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Everything posted by Acez

  1. ~[YOU DO NOT NEED TO LEAVE YOUR CURRENT G/S/C TO JOIN US]~(#ff0000) Azure Devils Was Founded on January 13th, 1983, by Three Men Named ( Acez , hariya, Lopez ) They we're Friends And Always hanging by. Someday, they are involved in a gunshot in Los Santos South. Police Squads Are Trying to find them. But, Police Squads Couldn't Because Azure Devils is the most Powerful Group in San Andreas. One day. They are Involved in a Bank Robbery in Bone Country. which leads them to No.1 Criminal in SA. SWATs, Militaries, FBIs couldnt find them aswell. and then Oneday, President of the SA Declared that There should be a Checkpoints for Obviously for The Three Men. Militaries, SWATs, FBIs did. Oneday Acez was walking by in the Street to buy a pack of cigarette. Acez doesn't know that there was 1 guy Following him which is SWAT Member. A Couple of minutes later, He Realized that the guy was Following him, so that he ran to their Hideout. one day, the SWAT guy reported it to Military Headquarter in Bone Country. And they have Made Schedul when to raid the hideout because there's too many Criminals wanted too. oneday, Acez,Hariya and Lopez have no idea what will happen on that day. Military, SWAT, FBI raided their hideout but the Three Mens isn't there, they we're on Hariya's house. and a couple of Minute, Acez got a call from his Friend living next to his hideout. And His Friend told me the Cops/Military raided their Hideout. and Acez was shocked and he told it to his friend, Hariya and Lopez. Group Name: Azure Devils Group Founded: March 9th, 2020 Group Colour Code: ~[#9F00BF]~(#9F00BF) Group Founder / Leader: @Acez | @hariya101 Group HQ Team: @Acez | @hariya101 | @LopeZz Group Media Center: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/15973/azure-devils-media-archive?_=1583841456957 Group Discord: https://discord.gg/5kXeqed Group Budget: $10.000.000 Group Tag: Name|AzD or Name|Az for Applicant/Helpers. Group Motto: Nothing is Impossible for Azure. Assasination- Our Group Has Assasination Role, Because us, We can Assasinate Someone for Money. Drug Dealing- Our Group Also Sell Illegal Drugs, They Buy it for Cheap Prices and Safe Production. And We Sell it for Cheap prices. Alcohol Dealing- Our Group Sells Alcohol That Made in our Warehouse. We Make it Safely and We Sell it for Cheap Prices. Our Base Our Hideout Consigliere ( 5 )- This Rank is the Most Highest in the Group. This rank can do Anything he wanted for his Group. Boss ( 4 ) - This Rank is the Second Highest in the Group, He changes the Consigliere When He Isn't there. Under Boss ( 3 )- This Rank is Just like Boss, he changes the Boss when he is not in the Game. Caporegime (2)- This Rank is Litteraly Nothing. All he can do is to Report what is happening to the group to Boss / Consigliere. Soldier (1 )- This Rank Is when you have completed the Probation Task. All you can do with this is to ask something about Applicants, just same as the rank aboves! Associate (0)- This is only Happening when you got Demoted when you are level 1, also this is the rank when you just entered the Group. Very Important Person- *This Rank is supposed not to be inside the Group Panel, it Means this rank only happen when you Donated something about the group. Consigliere ( 5 )- This Rank is the Most Highest in the Group. This rank can do Anything he wanted for his Group. @Acez Boss ( 4 ) - This Rank is the Second Highest in the Group, He changes the Consigliere When He Isn't there. @LopeZz Under Boss ( 3 )- This Rank is Just like Boss, he changes the Boss when he is not in the Game. @hariya101 Caporegime (2)- This Rank is Litteraly Nothing. All he can do is to Report what is happening to the group to Boss / Consigliere. @The-Best1 Soldier (1 )- This Rank Is when you have completed the Probation Task. All you can do with this is to ask something about Applicants, just same as the rank aboves! Associate (0)- This is only Happening when you got Demoted when you are level 1, also this is the rank when you just entered the Group. Very Important Person- This Rank is supposed not to be inside the Group Panel, it Means this rank only happen when you Donated something about the group. Requirements Must have Decent English Skills Must Have Experienced SAES:RPG for 2Months Must be 13 Years Above ***I. PERSONAL INFORMATION*** **Real Name:** **Age:** **Sex:** **Country of Where do you Live-in:** **Primary Language:** ***II. INGAME INFORMATIONS*** **Ingame Name:** **Account Name:** **Past G/S/C:** **Reasons Why Did You Leave/Kicked:** **Previous Punishments (Ban/Kicks/Mute/Adminjails) Include Reasons:** **Current Organisation:** **Current Groups:** ***III. ROLEPLAY INFORMATIONS*** **Roleplay Name:** **Age:** **Birthdate:** **Birth Place:** ***IV. ABOUT US*** **Why us?:** **What does it makes you to Join us?:** **State Our Roleplay:** **Who's the Leader/Founder?** ~[ACCEPTED]~(#00ff00)- Well, Great Work, Find ANY Underboss+ Ingame to receive your TEST. ~[PENDING]~(orange)- Nice Work! Hang with us More and show us yourselves.! ~[DENIED]~(#ff0000)- Well, Sorry but You didn't accept the Requirements to Join us and/or You are not yet ready to join us.
