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Everything posted by Acez

  1. @FireSnow said in San Andreas Taxi Services ~ SATS: In-game nickname:ICE|Spider|R* In-game username:kaka02 Age:16 Dear Applicant , I have an eye to you and you show to me that you're worth it ! and you got good driving skills/english skills aswell ! Congratulations ! you may not use [TS]Name[P*] Tag ! and choosed the role "CAB DRIVER", ~[ACCEPTED]~(#00FF00) Your Sincerely , Supervisor of TS , iBow
  2. Nvm , use to old app!
  3. @Freezy Choosed the role "CAB MECHANIC", good aplication , good work =ACCEPTED !
  4. @FireSnow said in San Andreas Taxi Services ~ SATS: STAGE I. In-game nickname:ICE|Spider|R* In-game username:kaka02 Age:16 Languages spoken:Arabic*Englih/French Gender:Male Rate your english skills (1-10):8/10 STAGE II. Tell us about yourself: Hello My Name Is AbdAllah Im 16 Years Old I Love Playing SAES Beacuse Im Enjoye With My Friends Why should we accept you?:Im Good Driver And Im Active Player Previous punishment(s):N/A Reason(s):N/A Rate your driving skills (1-10):9.5/10 Dear Applicant , Try to avoid things such as "ASKING HQs TO CHECK YOUR APPLICATION" if you keep doing that , we'll put you on DENIED , now you're ~[PENDING]~(#D7Df01) keep hanging with our members & try doing good activities.
  5. Say welcome to our newest member @Freezy ! Congratulations , now you can post here for promotions ! and don't forget those rules that you've read before you apply ! and your probation will stay for 7days(1week) !
  6. Pffff sorry deleted
  7. In-game nickname: Ziad In-game username: ziadtarek2 Age: 17 @Freezy said in San Andreas Taxi Services ~ SATS: In-game nickname:freezy In-game username:mohamed44 Age:19 Dear Applicants , We want to see more from you and show us yourselves and some good activities such as hanging... etc... , ~[PENDING]~(#d7df01)
  8. @Marko said in San Andreas Taxi Services ~ SATS: Someone call TEC gl tho land talked with terry about it and thats okay, Terry said Anyways Thankyou
  9. its just a game liyoness, to join an organisation you must be kind. be mature. and dont act like a kid thats why other people hate you, me no i dont, i dont hate anyone even they are saying im a retarded, im a kid... hwy ould i react? its just a game liyoness. just remember be kind. be mature, don't be a retarded, dont act like a kid always, if you want reputation, fix yourself man, even me others people hated me but me.. i don't becayse its just a game man. thats it thank you. edit: im always here to help you liyoness
  10. @Freezy said in [San Andreas Taxi Services ~ SATS] Previous punishment(s): I did not play long enough so I was not in any group or gang Reason(s):I was not in any group or gang Dear applicant, i don't understand what you are talking about, you have 12hours to edit your application, if not, youre instantly denied Regards, iBow HQ of Taxi Services
  11. @ferthis said in San Andreas Taxi Services ~ SATS: GL @Funstein said in San Andreas Taxi Services ~ SATS: GL thanks
  12. Activity number: 1 Type of activity: Driving a passenger LV-SF Date: 2019-05-12 Members online: iBow & LandShark Screenshot(s): ::: :::
  13. first ! goodluck to us!
  14. yes ofc everyone is welcome in the server
  16. perma ban for money bug abusing!! +1
  17. what the heck filex, why dont you think other g/s, imagine, they are you. they are working hard for levels tho. so why all g/s will be demoted for lvl1? filex, think your gang bro i don't mean to be rude man i hope you understand
  18. gl fella
  19. #(activity number): 31 Type : Jail break w/ Jiirak ScreenShots: Open spoiler ::: :::
  20. Ingame name: BlueZ>iBow|TF Account name:JudeObiasca Age: i'm 14yo Have you ever been adminjailed or banned?: I've got 2 adminjails, 1st is when im new i dmed a car, 2nd is i dmed someone by mistake Tell us a bit about your SAES career (minimum 50 words): hello I'm jude, since i started playing saes was about 2015-2016, then i stop playing because i study more to get my new pc, when im graduated at 6th grade i got gifted with a loptop, then i download gtasa and mtasa because i miss saes alot, then when i joined... i met some peoples that helped me..... days ago like 15 or somehing like that i've become a wannabe of safp, i enjoyed with it alot... then i cancelled my application.. some houra... i decided to join ice... when i joined i stay like 10days.. then i got kicked because james said delete the report but i couldn't because there was no 'edit' or 'delete' button... somedays later i rejoined back with my friend.... 15days later or smthing like that i left in ice because cop side is bored... then i've become oc wannabe aswell.. then in a weeks i cancelled my time as wannabe then applied for CripZ! then now im enjoying my life as BlueZ, ty What is your current G/S/C?: The Forgotten Why do you want to join Roadsters of San Andreas and why should we accept you?: well im not saying im very special player... i can wait even 1or2weeks ( just dont spend my time like if i wait 1weeks then ive got denied ) and im active in the game, im friendly, kind, and also i respect some peoples except for those who doesn't respect me. ( Sorry if some spellinga are not correct i applied with my cp xd ) Lovely Jude, Thanks for reading
  21. @JohnnyEnglish said in fog removal: @Jude-Obiasca said in fog removal: can i ask ? .... i done moving/replacing ur file to models... what should i do in next? paste this file in there, it will say that there's already a file with this name, click "replace" wats next
  22. can i ask ? .... i done moving/replacing ur file to models... what should i do in next?
  23. Goodluck!
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