkzw
  17. Participants: E12 (Howlze) District: LVFD Shift period: 25 minutes Number of vehicles: 6 (quiet day) Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/vqMtbDe
  18. Participants: E12 (Howlze) District: LVFD Shift period: 20 minutes Number of vehicles: 16 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/xViAKWB
  19. Mona lul
  20. Happy birthday lmao
  21. Paint my avatar, give me a price
  22. If you were half as funny as you thought you were, you'd be twice as funny as you are
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