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Everything posted by Blade

  1. "get to work" ? lol go fix it urself then.
  2. You can track on your paypal account how much you've donated to this satanic ritual.
  3. The movie Blade.
  4. As sir Combine said, I honestly don't see the usage of this. In turf wars (maybe) but apart from that, not really. Since the time those drugs are active are not optimal. I'd say no to this unless we change the drugs meta, but that ain't up to me.
  5. It sounds decent, except: There should be NO way to get out of your cell on your own. I like the idea of having to crack a code to get inside the jail, we had this at the FC jail and GIMP. Unfortunatly at this time, we don't have the resources/time to put into making this. We will keep hold of this idea and may implement this in our own way in the future. We'd like to thank you for your suggestion, without suggestions we wouldn't be able to operate the way we are now.
  6. Moved shamal to LS incl. icon. Removed Maverick Placed Securicar in East LS. Added interrior 7 back to house north LV
  7. This is due to MTA not being able to run things in the background. So for example if you play in full screen and you tab out of the game, your fps drops to 0. Which means anything that has to be rendered is temporary paused. Due to the way the topbar is made, this enables stacking the messages. It'd require us to completly rewrite the topbar which is currently not on our priority list.
  8. you should edit the spoilers again :p
  9. I like it. Especially with the upcomming reset. This gives more variety to the civilian side so I'm all up for it
  10. Nice group of people.
  11. The sirens on top of a car would require every vehicle in the game to be "mapped" with specific coordinates for them to be attached to. This is simply too much for such little. I don't see the use for us to make this happen. The access to the radio should be fixed tho.
  12. Drugs would go bad overtime, therefore they're not storeable. I am not really for this idea of storing drugs.
  13. Greetings fellows. First I'd like to say thanks to all of the contributors for their suggestions. We very much appreciate the fact you guys spend your own time to make the community/MTA server a better place. In order to suggest something, you can create a new topic in this section and outline what you want. What kind of suggestions are we taking? New scripts/ideas. Making changes to current running scripts. New mods (Skins, vehicle mods, etc..) What kind of suggestions are we NOT taking? Rule changes. They're made by us for reasons. Unbalanced suggestions. example: Make the payout for cops more! Make them earn 100k for arresting a person with 42 stars! Due to the high demand of additions/new script we do not have a lot of time to spend on these as of yet. We will work our way through them but it won't be as quick as you'd expect from us. If you'd like to suggest something, please make sure it has not been suggested before, this would mean you'll have to look in the other sections of this sub forum to determine whether your suggestion was already denied or has recently been put on pending. Please be reminded that posts within this discussion forum should follow the original poster's topic, and any post with no regards to the particular discussion may be removed in order to keep the section easily viewable. If you have any comments/questions about these guidelines feel free to comment below and we'll answer as soon as possible.
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