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Everything posted by Acez

  1. ~[ You do not need to leave your current G/S/C To join us. ]~(#ff0000) There was 5 guy named "Acez" "Raf" "Figmash" 'Remp" and "Orten", they are all together, one day, Acez won the lottery amount of "$498.000.000" Acez shared his money with his Friends. one day, Acez was thinking a to make a new Company. "Raf" suggested about Police Company, "Figmash" suggested about selling car's, while Acez thing about "Airlines". Acez was still thinking about the company, or what it's name. after a couple of days, he find out the name "San Andreas Aeroplane Airlines." Acez shared the name with his friends. Acez started to make the Company, while his Friends is training the applicants drove the Plane. Acez and Figmash was the founder of the Company, they do the work together, they train the applicants together. While Raf, is Figmash's Assistant. Remp was driving around the San Andreas State. while Orten is looking for a people to apply for us. Transfering Peoples- We Transfer Peoples Airport to Airport for a cheap price and safe flight Transfering Cargo's- We transfer Cargo from anywhere they want, we use Cargobob for it For Los Santos to Las Venturas Airport, we have $15,000 for Normal Seats ( CR And unlimited free foods only), $30,000 for VIP Plane ( Room and CR Included and unlimited free foods ) For Los Santos to San Fierro Airport, we have $17,000 for Normal Seats ( CR And unlimited free foods only ), $34,000 for VIP Plane ( Room and CR and Unlimited Free Foods ) For San Fierro to Los Santos Airport , we have $17,000 for Normal Seats ( CR And unlimited free foods only ), $34,000 for VIP Plane ( Room and CR and Unlimited Free Foods ) For San Fierro to Las Venturas Airport, we have $16,000 for Normal Seats ( CR And unlimited free foods only ), $32,000 for VIP Plane ( Room and CR and Unlimited Free Foods ) For Las Venturas to Los Santos Airport, we have $15,000 for Normal Seats ( CR And unlimited free foods only ), $30,000 for VIP Plane ( Room and CR and Unlimited Free Foods ) For Las Venturas to San Fierro Airport, we have $16,000 for Normal Seats ( CR And unlimited free foods only ), $32,000 for VIP Plane ( Room and CR and Unlimited Free Foods ) For Rent Plane, We have $100.000 for AT400, $80.000 for Shamal, $50.000 for Dodo, $20,000 for Helicopters For Rent a pilot, We have $65.000 every pilot and co-pilot, and $50,000 for Flight Attendant. For all of that, The money will go to Group and 20% for Leader/Vice Leader/ Assistant Leader. Group Name: San Andreas Aeroplane Airlines Group Founders: @Acez, @Raf0 @figmash Group HQ Teams: Acez, Raf, Figmash, Remp, Orten Group Motto: ~[ A Great Way To Fly in Sky ]~(#3AE8FF) Group Colour: ~[ #3AE8FF ]~(#3AE8FF) Group Media Archive: CLick me Group Tag: [SAA]Nick[=Rank=] or Nick[SAA] Date of Creation: December 23rd, 2019 Group Helper Tag: [SAA-H]Nick Group Discord: https://discord.gg/nnczfeA Group Money Value: $500.000 Group Members Total: 8 You must know all F1 Rules Respect all players especially Staff/Admins in the game Must have English Knowledge Must all know Group Rules Respect Members Especially HQ Teams Never Ask for a promotion If you will be inactive, you must tell any HQ in the game Never ask for your to check your application Never insult any Players Speak English in any chat Be friendly and play the game Leader [=L=]: This rank is only for ne(1) person , especially, he can do everything he want for the group. Assistant Leader [=AL=]: This rank is same as Leader, especially can do everything but he cant delete the group Vice Leader [=vL=]: This rank is only for one(1) person, he can do like what Leader does, but he cannot Delete the group. Assistant Vice Leader [=AvL=]: This rank is just like as Vice Leader, but for 2 persons. Head Quarters [=HQ=]: This rank is for 2/3 Person, he can accept/deny players and can also kick. Captain [=CAP=]: This one is for the guy who plan the flight, especially can do nothing. Flight Attendant [=FA=]: This rank specially can do nothing, he can only come with Pilot, this thing is for 1-50 persons. Pilot [=P=]: This rank specially can do nothing, he can only drive plane's and helicopter's. Co-Pilot [=CP=]: This rank is the same as Pilot, if Pilot is tired driving or sleepy, he can change his position. Flight Instructor [=FI=]: This rank is only for HQ, if the member don't know how to drive, they teach the pilot. Leader [SAA]Acez[=L=] Assistant Leader [SAA]Raf[=AL=] Vice Leader [SAA]Figmash[=vL=] Assistant Vice Leader Vacant Head Quarters [SAA]Remp[=HQ=] [SAA]Orten[=HQ=] Captain [SAA]Egoist Flight Attendant Vacant Pilot [SAA]Bas [SAA]Bobosou Co-Pilot Vacant Flight Instructor [SAA]Acez[=FI=] [SAA]Figmash[=FI=] [SAA]Raf[=FI=] [SAA]Remp[=FI=] [SAA]Orten[=FI=] lClick me TO BE POSTED Once you applied you must follow the application rules written below this sentence BE Patient Hang with members Dont ask HQ to check your application Must speak english onky Show your driving skills Questions must be BOLDED Join our discord ***STAGE I*** **Your Ingame Name:** **Your Account Name:** **Your Age:** **Your RP Name:** **Your Country:** **Your Languages:** **Your Skills:** **Your Weaknesses:** **Tell us about yourself (20 words or above):** ***STAGE II*** **English Proficiency (0-10):** **Driving Planes Proficiency(0-10):** **Roleplay Profeciency:** **For how long you playing SAES/MTA:** **What is our role:** **Give us a story of your Roleplay ingame character(100words above):** ***STAGE III*** **What do you do if your Pilot fell asleep, and you're the Co-Pilot?:** **What do you do if your Plane ran out of gas when you're on the sky?:** **What do you do if your Flight Attendant doesn't listen to you?:** OPENED ACCEPTED- This can be only received when we get good feedbacks from our Members. PENDING- This can be only received when your application have a bad answers/ingame appearance. DENIED- This happens when you break the Application Rules. or receive a negative feedbacks from our Members. BLACKLISTED- This only happens when you do not listen either you don't have english skills or tried to applied too many times and got denied.
  2. Acez


