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so i am wondering and asking some friends and admins , how to change the username like mine "@JudeObiasca". please i need your help guys , thanks
bye Pirus|, i'll miss u. Pirus|iAcezYT
So Since September 14th 2019, at 7:29PM(19:29) , i have applied for a Ban Appeal At November 6, 2019, i got unbanned. So let's start with the 'Ban Appeal' Since September 14th of 2019, i have applied for a ban appeal. and asking why i applied?. because i did wrong or a rulebreak into the server. so yea. you know what unbanned feels like. your heart is beating so fast and excited to play the game that you get unbanned. for me . yeah it is, because i have so many friends in the game. asking why i created this topic? i created this because i was thankful to all of you. even my haters. yeah i am very thankful to you guys. even admins that hate me , players that hate me. i love you all. thankyou. My account 'theclub' is originally created around March/April of the year 2018 so im just sharing my feelings, the 'teamwork' that me and my friend's did i miss all the things that my friends and me did, like giving help,jailbreaking and more. you know what it feels if you have 'true' friend right? yeah me i feel that. but my friends didn't. you know what? because i am a 'fake' friend. i mean, i lied , i make them angry,. but sometimes i made them feel good. like make them laugh,make them happy. by giving them money,guns and having a joke. you guys asking why i need to create this topic? it's all about to thankyou all. even you don't support me. and yeah. it's okay to me if my ban appeal took so long atleast i got unbanned like i can be with my friends again. yeah i am a bit Mentally Retarded so it doesn't mean you have to hate me. i know why you guys hate me . because i am stupid,dumb,mentallu retarded,annoying. but forgive me. i can make a new beautiful life again. so before when i logged in saes, i found my bestfriend "Smurf" and told him about me , i said "Bro i have something to say on you" , "i am Martin James i lied to you i'm sorry" and he didn't forgive me . you know why? because i am dumb,stupid i shouldn't lie, i shouldn't be dumb i shouldn't be stupid but yeah. i can't stop myself being a mentally retarded human Is it okay if you don't want to be my friend/unlike my topic. i understand it. so i hope you all understand what i'm talking about. before you type me some "bad comments" understand the topic first Thankyou -MartinJames
@VayraN said in should i come back?: @Jude-Obiasca said in should i come back?: @VayraN said in should i come back?: @Jude-Obiasca said in should i come back?: so everyday im talking about myself why im annoying the players why im still alive in this world i want to die and something. since i started playing SAES alot of THOUGHTS i've received this is the more thoughts i got - OMG JUDE IS MARTIN HE IS MULTIACCOUNTING another one was HEY ARE YOU MARTIN? BECAUSE YOUR PAST NICKNAMES WAS MARTIN ..ETC..... and all of my answer to that was NO IM NOT MARTIN IM JUDE im saying that alot of times but they still don't believe me. sometimes im praying before applying to any organizations even i made a new im praying to get it a SUCCESSFULL ORGANIZATION.... but i couldn't make it ... why? because alot of people hates me. why? yeah i admit that i annoy some players but it doesnt mean that you will hate me? no its not. annoying is a part of being a human . you admit that you annoy a player since. or in real life. and all i want to say to those people a make them annoy is a big SORRY. i will not annoy you again. sometimes when i ask people like "hey can we party i need to talk with you" and they reply "YOU ARE SO FUCKING ANNOYING KID" .. that sentence hurt me so much. i know that it's just a game. but im crying sometimes when im getting bullied like " I HATE YOU" "YOU SUCK" "YOU NOOB" that words hurt me so much. yeah now im making this topic im little bit crying because i made alot of mistakes you you guys. now it's time to say SORRY TO ALL OF YOU. we can be friends but please don't hurt me like that . yeah i admit im 15years old and you saying why im crying? because i have a soul and i have a heart i can feel the things that can hurt me. Thats all thankyou for your time. -Jude Take this as a advice from me, don't be sad if some cunts are annoying you or wishing bad things to you, they do that because they didn't get respected by anyone so when they become important ingame they think that they are respected irl, if you are