  2. Greetings, Here We do post our Activites, Roleplays, Events and Any Other things related into that. NOTE: ONLY MEMBERS ARE ALLOWED TO POST HERE Activity No. Activity Type: Players Involved: Date: Screenshots: Event No. LWS/G6: Hoster: Date: Event Type: Event Prize: Screenshots: Roleplay No. Participants: Date: Story: Screenshots:
  3. nevermind, sorry i'll keep this request for sure. i'll never cancel any request again. sorry
  4. nevermind again. i cancel this request sorry.
  5. Acc name: dennis45678 address: Infamous Meth Lab last seen: feb 10 2020 screenshot:
  6. Accname: kado123456 last seen: feb 8 2020 address: 2 bay road screenshots:
  7. @Hentai said in Donation: Hentai (Amount 50.00 GBP): What be happenin with the cars, and who can I talk with about custom wraps? Thank ya Hello Hentai, You can talk with any admins in the game that has SAES> tags, he must be full admin to sort your donation vehicles. Also, they will ask you something about your wraps. ;Acez
  8. Lol ofcourse no, its simple, if you reset the economy how's our money? Our properties that we bought for millions? It ill be gone. Day NO to economy RESET!!!!!
  9. Already Requested Right here --> https://saesrpg.uk/topic/15878/inactive-ls Too Late brother. Betterluck Next Time @San-Andreas-Housing-Agency lock :)
  10. Acc Name: ogira13 Address: Nanoboobs Motel Room 9 Last Seen: Jan 30th, 2020 Screenshot:
  11. Nevermind. I Cancel this Request.
  12. Address: Rosewood St 100 Shop AccName: boubou05 Last SeeN: feb8 2020 Screenshot:
  13. Hrllo broooo happy happy birthday its me MartinJames, of you could remember, you are forst friend of mine back in 2017/2018. I was the guy who always saying who want to see my nrg500 trick in mainchat. Hahahaha, again HAPPY BIRTHDAY
  14. U mean drive tru
  15. Account Name: darwingta Address: 14 Hilltop Parade Last Seen: January 30th, 2020 Screenshots:
  16. @Zetaa said in The Mexican Mafia: [~[Hells Angels Application]~(purple,purple)] lool...... gll hahaha
  18. Ingame name: 'i'm known as "215|Acez" ingame. Ingame username: my ingame username is "theclub" Previous organizations and leaving causes: CDC: okay, so, the gang was very "inactive" so that i decided to left with my friend. X: I got kicked cause i got Punishment ICE3x: First, i left because cop side is boring, Second, I got kicked because i told James that i want to leave and he kicked me out of the Squad., Third, I left cause it's a bit inactive. HRMC: The Gang Died CDL: I left because the gang was semi-inactive the time i joined. CripZ: I got kicked because i got Banned from the server. LE: Well, i didnt apply or anything, i got free invite from Linkan and i stayed there for like 20-30 minutes Medellin: Well, i left cause i promised Jizzy that i will come with him Pirus: The gang died too. Define Underground Empire: UE was found after the "American Civil War" by the team of 3 men named "John Dixon, Edward McFarlane and Judah Devis", UE is a organized crime organisation, and it has many types of roles, including "Weapon Traficking, Drug Truficking, Money Traficking, Corrupting Poliicians, and Contract Killing." UE Purchases Weapons from trust and worthy Criminal groups/gangs, also UE doesn't produce Drugs, they buy it from trusted Group/gangs, also they do successful method to transfer money into UE, also Most of the officialls have their Price Upon corruption and some is associated and works for UE, and the last is Contract Killing which is being done by Ececute Incorporation, Customers pay a particular amount of money. What binds you with Underground Empire: Okay, so UE is Very good and very Loyalty and they are Most Friendly Gang in the server, also they are respectful at players, when someone needs help, they reply it immediately, also their HQs are good, and Members of UE are so skilled that i think they can win in almost all turf just like Hari. and i like UE because it's a good gang for me and i wanted to help them with my Activity/Roleplays/Teamworks/Respect/Kind. What do you know about organized crime: As far as i know in this gang is it's a well known gang, also they do Money/Arms/Drugs Laundering, also they are corruption Politicians and Cops, also they do contract killings, also they do every illegal things just like what i said before. ;Acez
  19. Address: Ye Olde Corner Shop Last Seen: January 24th, 2020 Account Name: yuriko5316 Screenshots:
  20. USername: CyrusChan Last Seen: December 13th, 2019 Address: Leydi D Cabe Shop Screenshots:
  21. house sold to ICE|Spanish|SGT, @San-Andreas-Housing-Agency lock plz
  22. Starting Bid: $2.000.000 Minimum Bid: $500.000 Buyout Price: $15.000.000 House near SF Warehouse( Back of it )- 3seconds run ::: :::
  23. hbd my friend
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