    CLOSED *So our HQ team have decided to cloae the grouo because we're dropping the activity. Also, our all HQ team is being busy eithh their organization.
  3. Acez


    @Lipy So, after having a discussion with hq teams, we receive a negative feedback from them,. So consider yourself as ::: ~[DENIED]~(red) ::: Re-apply as promotion next month.(jan,20,2020
  4. Acez


    @Latinoo gang i guess
  5. Address: 3 Scumville park Account name: dibabo Last seen: November 17 ,2019 Screenshots: ::: :::
  6. hi mate ! open this spoiler so you know what you will get as multi-accounter. thanks ::: :::
  7. Acez


    @Lipy said in San Andreas Coastguard | Official Topic | Rec CLOSED: In game name: Orten or Lipy Account login name: moemen12 Roleplay name: Billie Eilish Hey, Mr.Billie Eilish or @Lipy, We have a instructions for your application Questions must be bolded Wait for VL/C/L to answer you Be patient. For now you're UNDER-REVIEW
  8. Acez


    Our HQ Teams Have decided to open the recruitment early. Goodluck boys! SALUTES
  9. Acez


  10. fox member
  11. Ingame name: 203|Acez Username: theclub Country of Residence and Nationality: Philippines, i'm Filipino. Spoken Languages: Tagalog,English Age: 13 Date of the beginning of your SAES career: Around March-April 2018 Previous organisations and the reason why you left or got kicked out**: CripZ- Well, i got kicked for getting a punishment. Pirus- The gang has been closed by our leader. HRMC- Same as Pirus, Gang closed by our leader CDL- Umm, well it's a really ICE- Well, my first joining an Squad organization, i got kicked because i told James that i want to leave but he kicked me out. ICE- I left because Im tired of Cop life, i decided to go in Cripz ICE- Left Cop life is a Bored, so i decided to left BloodZ- Well, this gang is great too!, honestly, i just dont want to leave it but my hands forced me to, because it was inactive. Write an introduction about yourself personally and your in-game character of 150 to 200 words: Hello Everyone! it's me Martin A.K.A iAcez, so let's talk about my personal first. my full name is "Martin James S. Reyes" currently living at Philippines Cavite, i love playing Computer Games such as MTA , CSGO , Minecraft Java, Minecraft Bedrock ,League of Legends and alot more... i am 13 years old and my birthday is August 13, 2006 . i borned in Trece Martires Cavite, Philippines. i am always happy and i rarely be angry. sometimes i got grounded playing gadgets because im getting addicted into it. i love my family my siblings and my cousins and Reyes/Solis Family aswell. and we are a big happy family. to be honest we're moving to United States of America this 2020, i don't know which month but we're gonna move into. i think that's all for my personal introduction. Let's move into Ingame Character so first of all i started playing MTA:SA since 2years ago. probadly November/December 2017 and my first server i played was called "Free roam" servers" servers.. and few months ago. i got bored because i always play freeroam servers which is it's all free cars/guns and alot more. and about like March or April 2018th year i found the server called "SAES:RPG" , i found it has many players around 100+ players in midnight. and i played it. for like 2/3hours straight. and i got grounded for laptop but i can using mobile phones. and a week later my dad