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Everything posted by Howlze

  1. Happy birthday, you cunt
  2. Address: National Narcotics Bureau Offices Account name: hextech Last seen: 21st September 2019. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/I7e8O6e
  3. Howlze


  4. @Silence said in [DISCUSSION] Economy Reset: -snip - LEADERBOARDS First millionaire First to own a property First to mod a vehicle in NanoShop ... And the list goes on. We are, most of us anyway, competitive people. We like being number one, we like being the first to accomplish something; it's natural human habits. The opportunities in case of an economy reset are endless.
  5. @RadiO said in Show us yourself V3: @ZeKinG said in Show us yourself V3: Hi it's me with my new friend PS : He really stank which one is you?
  6. Lorch be like
  7. @Tilong said in [DISCUSSION] Economy Reset: @Filex said in [DISCUSSION] Economy Reset: @kipt said in [DISCUSSION] Economy Reset: Close the server > Add a few fancy new things > Change the name to SAES 2.0 > Open the server Dont you realize yet that ppl dont play saes for its gamemodes or features its deeper than that I couldn't have said it any better than that. I see a lot of my discussions with howlzer in this, kudo's topic is well put. See the one thing that has to happen every single item that pays money out needs to be a readjusted, that includes weapons cars houses criminal payout police payouts and trucking payouts. There is a lot of things that have to happen first. I am willing to discuss my ideas on this subject matter, I support a reset but done with new players and old players in mind. Let's please truly discuss the options, because I really do enjoy being able to turn on SAES whatever I want and if we do not save the longevity of the server donations will fall away, and one day the inevitable will happen. But if we can repair the economy, and the dominos might fall in our favor. if anyone wants to have a serious conversation with me outside of the board you can contact me on discord as well, but I definitely personally would like to be a part of the planning in a reset I completely agree. Just sad to see people don't realize that obviously it has to be taken into consideration that proper measures have to be taken. Everything has to be revamped. A great idea to this is to add a form of "task force" that prepares everything for a future reset, that should be, but not limited to: review every job in the game every way of making money every way of spending money
  8. I often see people asking for a race track construction code, or something for their event. Instead of having to go through the troublesome task of asking people for codes, I figured we could make a complete topic with codes for literally everything. Events [Shooting, LMS - and alike] N/A Race Tracks Los Santos - [Drag Racing]: https://pastebin.mtasa.com/515468153 Buildings [Airports, Houses - and alike] Whetstone [Airport]: https://pastebin.com/raw/gaqkHsz6 LV X - [Restaurant]: https://pastebin.com/raw/KEEQD7Qp LV X - [Night Time Garage]: https://pastebin.com/raw/83QjAN4B Las Venturas [Highway platform]: https://pastebin.com/VPwisiYt LV X - [Nature Park]: https://pastebin.com/ZAdYcB4m Las Venturas - [Skyscraper]: https://pastebin.com/hjP8Z2b7 San Fierro - [Compact Factory]: https://pastebin.com/nD1r44Hi San Fierro - [Orgaization hideout]: https://pastebin.mtasa.com/250014837 Fun [Party, Talent Show - and alike] LV - LS Highway [Talent Show]: https://pastebin.com/raw/HDsKeFA6 LV X - [Party Room]: https://pastebin.com/qx8aFYpq Feel free to post your code below, and I will add them to this topic.
  9. @Crash said in [DISCUSSION] Economy Reset: aint just a simple resert that will solve stuff as in 2 months we will back to the same stage Once bone even shared on a topic similar to this how much money was being spawned from jobs montly and i think it was around 2B So this means that in a couple of months we would need to do the same thing because economy would be fucked once again , following a reset we would need to have money incomes reduced by alot (currently even as civilian takes you a couple of hours to buy a SGT -8M car) No, read my thread in its entirety. The reset should be planned with introducing revamps and new scripts, which would make it harder to gain money. It should not be as easy as it is today. In the current state we are in, you can make $2-3 million a day from being a trucker, or making upwards of $5M+ by being a criminal doing bank robberies and store robberies. This isn't just a: reset the economy, done idea. This needs to be properly planned with the introduction of changes to current scripts, and also introducing new scripts that would help keep the economy to a more natural and realistic level.
