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Everything posted by Blade

  1. In this topic we will post activities such as roleplays and events we have done.
  2. @eusebio said in The Oddboyz: Username: Jensen100 Nickname: Eusebio Age: 20 Nationality: Portuguese & Spanish Date of Birth: 3/01/98 Community Join Date: since 2012 What are your unique qualities you can offer: Roleplaying & driving and team leader What difficulties would you face: i can lead with any difficulties Additional Information about yourself: I start playing since 2012 and i already got a lot of experience in-game i stop palying some months ago and now im back ! i see a nice future on this gang and i identify my self , cause i created and a street race gang some time ago . Accepted. Welcome to The Oddboyz brother :)
  3. @eusebio Thanks for your application. I'd like to meet with you in-game for the application procedure to continue :)
  4. Thank you guys for the nice messages :) Good vibes only
  5. ^[] The Oddboyz is a San andreas street racing association that hosts illegal top speed themed races on the San Andreas. It was formed by Blade and Bunny, 16/09/2018 The Oddboyz wasn't like it used to be. Few years ago, Oddboyz was named Fastboyz, and was actually an normal racing group. They participated in real races, but after dominating the world's bracket, they chose to abandon the racing. There was no more the same excitement at it used to be. As we were seeking for new style of life, we came up almost being hit by two cars. Modified to the max, fast speed. That's when we knew what we had to do. That's our way to find the excitement what we were looking for. We started tuning our cars and motorbikes, pimping them. We decided to make our main color dark orange, as it used to be. As we were tuning our cars, outsiders got an interest of our doings. They started asking if we could also work on their cars, tune em, make them faster. It seems like we weren't the only ones interested in action thrilled lifestyle. Slowly even more people came up, joining our hosted races. Some got arrested, some won, some barely got away from the polices. That's what makes it exciting. You never know what's going to happen next. But one thing is for sure; When you see barriers on the streets, you know shit is about to go down! ^[] Gang Name: The Oddboyz Gang DoB: 17/9/2018 Gang Tag: ToB| Gang Money: 30,000,000$ Gang Base: West Los Santos Underground parkinglot Gang Color: Dark Orange #884900 Gang Motto: When you see barriers on the streets, you know shit is about to go down! Gang Role: The Oddboyz is a street racing gang. We close streets and burn a lot of tires. Gang Members Count: 7 Gang Discord: https://discord.gg/NDsD3J5 Gang Media Archive: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/2752/the-oddboyz-activities-archive/21 Gang Wannabe tag: ToB-H| Gang Properties: ::: The Oddboyz Base: A parkinglot and hotel. A parkinglot at the LV Trainstation The Oddboyz Mansion: ::: ^[] You abide the server rules. You are not a cunt. You stay in character when roleplaying. ^[] Leader [L] : The leader of the gang. ViceLeader [VL]: The right hand of the gang leader. HQ [HQ]: The HQ of the gang. These bad boys control the gang mostly. Organizer [O]: The Organizers of the gang. These guys plan and execute race events. **Blacklist Member [#number]: The most notorious racers. There are only 15 spots in this rank. You have to race against the rank above you in order to gain ranks. You don't have to be in the gang to be on the blacklist. When someone challenges you to a race. He can earn your spot. Challenger [C] : The challenger challenges the blacklist #15 spot. Once the guy has won he will be able to challenge other Blacklist members for their spot. Racer [R]: A challenger in the making. This guy will learn how to race properly and one day challenge Blacklist Members. Mechanic [M]: Every street race gang needs their mechanics. They know every vehicle in and out. Member [*] : The "Probation" rank of The Oddboyz. We have welcomed you in the gang. VIP [VIP]: Outsiders that have helped us. ^[] Leader : @Blade ViceLeader : @Bunny HQ : @Eusebio Organiser : Blacklist Member: Challenger : Racer : Mechanic: Member : @jaimy333 @Bangas @Mr-Joker VIP : @Hesha @Curvy @Nord @koko @Laza @Rubik ^[] Username: Nickname: Age: Nationality: Date of Birth: Community Join Date: What are your unique qualities you can offer: What difficulties would you face: Additional Information about yourself:
  6. It has been replaced with trucker v2. Which is a lot better imo, custom trailers and stuff like that. way more variety :P
  7. goodluck brudars
  8. The idea with the kill-arrest system was that we would have a test run. And as there have been not many complaints (Because jbs and brs are still doable) it has kind of slipped our minds to disable the feature for evaluation. We will come back to this shortly.
  9. I like, but then for almost everything to be tracked. From truck deliveries, to storerobs done, bankrobs done, but for example also drug/transport/arms deliveries done etc. It would add a more competitive feel to the current gamemode.
  10. We have a certain structure within the Development Team. Nanobob being our "leader" as you'd like to call it. I'd like to call it a supervisor. He's the supervisor for a reason and is good at what he does. There is no need to slag him off. On-topic considering your Script. There were a handful of mistakes made in your script. (I've not seen the most recent code). I had given you tips and shown you a better way of doing what you wanted to achieve. Yet it felt like you didn't accept my tips at all. Ofcourse I had put this up for conversation within our private chat. We have lifes and cannot be here 24/7. We do what we can and you should be accepting that. As for the suggestion; We liked the idea, as currently the vanilla radios are unavailable to be listened.
  11. Make sure you use correct capitals
  12. @moenesmjaid @moenesmjaid said in [Bug Report] Gun Runner: @epichu said in [Bug Report] Gun Runner: It's not a bug it happens to me multiple times as a drug/arms dealer Exactly, it ain't a bug, it's a feature! We will have a look at this.
  13. @filex said in Rent a car: actully, its good from the rp side why not a group or a place on map like C to rent cars its like trying them with maybe 10% of the real price @Blade not everything needs god damn groups!!!
  14. @marksman What would happen if it were to be destroyed?
  15. Me likey, however wouldn't this be abused? Even though it's a money sink (as 50% goes away). I like the concept however.
  16. Me likey. However, how would this be stored? Would you be able to pick up the vehicle from your savedisk, or from the renting place? Also I'd like people to be able to have more of the same type vehicle in their storage, which is something we're working on :)
  17. @psyghost said in Show us yourself V3: @blade why you seems like 30+ men? im only 21 men
  18. @scorpyo said in NPC drug dealers: I made this ages ago but ....... rip they still discussing about it or whatever, public dealers placed in all the turf zones arround SA ( about 50 ped ), and arrestable by cops too No. not arrestable by cops. That would make it too easy. We're discussing about what effects carrying drugs with you would have on the current meta. I personally think it would make it too easy for criminals to escape (as having cops use drugs would not be a good idea (realism))
  19. Is this a relevant issue though?
  20. I wouldn't say stealing from squad bases but rather police departments (it'd make more sense imo). So LS/SF and LV-PD
  21. fuck the outfit!
  22. It might be due to the weapon glitch that for you client it thinks you have the right weapon, but for the server it doesn't.
  23. is this... neccesary?
  24. Is the billiard table synced server side or client side?
  25. I like. I very much like. It sounds like a cool idea that can have a lot of potentional. just like CC has. I want to hear more opinions first though
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