let me play again. and i forgot what server called. because i didn't put it into my Favorite one. a couple of days i found it happily. and i play it everyday. earn money everyday, make friends. the first friend i met was called "TaJ", i'm asking him "hey guys who want to see my bike tricks" and he came to me and watch it. and i asked him if i can be his friend. and he agreed aswell!. i am happy because it's my very first friend in the game. about 4-5 months my laptop broke. it was like october or september 2018th when my laptop broke. and i asked my mom if he can bought me one, and luckily she did! she bought me a brandnew laptop.. and after 3months i downloaded GTA:SA and MTA:SA.... and played it like January 2019th... i cameback and found TaJ, he forget me at all and yeah. i started a new journey. i create new account called "judeobiasca" it's actually for my cousin Jude Obiasca... but i and him use that account. and after a couple of months, we got banned. and i applied for a ban appeal and got unbanned about 2months. and we're happy aswell! and we promises that we will not do it again!. like we won't rulebreak again. i think that's all for my ingame character!!
  12. gl
  13. hbd le leader :)
  14. Patrol # 6 Participants: Acez Amount of healed or Time of patrol: ScreenShots: 0, i started patrolling about 9:42 and i end patrolling about 10:31 so 49 minutes Screenshots: ::: ![Spoiler Text](https://i.imgur.com/SUkmemL.png :::
  15. Patrol # 5 Participants: Acez Amount of healed or Time of patrol: ScreenShots: 1, started spawning Medic like 7:29 and i ended with 8:15, so overall, it's 46 minutes. ( i came 2 SR's but i forgot to take the last SR i made.) Screenshots: ::: ![Spoiler Text](https://i.imgur.com/2DzL0CJ.png :::
  16. Acez


    @Casper We are so sorry to demote you back from HeadQuarter, to Probationary, for the following reasons: You are not mature yet You don't have enough english skills We don't need HQ now. As we have 5HQ's Including you. as GM's Rule there must have 25 atleast members and not 20% of them are HQ. thanks. SALUTE
  17. Acez


    @SpeeD1Tn We are happy to announce that, you are ~[ACCEPTED]~(lime,lime) In our/my group. Find an HQ in order to receive your test, goodluck. Applied at discord since December 12, 2019.
  18. Acez


    *So our HQ Teams Decided to Close the Recruitment, because we are having some works on it, we will be opening it until we finish the work, thankyou For all those applicants who have applied, will get insta deny, because our recruitment are closed. SALUTE Best Regards, Martin / Acez -Leader of San Andreas Coastguard
  19. Acez


    Activity #: 8 Activity Type: Day Activity Players:Nader, Raf, Sanfara, Acez, McJoni Screenshots: ::: :::
  20. Acez


    @Slimani Hey You! Yes you! You got positive feedbacks from our members so don't waste your chance! Find Me or any HQ in order to receive ur test!
  21. Acez


    @Slimani said in San Andreas Coastguard | Official Topic: Account name: mama02 In game name: xRaze Age: 16 Sup buddy, Thank you for having an interest joining our group, unfortunately, as i said, you need to go on discord and apply there not here, for now you're Discord Server: https://discord.gg/gc87XH UNDER-REVIEW
  22. Acez


  23. Acez


    @Lipy From Pending to Accepted, Tested and Invited!
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