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Everything posted by Acez

  1. hbd avengers ;d enjoy your day
  2. Best of luck. @FoxZilla
  3. this mod is good for cheetah or infernus, +1 :)
  4. Hbd bist
  5. lol yes this is always fucking me up wheb im a normal crim and had a gun worth 200k+..
  6. this makes the game more realistic, +1 i guess..
  7. yes pls this making mi pur :pray:
  8. Hbd versace on da plor
  9. theres vending machine outside
  10. yes pls and don't dm me again or i report :D
  11. OH YEAHHHHHHH Goodluck!!
  12. @shadow123 On beahlf of HQ Team, we are happy to Pronounce that you have been accepted, please find an Caporegime+ ( HQ ) in order to receive your test. Goodluck!
  13. @Burist On Behalf of HQ Team, we have decided to put you in ACCEPTED. please find any Caporegime+ rank to receive your test. Goodluck!
  14. Acc name: xseyhanx Address: 12 Palisades Gardens Last Seen: May 30th, 2020 Screenshot(s):
  15. YESSSSSSSSSSSSS PLZ when u found diamond +10k gold +5k silver +1k copper +500
  16. @AndreaS said in The Castellaneta: good luck!! @Lucifer said in The Castellaneta: Best of Luck! ty
  17. WELCOME TO THE OFFICIAL MEDIA ARCHIVE OF THE CASTELLANETA, HERE WE POST OUR ACTIVITIES INGAME SUCH AS ROLEPLAYS. HERES THE BANNER WE WILL USE TO POST. ::: ![EVENT](https://i.imgur.com/fX4Muqu.jpg) **Event #** **Event Type:** **Event Date:** **Event G6/LWS:** **Event Hoster::** **Event Prize:** **Event Winner(s):** **Event Screenshots:** ::: ::: ![Activity](https://i.imgur.com/YhqhoJK.jpg) **Activity #:** **Activity Type:** **Activity Participants:** **Activity Date:** **Activity Screenshot(s):** ::: ::: ![code_text](https://i.imgur.com/ADy7sW8.jpg) **Roleplay #:** **Roleplay Participants:** **Roleplay Date:** **Roleplay Story:** **Roleplay Screenshot(s):** :::
  18. ~[NOTE: THIS IS A GROUP, YOU DONT HAVE TO LEAVE YOUR G/S/C TO JOIN US.]~(red,red) ~[- A Lion Never Roar after a Kill -]~(#1e5fad) January 10th, 1987- there was 2 Guy named "Orten" and "iAcez", they were best friends. a few months after they got Jailed for robbing a bank, they spent 20 years in Jail. January 12th 2007- They got released from jail, they thought they won't rob any Stores/banks again, but then they met a new friend named "Remp", after a few months of planning Robbing a Bank, finally the time has came. April 22nd, 2007- A three men robbed the Los Santos Bank, they we're wearing Mask, and have a powerful Guns, including Ak47, Desert Eagle, a few hours later, finally the Bank Robbery has finished. meanwhile after driving to their Hideout, a police chasing them. they got pulled over and arrested for robbing a bank, May 10th, 2007- they we're in Supreme Court and they got Accused for Robbing a bank, and illegal firearms, they got sentenced whole life in Jail and Torture. a few months later Orten and iAcez's friend came to visit them in the Jail. August 8th, 2007- Diesel and Khal visited Orten and iAcez in jail to bring them food, a few minutes later while there wasn't a Prison Warden guarding them, they talked about Jail escape. a few hjours later the Prison Warden came back to check them, it was Normal and nothing Happening, just talking about somtehing, Thought Prison Warden. a year after the Jailbreak plan has finished. August 13th, 2008- the Jailbreak plan has finished, finally the time has came, Diesel and Khal drove into the Prison, it was Midnight, around 1:00am, a few hours later they finally arrived at the Prison, and iAcez and Orten was awake and waiting for them, a fw minutes later they found each other and there was a guy wokeup because of their Noise, his name was "Axel" Axel was very shocked what he saw, by his Brave, he asked them while his Friends are there and iAcez said "our friends will jailbreak us" and Axel said "Really? can i come with you