Martin or not, no need to hide yourself, if I did multi account I will not hide that and I will say that i'm multi accounting, like i'm tamsouh all are bullying me and i don't give a fuck, I don't answer them, I answer them only if they didn't keep the limits and they started talking about families, if they bully you or talk about your family don't make anyone tell you to shut up, like if i'm in a organization and I got insulted by my family, I wont shut up, I will talk too, Listen Jude, SAES is a cancer community and admins knows that, even admins are cancer sometimes, they are not dealing with the toxic players and i'm saying that to every player/admin, just go to hell if you will keep annoying everyone and keep hating people and wishing them a bad wishes, if you do this, you can just shut the fuck up and go to hell, Jude if you insulted back that doesn't mean you are toxic or something like that, you are just defending yourself, I defend myself and none can do anything to me without being raped, when I fight with someone I don't make a big thing I don't make a topic talking about that, I did sometime a topic about leaving SAES but then I said why should I let the game that I love just because some cunts doesn't like me, haters gonna hate man, just tell them to fuck off and don't be sad Jude, you can come back to SAES or you can let it for ever, it's your choice but I will be here always and none can force me to do anything, just once again, i'm saying to every admin and player, if you are a admin, if you are anything important (for you) in this server and you bully everyone with your bad wishes on them or you insult their family, just fuck off and go to hell :) Jude, last thing to say, don't make anyone to force you on anything, i'm like you getting bullied and I don't give a simple fuck, I can defend myself and I expect that from you too. Regards, VayraN. hey tamsou/vayran/my friend xd thankyou for your advice all i just want is PEACE and HAPPY friends/family. they all don't know what im waying at. i have so many problems about family. All has a problem, I have many problems in my life and I don't care anymore about the games and cunts xd let's talk in pm. i'll tell you all my secrets ;/
@VayraN said in should i come back?: @Jude-Obiasca said in should i come back?: so everyday im talking about myself why im annoying the players why im still alive in this world i want to die and something. since i started playing SAES alot of THOUGHTS i've received this is the more thoughts i got - OMG JUDE IS MARTIN HE IS MULTIACCOUNTING another one was HEY ARE YOU MARTIN? BECAUSE YOUR PAST NICKNAMES WAS MARTIN ..ETC..... and all of my answer to that was NO IM NOT MARTIN IM JUDE im saying that alot of times but they still don't believe me. sometimes im praying before applying to any organizations even i made a new im praying to get it a SUCCESSFULL ORGANIZATION.... but i couldn't make it ... why? because alot of people hates me. why? yeah i admit that i annoy some players but it doesnt mean that you will hate me? no its not. annoying is a part of being a human . you admit that you annoy a player since. or in real life. and all i want to say to those people a make them annoy is a big SORRY. i will not annoy you again. sometimes when i ask people like "hey can we party i need to talk with you" and they reply "YOU ARE SO FUCKING ANNOYING KID" .. that sentence hurt me so much. i know that it's just a game. but im crying sometimes when im getting bullied like " I HATE YOU" "YOU SUCK" "YOU NOOB" that words hurt me so much. yeah now im making this topic im little bit crying because i made alot of mistakes you you guys. now it's time to say SORRY TO ALL OF YOU. we can be friends but please don't hurt me like that . yeah i admit im 15years old and you saying why im crying? because i have a soul and i have a heart i can feel the things that can hurt me. Thats all thankyou for your time. -Jude Take this as a advice from me, don't be sad if some cunts are annoying you or wishing bad things to you, they do that because they didn't get respected by anyone so when they become important ingame they think that they are respected irl, if you are Martin or not, no need to hide yourself, if I did multi account I will not hide that and I will say that i'm multi accounting, like i'm tamsouh all are bullying me and i don't give a fuck, I don't answer them, I answer them only if they didn't keep the limits and they started talking about families, if they bully you or talk about your family don't