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Everything posted by Howlze

  1. Click and hold your FN (function) key, and then you can use your F-keys to whatever you want to.
  2. FOX Crew: @Howlze - @JohnnyEnglish - @Albie - @Danniel Date and time of the patrol: 18/01/2020 Screenshots: Album: https://imgur.com/a/jDMk5Yn
  3. @Spetnazz said in BR Rules Should Include Squads: @Howlze said in BR Rules Should Include Squads: Cops can't bribe inside a bank. Then the real question is; How does he have 0 stars? I'm pretty sure I automatically receive x amount of stars, whenever I enter a certain point during BRs That's a question for the mighty ones. You cannot bribe inside a bank as a cop.
  4. Cops can't bribe inside a bank.
  5. @James You wouldn't want that on RageMP as you can have a server with a 1000 player capacity. On FiveM you can only have 32, so the server would seem incredibly dead without NPCs; that's why many people have it on anyway.
  6. FiveM is a powerful modification, however it relies heavily on GTA Online functions, including: synced pedestrians/vehicles, limited player count in servers (32 // 64 with OneSync, which is nowhere near stable). On the other hand RageMP allows a limitless number of players, but NPCs will not appear - RageMP is pretty much comparable to MTA:SA.
  7. Citizens of the United States of America, I am happy to announce the construction of the White House has now been finished. We would like to personally thank ZIP for their rapid work on reconstructing the White House with the blueprints given to them. We, the Liberty Party are very proud of what we've accomplished during our short period of time in office, and we also hope that you are satisfied with our changes and additions to the Country. We would like to make it public, that we are always open for a chat with you, the Citizens, to address any concerns, ideas or comments you may have. Thank you all for your patience. God bless you and may God bless the United States of America! Vice President of San Andreas, Joshua Watson
  8. The economy is already fucked as it is, massive no from me.
  9. @Daryl said in Sea Captain: @ElRastaMan17 said in Sea Captain: The Sea Captain spawn is disable due to bug abusers like crash This is why commas are important Please stop fucking children
  10. @Joshbond said in The New White House | Winner: I thought the deadline was 20th of January? As much as Zwolle design is good, it would have been fair to give other people a chance instead of just one candidate after 2 days of this being announced. 2 days to make something which you asked for (considering people work/go to school) is not enough time, I bet there were at least another 2-3 people working on this but now they are going to be confused/pissed off as they thought they had until 20th Jan. Anyway, good work Zwolle and congrats. Hi Joshbond, I would most definitely agree with your statement. However, the choice of going with Zwolle's construction is due to the fact that he fit every single one of our needs. When he showed us the blueprint, there wasn't anywhere we could point a finger - it went beyond our expectations. Now, I can say that I have not been confronted by anyone, who was, is or were thinking about building a new White House, hence we decided to pick Zwolle straight off the bat. Sure, I do understand that people could work on it in the background - and if anyone has, they are very welcome to reach out to the Liberty Party, and we will compensate for their hard work. As previously mentioned, the construction met our expectations and more, therefore we felt no need to keep the contest up. This was also meant as a gesture of not having people who are busy, work on a construction when we already fell in love with this one. Furthermore, a deadline isn't a set date, it is a time or day by which something must be done. We decided, that after the construction we saw, to end the contest. I do appreciate your input, and it is duly noted. Thank you. Go fuck yourself.
  11. Citizens of the United States of America, On behalf of the Liberty Party, we are proud and honored to announce, that the reconstruction of the White House has successfully been accomplished, thanks to our honorable Cuban Citizen, Mr. Manuel (@Zwolle). We are very astonished by the speed of delivery and construction of the blueprints by Mr. Manuel, and we are absolutely proud of being able to award him with the prize of $50,000,000 ($50 million USD) for his incredible work. We will now initiate the building of the White House, and it will be available to the public very soon. I would like to thank you all for your participation and helpfulness in the reconstruction. God bless you and may God bless the United States of America! Vice President of San Andreas, Joshua Watson
  12. ^[] Date: january 1st, 2020 The place of the event: G6 Area Event type: Rhino Shooter G6: Bachwa Prize: $2,000,000 Hosted by: Howlze Winner: [FBI]Pothead ^[] Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/WQGyHwP
  13. I remember witnessing the climb of Tuga Thugs through the levels back in the early days. This is an amazing accomplishment - surviving for 8 years. Congratulations to present and previous slugs. You've rocked during your time on the server - keep kickin' ass.