guys?" iAcez didnt took double decisions and took him with them. August 14th, 2008- while Prison Wardens visiting every Cells they got alarmed that 4 Guys escaped the jail, they alarmed all Prison Wardens and reported on the Police Head Quarters. August 20th, 2008- While Remp, Orten, Acez, Diesel, Khal and Axel celebrating their succesful jailbreak, a cop came, the cop noticed it was the 4 Guys who escaed in jail and the 2guys Jailbreaked. the Cop didnt Do Double Decisions to ask them why they're Celebrating. iAcez answered the cop "why do you even care ?" and the cop started to be angry. then he tried to arrest those Jail escapes, but failed, Orten killed the cop with his Colt.45. July 2nd, 2009- This is the time that they are thinking of making a Criminal group, it took them Weeks to think of a name, finally the time has come, iAcez found a name, it was "The Castellaneta" and they all aggreed about that name, and they keep robbing banks/stores. they didnt get jail at all because they have powerful weapons which are "Combat Shotgun" "Ak47" "Deagle" and a few Grenades. OUR ROLE IS TO SELL ILLEGAL DRUGS AND FIRE ARMS, AND WE DO TRANSPORTATIONS ASWELL, AIRCRAFT, LAND AND WATER TRANSPORTATION. WE ALSO DO HACKING, SPYING. Type: Group Name: The Castellaneta Motto: ~[A Lion Never Roar after a Kill]~(#1e5fad) Color: ~[#1E5FAD]~(1e5fad) Discord: Under Construction Media Archive: Under Construction Tags: Name|CTL || CTL|Name|Rank || 455|Name (for applicants) Founder: iAcez Base Location: No base ATM HQ Team: Orten, iAcez, Remp, Diesel, Khal, Ali Money Balance: $5.000.000 The Castellaneta Rules are very Simple, all you had to do is Follow them and Never Break any of the Rules, Failure to adhere will result in a Punishment. Always Follow F1 Server Rules Always Respect SAES Community, especially Admins/Staffs Never ask for a Promotion Never make a fight or insult someone Always Follow High Ranked Orders Do not act as Boss Be Quiet in Mainchat Consigliere(Level5)- This Rank is the Leader of the Group, he can do all the things, including Kicks, Invites. Boss(Level4)- This Rank changes Consigliere, and the power is also the same. Underboss(level4)- This Rank is the Assistant of Boss, he can Invite and Kick only and can decide what to do. Caporegime(Level3)- This Rank can Invite and Kick members in the group, he can also decide what to do. Soldiers(Level2)- This Rank is for Soldiers that has passed Associates, he can Spy or report to HQ whats happening to Group and Members. Associates(Level1)- This Rank is for passing Probationary Rank, this can't do anything. Probationary(Level0)- This Rank is for the Guys who Entered the Group. Consigliere(Level5)- Orten Boss(Level4)- iAcez Underboss(level4)- Remp Caporegime(Level3)- Diesel, Khal1kulov, Ali Soldiers(Level2)- VACANT Associates(Level1)- Axel Probationary(Level0)- Zam Please make sure to follow Rules and Requirements when you're Applicant Must be 13+ Years old Must have a Decent English Must be Active Questions must be Bold and the answers must be Normal. **I. PERSONAL INFORMATIONS** **Username:** **Account Name:** **Age:** **English Profeciency(1-10):** **Languages you can Talk:** **II. INGAME INFORMATIONS** **Since when you started Playing SAES:RPG?:** **Since when you started playing MTA:SA?:** **Previous G/S/C:** **Previous Punishments Ban/AJ/Mute/Kick (Include the Reason):** ^^ That Only happens when you met all of the Requirements neither Hangs Perfectly and didnt break any rules. ^^ That only happens when you did wrong or need more Hanging Period. ^^ That only happens when you didn't hang, neither didnt follow rules or got Punished by an Admin.
  19. some1 bought it already :(
  20. acc name: scarlatta address: skidoos crib last seen: may 28th 2020 screenshot:
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