make anyone tell you to shut up, like if i'm in a organization and I got insulted by my family, I wont shut up, I will talk too, Listen Jude, SAES is a cancer community and admins knows that, even admins are cancer sometimes, they are not dealing with the toxic players and i'm saying that to every player/admin, just go to hell if you will keep annoying everyone and keep hating people and wishing them a bad wishes, if you do this, you can just shut the fuck up and go to hell, Jude if you insulted back that doesn't mean you are toxic or something like that, you are just defending yourself, I defend myself and none can do anything to me without being raped, when I fight with someone I don't make a big thing I don't make a topic talking about that, I did sometime a topic about leaving SAES but then I said why should I let the game that I love just because some cunts doesn't like me, haters gonna hate man, just tell them to fuck off and don't be sad Jude, you can come back to SAES or you can let it for ever, it's your choice but I will be here always and none can force me to do anything, just once again, i'm saying to every admin and player, if you are a admin, if you are anything important (for you) in this server and you bully everyone with your bad wishes on them or you insult their family, just fuck off and go to hell :) Jude, last thing to say, don't make anyone to force you on anything, i'm like you getting bullied and I don't give a simple fuck, I can defend myself and I expect that from you too. Regards, VayraN. hey tamsou/vayran/my friend xd thankyou for your advice all i just want is PEACE and HAPPY friends/family. they all don't know what im waying at. i have so many problems about family.
@Markus you know what hurt feels like? you don't know right? because you don't get BULLIED or get received HURT WORDS. what if we switch a humanity ? me as you and you as me. you'll feel what hurt is. you dont get hurt because you are FAMOUS and got too many REPUTATION. me i jsut got 5-10 reputation and all of it is by my friends. all i just want is SUPPORT. and REPUTATION to all of you. you know what i mean? i want you all to be my friends. and always HERE for me. and if you don't want to help me then just don't talk to me. you are just making me more hurt. you don't know my life bro i got so many problems. and you'll say you don't care? ofcourse you will. because you HATE ME and DONT SUPPORT ME. bro all i want is PEACE and HAPPY FRIENDS. i hope you understand what i mean to say. thankyou.
so everyday im talking about myself why im annoying the players why im still alive in this world i want to die and something. since i started playing SAES alot of THOUGHTS i've received this is the more thoughts i got - OMG JUDE IS MARTIN HE IS MULTIACCOUNTING another one was HEY ARE YOU MARTIN? BECAUSE YOUR PAST NICKNAMES WAS MARTIN ..ETC..... and all of my answer to that was NO IM NOT MARTIN IM JUDE im saying that alot of times but they still don't believe me. sometimes im praying before applying to any organizations even i made a new im praying to get it a SUCCESSFULL ORGANIZATION.... but i couldn't make it ... why? because alot of people hates me. why? yeah i admit that i annoy some players but it doesnt mean that you will hate me? no its not. annoying is a part of being a human . you admit that you annoy a player since. or in real life. and all i want to say to those people a make them annoy is a big SORRY. i will not annoy you again. sometimes when i ask people like "hey can we party i need to talk with you" and they reply "YOU ARE SO FUCKING ANNOYING KID" .. that sentence hurt me so much. i know that it's just a game. but im crying sometimes when im getting bullied like " I HATE YOU" "YOU SUCK" "YOU NOOB" that words hurt me so much. yeah now im making this topic im little bit crying because i made alot of mistakes you you guys. now it's time to say SORRY TO ALL OF YOU. we can be friends but please don't hurt me like that . yeah i admit im 15years old and you saying why im crying? because i have a soul and i have a heart i can feel the things that can hurt me. Thats all thankyou for your time. -Jude
@BusterMcBadass said in It's Time To Comeback :): Its okay @Jude-Obiasca, They hate u but I love u <3 thanks , i love you too ;) <3
@SideSwipe said in It's Time To Comeback :): Welcome back (You should not post this topic) Anyway i may help you about money to start everything again. thanks :)
@jaimy said in It's Time To Comeback :): @Jude-Obiasca its normal, he is FOX what do you mean ?
