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Everything posted by Blade

  1. As cops, you work together, not as an individual. So go to that SR as a team and you easily arrest every single 1 of them. Just play with tactics. #denied
  2. @Blade said in Disabling mainchat.: As oppossing this feature. What we could do is the message that you write in the localchat be projected above someones character instead so you don't have to look at the chat anymore.
  3. I don't like the idea. If someone spams the chat, just ignore that person. As oppossing this feature. What we could do is the message that you write in the localchat be projected above someones character instead so you don't have to look at the chat anymore. But disabling the mainchat would be a big no for me really.
  4. I'd suggest making refuelling in the savedisk a lot more expensive and perhaps make refuel stations cheaper.
  5. Hail satan. Don't make me regret saying that to this.
  6. why does everything need to have cracking. We don't condone scripts to crack faster anymore so why would anyone want to do that shit bruh
  7. mens ) when next race
  8. I cant be there on the 5th though. So pls put me on the 6th
  9. w00t hai
  10. @Br3nA sorted
  11. Looks absolutely fantastic. Except for the small corridor at the end yeah. I'd suggest stay away from small corridors since it adds a "shooting range" feel to it. if you were to make small corridors, you should make multiple entrances to the area it leads to. But overal a huge huge + 1
  12. +1
  13. @JohnnyEnglish Maybe this would be good for an idea: Say for example, The Red Dragon Casino is the Casino Robbery spot. There are multiple machines in there which have cash in them. Well a great idea would be to make those machines damageable, much like Jason was from our halloween update. Now upon breaking them you'd get some cash. Ofcourse a casino also has safes with cash in them. And that I would do much like our bankrobbery script. Maybe try adding some guarding peds that shoot when a robbery is started, or use that as a starter, kill all the enemy peds to start the robbery.
  14. @Odorian Hmm that doesn't look too bad on my screens.
  15. Greetings dear Community! Some of you have been very naughty and might end up getting nothing for Christmas. However, we have come around and made some nice changes to the server. You can now turn off the GTA IV Radar in the M Panel > Options. Nade duping is no longer a thing. Larger vehicles will no longer get stuck inside modshops. On the other hand we have added the following for christmas spirits: Fixed and added the snow script. Tut made San Fierro look a lot more christmas like! The snow mobiles have made their return! Found a bug? Please make a report on our bugtracker! Kind regards, The SAES Clan.
  16. There will most likely be a function in the M panel to toggle between radars :)
  17. Interesting.
  18. this sounds like something that wouldn't be used. We have a party chat for that, and the class chat. As reasons people stated above this would be an unnecessary update.
  19. as people requested before, here we have the poll for the faith of trucking. Please vote carefully.
  20. I'd rather have a secondairy vote. The choices would be: Old trucking system New trucking system but with illegal loads Don't change anything.
  21. @Ardron said in Virtual Police Database [IN PROGRESS by Ardron]: It is PHP xd it is 90% done for beta testing, didn't have time to finish it yet, gonna try this weekend, free friday too YOU HAVE BEEN SAYING THAT FOR OVER A MONTH! GET TO WORK!
  22. yaaay im gonna apply
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