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Everything posted by Acez

  1. xL? eXtra Large?, anyways GL :crazypepe:
  2. Welcum Back to SAES:RPG
  3. Licanoooooooooob drottiiiiiii congratulations bothhhhhhh well deserveeeee
  4. Lol buckk and phobos is hscking? Rippppppp i have no good friends nowwwwwwww.....!!
  5. Acez from Fnatic from some game. I'm just a fan so yeah.
  6. Again, saw this one from another server, terrorists vs militarys, but sure I'll give +1 as it's enjoyment and good for crims and cops.
  7. Acc Name: kyoshiro02 Address: 23 Seaview Road Last Seen: December 24th, 2019 Screenshots:
  8. yes please, but Civilian Arms Dealer can't see SR's or BR's, as they are "Civilians" so i'll give +1. and from Ape. we all here know you since the first and we wanted a Justice on what they did for you
  9. ahhhh, i'm always late, like as always... wait what did i say? anyways, Habby Birthday ma dude. enjoy your day. :)
  10. Rip, the guys who is apart of a gang and DE.
  11. Lol, i knew this squad from an another server called shield too. Motto is the same and almost all the topic is the same, goodluck.
  12. Rest in Peace, Kove Bryant August 23rd 1978 - January 26th 2020. Rest In Peace The Legend of BasketBall Court.
  13. Mean Water Level
  14. Donated 1k pounds ( or less )
  15. Username: mierburns Prop Name: Saladbar Shop Last Seen: Dec 9, 2019. ScreenShot:
  16. Username: donna Last Seen: November 31, 2019 Property Name: El Quebrados Workshop Screenshot:
  17. hbd blizardos
  18. hbd Hooday
  19. just make the vending machine when you bought something but not heals just drugs like hash brownies, energy drink u get stars
  20. help i also get that too once i bought drugs so yes pls fix it edit: we can't even drag it out of the monitor using alt gr, because it's fixed right on the middle like ATM GUI
  21. Well, i think it's your birthday today!, as seen in home of the forums page!!!. Happy Birthday Ma nigg! wish u all the best @Kyle
  22. ofcourse! not. as Draven said above, if the guy can't and/or don't know how to crack, it will be counted as a Deathmatch
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