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Everything posted by Acez

  1. Acez


  2. Acez


    CLOSED *So our HQ team have decided to cloae the grouo because we're dropping the activity. Also, our all HQ team is being busy eithh their organization.
  3. :rolling_on_the_floor_laughing:
  4. Hbd ma baby
  5. Best: drot,terry,rampage Worst:
  6. @LAPD_Spanish_VEN said in Carry Foods/Drugs: Soon it will be Minecraf haha, Good Idea +1 yeah hahahha "MineSAES" edit: or SAEScraft haha
  7. So as we know all. we can't carry drugs and foods. we only buy them to drug/dealers, pizzaboy and stores... so my suggestion is , why don't we carry them?. it will be good for criminals/police. in order to carry them. buy a piece of drugs to drugdealers. like if u buy them, it will go to ur pocket/backpack. in order to use them. u wil lgo to ur backpack and rightclick and there will be selection. "use" , "drop" , "throw away", "bind drug/food. use means u'll use the drug u selected. drop means u will drop them. throw away means u'll delete them and bind drug/food means u'll bind a key to use that drug like. they will ask u "What bind do you like to use it?" then you'll select a key. and for food it's the same way. and there will be a backpack too! , you'll buy them for any price. like $1,500... and 5slots. $5,000 for 10slots and more...! so click yes if you aggree to my sugegstion and click no for not.
  8. Personal information: in-game name: iAcezYT Account name: theclub Age:13 Nationality:Filipino Languages you speak:English,Tagalog Ingame information: When did you join SAES? 2018 What gangs/squads/companies have you been in? Pirus,HRMC,ICE,ICE,CripZ,CDL Why did you leave or were you kicked out of your previous organisations? Pirus- Gang Closed ICE- well my very first time joining squad organization. i got kicked because i want to leave and they just kicked me out. ICE- 2nd time joining a squad organization, i left because im tired of becoming cop. CripZ- kicked for getting adminjail HRMC- gang closed CDL- well, it's great gang and my friend is leading on it. i left because i found no one online when i go online. so i decided to left. Have you ever been kicked or banned from SAES:RPG ? yep, i got banned its because i am multi-accounting Information about gang: Why do you want to join MMC? -because i like Motorcycle club gangs and it's great gang. also my friend is in here and he is "RadiO". he recommended me to apply for MMC. What could you offer to MMC? - my respect,kindness,loyalty and im a bit skilled. Describe MMC's roleplay in your own words - MMC is a biker club. which they fixes bikes and cars for a fair price. most people knows mongols is violent. they slel drugs/arms and they do roadtrips also. and they do everything jsut to get a profit. Did you hang with members of the club before? - Yes its [MMC]RadioGugu Do you have experience with the biker life on SAES or anywhere else? - yep, it's Hell Raisers Motorcycle Club.
  9. gz to all of u!
  10. happy birthday ! mbtc and stay what u are ! <3
  11. Section 1- :Personal Information:- Real name: Martin James S. Reyes In-Game name: iAcezYT Account name: theclub Age: 13 What is your gender?: Maculine Nationality: Filipino English knowledge (1-10): 8/10 Timezone: GMT+8:00 How long have you been playing on SAES:RPG ?: since 2018 How active are you on SAES:RPG ? : in ratings, i would rate it 8/10 because sometimes i cant play because i need to study Describe yourself with one word: Respectful, Friendly, Kind, Joker, Emotional Tell us about you're self (Minium 100 words): Hello there! my name is Martin James S. Reyes, or you can call me iAcezYT. i live in the Phlilippines and i have 3siblings, my mother is at United States of America and my father is here, with me. I am 13yo, my birthmonth is August 13th, 2006. My hobbies are playing computergames, studying, playing baseball with my friends/cousin. and call my mom in the facebook. i also like eating foods aswell. and sometimes, i am crying because i miss my mom. and sometimes my father is angry so thats why i cant play computer sometimes. , i think thats all, thank you. :SDO Knowledge: - What do you know about SDO? SDO means "Sky Diving Organization", which is they do skydives in the sky. they do so much activities like they jump on cars,high bridges and more.... have you applied to join SDO before ? : Nope, this is my first time Do you have any friends in SDO? : Nah, i've got no one. What's our Moto? : If at first you dont succeed SKYDIVING is not for you Did you read and understand our rules: Yep! Flying Skills (0/10)?: 7.5/10 Driving skills (0/10)?: 8.5/10 RP skills (0/10)?: 8.5/10 What you gonna do in SDO if you got accepted ? : Post RolePlays,Activities like kydiving,landing in a car. Write backstory for skydiver character: in the day of Augut 13th, 1997, there was a guy called "Beast Royales". he is a 9 year old kid, and he's hobbies are playing skydiving games. 23years later at date of August 13th, 2020, he is 32years old! luckily, he is a business man and he is rich!, he remembered his hobbies when he was a kid, it is skydiving. luckily he bought aparachute and rented a plane. at the date of August 19th, 2020 his dream come true. he became an "Skydiver", he almost forgot his business just to play skydives. and years later... he became poor because he did not take care of his business. he even forgot it because o skydives. he realize that, if he don't have business, he can't do skydives. :Server Memberships: - Your current gang/squad/company: La Confrerie Des Lions(CDL) What are your currently server groups?: The forgotten. Have you been kicked/banned before from SAES:RPG (If yes, details please):banned- for multi-accounting. Have you read and understood the rules in F1?: yes i do. Descrive with your own words SAES:RPG? :It' a good server, it has really good members and good staffs/adminds.