@Marko said in It's Time To Comeback :): some people just need a block from posting more than one topic in Emotions for 5 months each or sth... what the hell? why you hate me ? , me , i don't hate ANYONE , even they downvote,annoy,judge me . im just letting them . but you ... you. i don't know what kind of person are you . for me , you're not a good person enough , you know what? because YOU ALWAYS JUDGE ME WITHOUT ANY REASONS , even i am not judging you man . i just want to help players , i want to be friends of them ! . but you . no , you have good reputation because you just judging me ? or other kids? it's not about on age dude , just respect your fellow humans , we are HUMANS we help each other not to judge . me yeah i admit i'm a KID but it doesn't mean i don't have RESPECT , i am not like other kids like SPOILED no, im not that type of kid , i am HUMBLE , RESPECTFUL , HONEST . asking why im doing shitty things? im doing because i want the players to be happy ! but NO ! , ALWAYS NEGATIVE , sometimes im crying while playing , and you saying it im kid , NO IM CRYING BECAUSE I MISS MY MOM , MY MOM IS AT AUSTRALIA DUDE . THINK BRO , LETS SWITCH , YOU IS ME , AND ME IS YOU . Let's see what can you bring to us ! . yeah i admit . i admit that i lied about my age , AND IT DOESNT MEAN THAT I AM UNRESPECTFUL , i respect all the peoples man . even they don't respect me . because all i wnat is friends , happy life , and good reputations like all of you . im trying hard here to just make new friends but no , no i can't get new friends , you asking why i have friends? because in start , they respect me at all! , and i respect them too ! . i tried helping others by giving moneys ... etc.... but nope. man , i am almost stress all day , im working hard to get my mom here on the Philippines , me , yes i admit we're poor and i got potato pc , and some CripZ members , when i joined them , they don't want me to be part of them! , i saw that Bernasx said "why you join him he is lagger and low fps" yeah i admit , i have that! , it's not mean im poor and you don't want me to be friends? because you all are rich? no!
SO Hello Guys , as you all know that my acc was hacked , it's okay for me , so for today's topic of mine , i will comeback in the game , i will promise that i won;t annoy players again , i will respect them all , and please , respect me too . thanks regards, jude obiasca :)
@MarksMan said in It's Time to _ _ _ _: This made me cry for real, did you?
@Nord said in It's Time to _ _ _ _: @ILLUSION said in It's Time to _ _ _ _: Your writing SAES "career" in your "retirement" topic reminds me of Polat's saying "good night guys! check my properties while I am offline cCc" See you in few days, not even a week I suppose. And when you come back from your little vacation keep in mind that admins can help you with where your money went. They have logs of nearly everything. ~[cCc cCc cCc cCc cCc]~ @Jude-Obiasca See 'ya around. :) cya bploi, ill come to ur place sometimes
@Xavier said in It's Time to _ _ _ _: @Jude-Obiasca i hope you'll come back in a week like the others do i was super excited to solve your problem, i went full sherlock mode asking the current owners of your lost props and shit. its sad that you have given up. So, if ... well not if , When you come back please tell me so i can continue being a detective. Cya soon! thanks for helping bro
@Eienn said in It's Time to _ _ _ _: It's cool that you have enjoyed while playing here, but you aren't supposed to show it off by writing such paragraphs. thank you ;) havr a great day.
@Stiffler said in It's Time to _ _ _ _: @Jude-Obiasca I think your situation can easily be resolved and you can continue from where you left off. No need to ditch SAES because of one accident which looks like that wasnt your fault anyway. btw, admins said, my acc isnt hacked but why my moneys and cars are gone.
@SideSwipe said in It's Time to _ _ _ _: @Jude-Obiasca come back If you want still interesting I will give you 3m like a gift and cars no thankyou side, keep your cars and moneys into yourself. you will be need it after some days :)
@Duff said in It's Time to _ _ _ _: bb tomorrow im quiting , i will not play anymore.