  14. FOX Crew: @Howlze - @DyamDouglas - @Dominik335 ETF Crew:: @Kiloo - @Dalboeb - @Vennelle - @AntiRug - @hope - @Glock Date and time of the patrol: 03/01/2020 // 16:00 Screenshots:
  15. @Nico said in [CONTEST] New White House | $50,000,000 (50 million USD): Carte Blanche Correct!
  16. @Licano said in [CONTEST] New White House | $50,000,000 (50 million USD): This is where our taxes go! To be wasted by those white neck rats!! Throws a rotten apple Hello, Mr. Licano. I'd like to formally address this. It is correct, that we were permitted to use the Federal Reserve for the reconstruction of the White House, however, due to the beliefs of the Liberty Party, we decided NOT to use the Federal Reserve. We instead had a fundraiser inside our Party, and funded $50,000,000 on our own - not a single dime of the prize money has been paid by the Citizens.
  17. Greetings, The Liberty Party would like to announce its first official contest. We are looking into a reconstruction of the White House, and due to this, we are also offering a large prize sum for the winner of the contest. There are a few demands for the new construction, which are: Exterior: Gates covering any entrance to the White House Fences around the actual White House (like it is today) Interior: A meeting room for Secret Service A meeting room for the Government Role-play based room for Secret Service (computers, desks - intel-gathering area) .. Potentially more demands in the future, the above is all for now; keep your eyes out for any changes to this topic. The selected winner will be awarded $50,000,000 (50 million USD). DEADLINE: 20th of January That is all, Thank you. Vice President of San Andreas, Joshua Watson
  18. FOX crew: @Howlze - @Albie - @Toolbox - @DyamDouglas - @JohnnyEnglish - @Danniel Date and time of the patrol: 02-01-2020 // 19:00 Screenshots:
  19. FOX crew: @Howlze - @Albie - @Toolbox - @DyamDouglas - @JohnnyEnglish - @Danniel - @Scorpyo Date: 02/01/2020 Screenshots:
  20. What sort of retarded suggestion is this?
  21. Hello, Now - before you vote, downvote - whatever you do, then actually take the five minutes to read the topic. To begin with, within the last <6 months there has been the following changes within the Official Squads / Police side: Allowing HLS at bank robberies when CLO is present Now - I understand some may see this as an unfair advantage, as it welcomes another group with armor into the bank robbery scenarios. Sure, I get that. The funny fact is just, that everyone who is currently in HLS is also a member of Desert Eagles, which means: they would arrive with armor anyway. Let's just scratch that part as an excuse for any balancing issues for now. The creation of the SAES Squads Discord THIS. This is what has changed the whole game for the balance issue, whereas criminals had a far greater advantage due to the lack of police units showing up at bank robberies. We have dedicated channels within our Discord that is for pinging whenever there is a bank robbery, jailbreak or alike. Thereby, people who may not be spawned as a police officer in-game, or may not even be in-game - comes online, and attends the bank robbery/jailbreak. THIS is why the cop side is doing great at balancing the cop to criminal ratio in high-end gameplay (bank robberies & jailbreaks). Now, there has been a subject brought to light, which is removing kill arrest within bank robberies and jailbreaks ... but why? It has been here for ages, and it has never been an issue up until the cop side got a (somewhat) activity rise. I simply can't comprehend why this is suddenly an issue. A solution With the upcoming changes to Los Santos bank (you're welcome, by the way), there is going to be an enhanced interior which balances the entire gameplay for both sides (cops and criminals). What I propose is, when this releases (should be within next week or so), we could run a trial period, which would go as following: For the firsts fourteen days, we will have kill arrest enabled inside the new Los Santos bank interior, seeing how the result is - how often do the criminals fail their bank robberies? And no, getting 5, 6 or 7 out of 8 safes is not failing (it shouldn't be, when you consider the interior is more balanced). After the fourteen days period has passed, we disable kill arrest and review the result of successful bank robberies hereafter. This is to compare how balanced it would be with, or without kill arrest. Post your opinion about this - and let's stop turning this topic into a drama-filled topic, where you express all your whining. Let's have a civilized conversation about the ordeal.
  22. Yeah. I think that's fair.
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