  10. Reserved --
  11. Hi everyone. In the past, we've had a topic about a potential economic reset, and whether people would still play or not. A lot of people voted, that they'd stay, however; a large margin also said that they would potentially leave. I understand why people are afraid of an economic reset, as this includes starting completely over. However, in my opinion, resetting the economy would help the longevity of the server a lot. It's hard bringing in new people - I understand the process of making money in SAES' current state might not be considered hard - however; I would have a hard time starting on the server with an empty bank account, an empty disk (no vehicles and no guns), meanwhile seeing people have everything; $250,000,000 in their bank account, an unlimited supply of guns, and every single vehicle modded to its fullest. I don't want your years of working for what you have today to just be gone. What I think is, that we should have some sort of compensation for being reset, if you've been playing on here for a long time this could be some sort of experience system, where we introduced a skill leveling system, where the higher level you get the more bonuses you get. This could be: having an increased salary for civilian jobs or having cheaper purchases in properties, vehicles, vehicle upgrades, and more of that sort. However, we can talk more about this in case this becomes a reality. The reset should be planned with introducing revamps and new scripts, which would make it harder to gain money. It should not be as easy as it is today. With the current state we are in, you can make $2-3 million a day from being a trucker, or making upwards of $5M+ by being a criminal doing bank robberies and store robberies. This isn't just a: reset the economy, done idea. This needs to be properly planned with the introduction of changes to current scripts, and also introducing new scripts that would help keep the economy to a more natural and realistic level. Starting completely over would result in the following: Everyone is fair and square All properties will be back on sale (perhaps discussing whether organizations should keep their bases) All vehicles should be revamped to a more natural state This would mean that we are all on the same path, we are all going to hoard making money (which includes more activity on the server =/= more longevity of the server. People would try to make quick cash so they could get the property they've been wanting for a long time (which, in some cases, is currently impossible due to the state of the economy. Have a look at houses in Ghost Town, those sell for $100M+). In my opinion, this would only be a positive thing for the server; don't get me wrong, I may not love the idea of starting from scratch, I do, however, also just see the positive aspect of doing this. This could also potentially include more activity for events, groups and general activity on the server. Back in the day you could host a $500,000 event and 50+ people would show up - people don't even show up for $2,000,000 events nowadays (because they already have an endless amount of money). Keep in mind that the current state of the economy includes the denying of so many potential great scripts. Here's an idea the Secret Service has had, but this couldn't really be done due to what the economy is today. Money Laundering Script now this is not an easy one. What I believe is that people who rob the bank should not get 'clean' money but instead get 'dirty' money. This money is then required to be laundered through a process. How this could work is that every person on the server has two amounts of money. Clean money is used for regular things like buying cars, food, and alike. Then, we have dirty money, which cannot be used until it is cleaned through the "money laundering" process. So, to do this process, you need to head to a specific area in San Andreas, which is randomly generated every 2 hours, and that is where criminals can clean their dirty money. However, you cannot just do it all in one big lump. It has to be done in small batches; otherwise, an alarm is raised, 'which acts as some agency (SS) has spotted the bank transfers which look suspicious). The Secret Service can then respond to this. If criminals decide not to do this, they can do small batches which goes undetected, however, if Secret Service agents are 'patrolling' and find people to be money laundering they can put a stop to it by interfering. If any dirty money has gathered by the Secret Service Agents, they have to take it back to their headquarters for quarantine and processing. If, during transit, criminals catch up and kill the Secret Service agents, the dirty money will drop, and they can pick it up. This opens up a lot more fun for criminals and the Secret Service. Regular Cops will not be allowed to patrol around for money laundering; however, on Secret Service request, they can assist with delivering the dirty money safely back to Secret Service headquarters. This makes earning money from BR more difficult as currently, it is just too easy. This also brings SS into the gaming system, so we are not just relying on the government for activity. Please, don't just post saying "I agree" or "No, I don't agree" - take a few minutes, think about the actual outcome of this, and post on here with a constructive message, including proper details to your answer. Let's get a chat going about this, let's see what your opinion is.
  12. @Filex said in [SUGGESTION] Enhancing Donation Rewards: This exactly does kill what saes has and other servers dont which is not giving unfair advantages to donators Some points should change probably to get this as a better suggestion This suggestion isn't about the features listed, it's more about doing "something" to make it interesting for people to donate. Sadly, people don't justs donate to keep the server alive and to show their gratitude for all the SAES clan have done for them.
  13. @Ronnie said in [SUGGESTION] Enhancing Donation Rewards: Good idea but as of right now, it doesn't really look like it's worth it to donate, considering the strict time limit. I mean, I can pay 25 pounds to fly around on a jetpack for 2 hours, then have my salary increased by 25% for an hour? Doesn't really seem like a good deal to me. Obviously the cost/reward can be adjusted. This is just a template for what sort of changes could be brought to light. @Crash said in [SUGGESTION] Enhancing Donation Rewards: I would remove the 25 % increase in income and the 50% discounts because of the state of our economy It's just about time we reset the economy (properties, money and cars). @JoGe said in [SUGGESTION] Enhancing Donation Rewards: So make in-game rich people even more rich. Like economy isnt fucked up enough already. Like yeah, people with 8 properties usually are rich so fuck yeah let them own even more properties and also make things cheaper for them :D I say big NO for this "perks"- section unless you or someone figures some other perks that does not fuck up the economy more and/or give advantage to anyone. But this "donation points"- part sounds cool to me. No, it's just about time we reset the economy. The economy, in its current state, is completely fucked. That's what happens after 10 years of the same economy.
