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SAES Retired
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Everything posted by Bisollini

  1. ^[Selling A Property In San Fierro] ^[- Could be used as a small base.] ^[- There is a disk nearby.] ^[- It got a good location.] ^[- It is a large icon.] Starting bid: 1.000.000$ Buyout price: 12.000.000$ [s=Screenshots] [/s]
  2. ^[INACTIVE PROPERTY AT SAN FIERRO!!!] ^[Adress name: Coke Apartments 1] ^[Username: supernatural12112] ^[Last Seen On: 19th Of April 2021] ^[[s=<Screenshots>][/s]]
  3. User is an admin Check this link for future requests > https://saesrpg.uk/topic/6786/saes-clan-members
  4. @crash The thing it doesn't happen only at nights mate. The only possible time for BR is between 17:00-19:00 and then cops go off again.
  5. This property belongs to a SAES Clan Member.
  6. That will be a great change. While at it, after you get arrested/killed you spawn at BC PD. Could this be fixed please and be spawned at the banks city?
  7. @billionaire There are tons of suggestions, but there isn't anyone in the saes clan that cares or will do them.
  8. Address: Nunus Hideout Account name: dopepuppy Last seen: 2nd of September Screenshots: [s=Open me or you will not get any screenshots :(][/s]
  9. @weppo I think you should play as a criminal abit too or look at it from both points of view.
  10. @weppo I doubt anyone cares about the BR money in 2021 kek
  11. @weppo Believe it or not BR > PBR and it's different!
  12. @M7mod Just came back from inactivity and already got the kick hammer :(
  13. @weppo " If you don't want to go and you're enjoying your incredible gameplay of /pray in the cemetery then that's up to you."
  14. Congratulations, @Weppo & @KiroSa ! I can't wait to see SAES improved!
  15. @weppo It would be better if you commented it on Sherap's topic, but alright. Not a bad idea, let's see what will SAES decide.
  16. Fun fact: Cops can't even get 10 "No" votes.
  17. @weppo Yeah, that "risk" you're talking about... official gangs were 100+ before TT died, there were big queues for brs, I don't think anyone was scared to BR, but anyway... Also I doubt that criminals want to BR when there are EXACTLY 10 cops, atleast I don't, because if 1 cop logs out it's all over / you got to wait 15 minutes minimum for another one or hope their count doesn't decrease even more. I really liked SAES>Jay's reply on this topic, that the win isn't the most important thing at all. The both sides will have fun, right? You'll earn money if that's what you'll be raiding it for. Plus, more bank robberies = more opportunities to stop them. It's more fun that way, doesn't matter failed or success, atleast it's something different than just driving around. At the end, you don't need more than 5 cops to stop a bank robbery, you just need a good teamwork. The last days, there BRs stopped just by 2-3 cops, even if there are 20+ deffenders and you think it's 20vs2 or whatever, not everyone is deffending, there are many new players as well. I respect your opinion, however I would like you to look at the things from that point of view.
  18. Hello there. This is a wrong section. You should have posted that here Give Brophy's READ ME topic a look too, otherwise admins will not pay attention to it.
  19. @silikondy No one said BR against 3 cops mate. You'd be 8 spawned and 2-3 non maybe. It's up to them if they come or not.
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