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Everything posted by Blade

  1. Greetings community First of all we'd like to thank everyone that has posted their suggestions and/or replied to other community members' suggestions. We are very happy with your guys input so far. But why don't we take it to the next level and let you guys also script for us. We will provide transparency on what we look for in a script and give feedback on this. Some members already know of this, but we are almost certain a lot of you don't, hence this topic. If you have made a script and want it to be reviewed for possible uploading to the server, please send it to either @NanoBob , @DezZolation or @Blade for review purposes. We have a coding standard and would really like to give you feedback on how and what to improve your script. We see this as a bonus for both sides. So if you're interested, do not hesitate and contact us on discord or forum pms. With kind regards, SAES Development Team.
  2. @curvy After talking with you ingame we've decided to accept you. Welcome!
  3. @curvy Greetings, I'd like to meet with you in-game to continue the process of your application.
  4. Blade

    Cya SAES

    You could have your own laptop for only about 200 euros. On that you'd be able to play SAES (with lag but playable).
  5. The Oddboyz street race event has been a huge success. With over 15 participants when the server only had 40 players on sounds like a huge achievement to me! The winner that won the event was [AA]candy and gained a great total of 5m!
  6. It's a very rare bug. I think it's because it tries to activate the nitro when in fact your car has no nitro capacity anymore. I am still yet to find out wether this is the real cause and to get the bug myself.
  7. tbh. Is this really needed? Because in my opinion it'd just be a very annoying thing.
  8. @scripter thank you my friend but you don't have to like all my posts okay xD
  9. @camaron Unfortunatly your english skills are not up to par. Feel free to reapply when your english is a lot better.
  10. @camaron I'd like to meet with you ingame for the applicaton procedure to continue. ugh you like anime
  11. ey can we not discuss that here? :D
  12. I'd prefer the old taser with 1 shot per second :P
  13. oh my god! All these stupid HQs, I hate them! and oh damnit all those stupid SAES clan members, they can really ligma balls!
  14. A lovely race on the LS race track. and mr [aa]koko won
  15. Ladies ladies, let's not get into personal stuff here. So what I can gather from this topic is that you're upset about the fact some groups are not getting a spawn? The GM team is responsible for that. However I can assume their reasoning behind it. They want to see if a group can survive for long enough. I can understand that without a spawn you'll get less attractions from other players, but that is the way the system has worked for AGES. The thing that bothers me in this topic that it got very personal real quick. You're pretty much complaining about the lack of "player" groups with spawns. If I'm allowed to voice my personal opinion it would be that neither of the groups you mentioned (CEO,BES and TMH) are either too generic. Or already exist. For example CEO == LWS, they're entirely the same. This is also accounted for when reviewing "applications" groups put out.
  16. @itzspicey said in The Oddboyz: Username:ItzSpicey Nickname:FreshBoy Age:15 Nationality:Greece Date of Birth:26/08/2003 Community Join Date:since 2016 April What are your unique qualities you can offer:im good with rules im tryning to be good with everyone i want try to goin this gang up with my skills. i m good on driving cars shooting. with players on saes What difficulties would you face:beacuse he is new gang he is kinda hard to join beacuse the leader vL and HQ need to be trust you for join and that he's making kinda difficulty Additional Information about yourself:im tryning to be good with everyone im good on shooting and driving cars. i tryning to be friendly with all players on saes. and im good to driving airplanes but im bad on driving boats. Met with you ingame. You have been accepted :)
  17. @ChasinTLSN Has been accepted!
  18. @chasintlsn said in The Oddboyz: Username: decrypter1 Nickname: Chasin Age: I am 24. Nationality: Estonian Date of Birth: 27.06.1994 Community Join Date: Around 2013 july. What are your unique qualities you can offer: There isn't any to be honest. Maybe a bit more experience then a casual player base. What difficulties would you face: I don't know really, maybe someone else could tell that, hard to rate myself. Additional Information about yourself: I am Chasin, 24 year old cunt who likes to fuck around and have fun, I am ex SA-MP player back in the 2008-2009, did retire for a long time from the game until I found SAES, been here over 5 years with my ups and downs, I've been through everything. Greetings there sir. I'd like to meet you in-game for the application process to continue.
  19. @zaza said in The Oddboyz: Good luck guys i hope you will success but a suggestion move this topic to here so u can find new players > https://saesrpg.uk/category/134/server-gangs I had asked gms to move it but they have forgotten x.x
  20. thanks guys :)
  21. The cooldown is there to stop people from abusing it. (Spamming it would make you shoot but not use bullets)
  22. I think this is very doable yeah.
  23. I don't think this is something we scripters can do something with.
  24. Try starting your MTA as an admin.
  25. Awesome Car Meetup and Race from SF Airport to LS Docks! And congratulations to @Laza For winning the amazing 5 million!
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