  14. Hi everyone, During the past few months, perhaps even years, there has been a vast drop in donations for the server. This may not hurt the server itself at its current state - however, this server isn't cheap to run, therefore, with the current rate of donations, who knows how long the server will stay up? Throughout this thread, there'll be a large variety of suggestions for donation rewards, the reason/idea behind these, is simply to give (not an advantage, as it should not be pay-to-win) a great reward for donating, which could include cosmetics and fun. Some of these suggestions are ideas inspired by other servers', therefore, some of the suggestions may have somewhat of a relation to other servers. Keep in mind, we are all one happy MTA community, we should not consider ourselves competitors, rather - we could learn from each other. Introducing .. Donation Points By donating 25.00 GBP, you'll receive: 5 points By donating 50.00 GBP, you'll receive: 12 points By donating 75.00 GBP, you'll receive: 18 points By donating 125.00 GBP, you'll receive: 30 points With every donation (depending on amount) you'll be getting donation points - these can be used for lots of fun activities, but are also time-limited/session limited. This means, that you'll only have these perks for a limited amount of time. These donation points can also be transferred to other members in-game. This opens up for the ability to sell your donation points for in-game money, cars, properties and more. This also gives people, who have money to spare in real life, to gain money/properties/vehicles in-game. Enable your jetpack to travel around the world of San Andreas with ease (/jetpack). This can not be used while wanted and is restricted (through scripting) from selected areas, such as Area 51, CLO base and more. ** 2 Points per Hour** Your salary is increased by 25%. ** 1 Point per Hour** You can glue on any vehicle/aircraft. ** 2 Points per Hour** Donation Skins/Shaders (have a few selective made). ** 2 Points per Session** Introducing .. Donation Perks By donating at least 75.00 GBP, you'll have access to the following: You can own a total of 10 houses, instead of the current limit of 8. Advertisement text is listed in a more convenient text color, rather than the current one - a cooldown of five minutes will be added. (/donationad) By donating at least 125.00 GBP, you'll have access to the following: Everything listed before. Vehicle upgrades are reduced with 50%. You can own a total of 11 houses, instead of the current limit of 8. By donating at least 175.00 GBP, you'll have access to the following: Everything listed before. You can own a total of 12 houses, instead of the current limit of 8. Donator advertisement has a cooldown of two minutes, instead of the current five minute cooldown. By donating at least 200.00 GBP, you'll have access to the following: Everything listed before. Have access to the /createradio command (play any .mp3 or .m3u URL). By donating at least 500.00 GBP, you'll have access to the following: Everything listed before. Have your own personal Hydra (modified, so it does not have any sort of weaponry)
  15. Happy Birthday, Terry!
  16. Happy Birthday, Tilong!
  17. @jojofromjory said in Show us yourself V3: First time ever showing me face to SAES :kissing_heart: Hey look, Kain's big brother!
  18. In-game name: Howlze Username: howlze Age: 26 Nationality: Dane Previous bans/punishments: Let's not pretend like I haven't experienced my share of adventures. I have, undoubtedly, experienced a large number of punishments in the past. It was a major regretful moment for me in the past, and I have grown up on that, which I hope has been visual during my past few months on here again. There's a lot of proving to do, and I am trying my best, to help out where I can, everything from helping new players to helping around server-sided related subjects. Why you think you would be suitable for the role: As a person who has played on here for a little under a decade, I have experienced a lot. I know the server in-and-out, everything from the rules to how most - if not all - scripts work on here. Even though I may have been a little dick-ish in the past when it comes to the rules... Time changes a man! I have during my few months on here again, really taken a toll on myself, including doing my best to help the community with any questions or issues they may experience, both on the server, on the forums and also (mostly) on Discord. A major part that plays in, as to why I think I am suitable, is undoubtedly my knowledge of the server and my knowledge with the community.
  19. Fueling up gas stations. 26.09.2019 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/K79uqpF
  20. @James said in Show us yourself V3: @DyamDouglas said in SAES Meme Pictures V2: @James So, you took a picture of the bottles and cash register money of the bar you work at? You can clearly see parts of a commercial kitchen in the top corners... ok @DyamDouglas i must reply to you. You say it's the money from work. No problem i will rob my boss now and take all his money with one of my Drifting cars. Bye Bye https://streamable.com/6toh0 Was all the squeakiness and rust included in the price of that M3 from the 90s?
  21. well, fuck you @master
  22. Added one Bobcat at ALT base, locked to: "howlze" Added one Dodo at ALT base, locked to: "howlze" Added one Roadtrain at ALT base, locked to: "howlze" Added one Shamal at LV Airport, locked to: "howlze" Added one Dodge at LSPD, locked to: "howlze" Added one Dodge at LVPD, locked to: "howlze" Added one Dodge at FOX base, locked to: "howlze" Added one Dodge at FOX base, locked to: "howlze" Added one Faggio at FOX base, locked to: "howlze"
  23. Happy Birthday, buddy!
  24. ^[] Date: 22.09.19 Type of activity: Roadtrip Participants: @Tilong @jojofromjory @kipt @MakeLove @Hotfire @Scorpyo @MrSolrac @Teller @Blade @Howlze Screenshots: https://i.imgur.com/hdztVCS.png //
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