  12. dont leave friend. i'll miss u
  13. Ingame name: 203|iAcezYT Username: theclub Country of Residence and Nationality: Philippines, i'm Filipino. Spoken Languages: Tagalog,English Age: 13 Date of the beginning of your SAES career: Around March-April 2018 Previous organisations and the reason why you left or got kicked out: CripZ- kicked for getting adminjail, Pirus- Gang closed , ICE1st- Kicked i forgot why , ICE2nd- Left im tired of cop life. Write an introduction about yourself personally and your in-game character of 150 to 200 words: Hello Everyone! it's me Martin A.K.A iAcez, so let's talk about my personal first. my full name is "Martin James S. Reyes" currently living at Philippines Cavite, i love playing Computer Games such as MTA , CSGO , Minecraft Java, Minecraft Bedrock ,League of Legends and alot more... i am 13 years old and my birthday is August 13, 2006 . i borned in Trece Martires Cavite, Philippines. i am always happy and i rarely be angry. sometimes i got grounded playing gadgets because im getting addicted into it. i love my family my siblings and my cousins and Reyes/Solis Family aswell. and we are a big happy family. to be honest we're moving to United States of America this 2020, i don't know which month but we're gonna move into. i think that's all for my personal introduction. Let's move into Ingame Character so first of all i started playing MTA:SA since 2years ago. probadly November/December 2017 and my first server i played was called "Free roam" servers" servers.. and few months ago. i got bored because i always play freeroam servers which is it's all free cars/guns and alot more. and about like March or April 2018th year i found the server called "SAES:RPG" , i found it has many players around 100+ players in midnight. and i played it. for like 2/3hours straight. and i got grounded for laptop but i can using mobile phones. and a week later my dad let me play again. and i forgot what server called. because i didn't put it into my Favorite one. a couple of days i found it happily. and i play it everyday. earn money everyday, make friends. the first friend i met was called "TaJ", i'm asking him "hey guys who want to see my bike tricks" and he came to me and watch it. and i asked him if i can be his friend. and he agreed aswell!. i am happy because it's my very first friend in the game. about 4-5 months my laptop broke. it was like october or september 2018th when my laptop broke. and i asked my mom if he can bought me one, and luckily she did! she bought me a brandnew laptop.. and after 3months i downloaded GTA:SA and MTA:SA.... and played it like January 2019th... i cameback and found TaJ, he forget me at all and yeah. i started a new journey. i create new account called "judeobiasca" it's actually for my cousin Jude Obiasca... but i and him use that account. and after a couple of months, we got banned. and i applied for a ban appeal and got unbanned about 2months. and we're happy aswell! and we promises that we will not do it again!. like we won't rulebreak again. i think that's all for my ingame character!!
  14. hbd sir moleythemolester :)
  15. solved, thanks to those guys whi tried to help me
  16. @Brophy said in how to change name: If you go on your own profile, press the three dots on the right, click Edit. Once there select "Change Username" oh nvm sir , i have it thankyou verymuch :)
  17. @Brophy said in how to change name: If you go on your own profile, press the three dots on the right, click Edit. Once there select "Change Username" i dont have that thing sir
  18. @Script100 said in how to change name: Isnt there an option in Edit Profile there is but it only edit the real name not the one with "@"
  19. @kimoz said in how to change name: i think u cant but u can change your name it will be beside your username show like what u want but if u afraid some one will steal your account u can change password or email easy from website or in game i mean in forums sir :)
  20. @Brophy said in how to change name: What do you want it changed to? i want to change it with in forums thanks sir : @Martin13
  21. @flusha said in how to change name: @Jude-Obiasca said in how to change name: so i am wondering and asking some friends and admins , how to change the username like mine "@JudeObiasca". please i need your help guys , thanks Hello, you probably know that but Id like to remind you that you can change it from the settings and by /nick command. But.. I guess @ is not a valid character to put into your nickname. Edit: I will not be able to sort your help if you meant the username youve been recorded when registering. Ask an admin. sir i mean in forums. :)
  22. @Nishki said in Mixed Sad/Happy.: My dude why don't you start writing books? lazy to do it mate xd :)
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