SO Hello Guys ! I'm Jude Obiasca From Philippines , i play alot MTASA Servers like SAES and more ... but my account in SAESRPG was hacked , i don't know his/her name , i lost my all Moneys , My Cars , and My Favorite Property , I Know That Some Players Will be happy because they said Im Noob , Kid , Annoying and many more . I'm Very Sad because i lost my prop,cars,moneys ........... and i will miss my all friends :( like PewD , Jamal , Smurf , Nishki , Mohamed and many more ! . my journey in SAES Was happy even they are calling me noob,annoying,kid even i am so Angry , but it's just a game , i know . and they say to me that words because they don;t like me , so Haters of Me , This is favorite time ! Im Quitting SAES:RPG , I'll Tell My SAES Career Down below . Open the spoiler if you want to see :) ::: Since I Started playing SAES:RPG was January or February i don't remember , in my first day , Some people help me out how to play , and as i remember , i spawned as cop and hang with some SAFP Members , then i have an interest joining SAFP , After some weeks , i applied for SAFP then i hang with them too many times. and the Vice Leader name "Scooter" is very kind and respectful , and also the Leader name "Piem" he is admin , he is kind too aswell , when , my favorite party was when we skydive from an shamal to Store Robbery , and i said "I Don't have Parachute" because i don't know that we will skydive , then Piem Gave me 1 Parachute , and yeah i am so happy in there because it was my first Skydive , after some days , i have losen Interest in SAFP , then applied for ICE , Then i got accepted , ICE is the Best Squad for me and SAFP too! because some people says "ICE IS DONATION SQUAD" but in myself , i said "They Donate To Help Server , James like to help server" then i fight for ICE , then some people says that im annoying , kid and noob because i join ICE , but i don't care if they say me those words because i know that it's just a game . 1week later i got kicked from ICE because i reported "KILIOS" for arresting me as cop and im spawned as cop too and he exploded our car . then james told me that to delete the report then i said "I CANT THERES NO EDIT/DELETE THING" then he don't believe me . some days i joined again because i apologize to James , after some days , i left ICE Because Cop Side is a little bit boring , then tried to join CripZ , after some days i joined it , then kicked because i got adminjail from throwing a grenade in hospital because i can't move and some people throwing grenades in hospital too many times , but me i only throw one time , then kicked , after somedays i become inactive for like 1-5days because im busy inreallife , then i saw the gang The Pirus , then tried to join it and get accepted , after some days i got accepted . and it's great gang for me , because all members are so respectful and kind . then after some days like 6days , i left , because Criminal Side is A little bit bored , then applied for SAFP again . after that i got denied , then i go sleep , when i comeback from home from school and loged in , my all money,cars and 1 prop is gone ! , i almost cried because i work hard for it and then they will just hack my account . then yeah . i decide to quit SAESRPG because im so bored . thats it ! thank you for reading :) ::: Thats it Guys ! Best Regards , Jude Obiasca :)
Current Official Squads Levels - 2022 *UPDATED*
Acez replied to Laza's topic in Territorial Support Group (TSG) - ARCHIVE
Wtf nnb demoted nd ice level5 lol -
@Nord said in KHC - Knighthounds Contractors - Media Archive: Activity Number: #10 Name: iBow(Sandstorm) People Involved: @SideSwipe , @Nord , @Jude-Obiasca ::: ::: Amount of Money Involved (RP/LWS; if necessary): N/A Type of Activity: Roleplay Date of Activity: June 1st , 2019 Location: Bone Country Near Abandoned Airport Explanation (for RP only): It was a Night , Like 19;28 , There was a Agent dealing with a stanger , me and Cuda silently spy him . till we known he is dealing with Spy Stuffs .. Till then we see a Spy Camera , Spy Gadgets.... etc.. Screenshots: Open the Spoiler if so , ::: :::
be lated happy birthday