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SAES Retired
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Everything posted by Bisollini

  1. I searched for such a change/suggestion for /ad in the archive, but I couldn't find. Unfortunately, I can't show any pictures, but I will still share my idea. Recently there are some players getting muted for not using /ad. The problem with ads is that they are gone too fast or people can't see them so here's my idea: When typing /ad a tab opens and you got two options. First is to create and second is to search/check. 1. Create - Entering a title and later description. For an example: Ad title: LV Prop, Description: It's located at ..., It's good for... 2. Check - By clicking on that option, a tab opens where you can see peoples ads. There is a list of players names and titles. They could expire after 10 minutes. Also no other ads till it doesn't expire or doesn't get cancelled by the owner. This way abuse will be avoided as well. Here's an example again: Player's name - Title (Bisollini - Sultan AWD V8). By double clicking on that tab, another one opens with all the information/description if there is any.
  2. https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMRaXo6Ds/ @Daryl (No offence though sir, just found it while scrolling <3 )
  3. ~[:]~(#654123) #9 ~[Participants]~(#654123): @Bisollini, @Faysal & @Youssef-1 ~[Description:]~(#654123) Patrolling around San Andreas, clearing the roads/streets/highways & repairing vehicles. Also responding to the emergency calls (/mech). ~[CC Members:]~(#654123) @Anas_ & @Judyes ~[Screenshots:]~(#654123) https://imgur.com/a/YTJgtDn (Screenshots by Youssef, as an imgur issue occured for me) ![alt text]()
  4. ~[:]~(#654123) #6 ~[Participants:]~(#654123) Bisollini, BurakO, Christian, GamerZ, Faysal & Youssef. ~[Description:]~(#654123) San Fierro-Las Venturas Highway Garage was opened once again by Mr.Marksman. It was another busy day. A VIP has showed up. We had to work on a masterpiece, a Fletzer. There was no time for idle looks or surprised faces. We directly got to work. Firstly, we made a general-check. At first look, the vehicle wasn't damaged. The lights were fine. We proceed with the wheels/tires/rims. There was a flat one that I re-filled with air using my air pump. It was just a piece of cake work! After, we gave it more advanced & serious look. We checked what was under the hood. There weren't any rusty pipes. The air tubes were alright. There was a need of oil at the oil-pump so I re-filled it. All that wouldn't be done without my parther in this, BurakO, whose part you could check on his topic. We drank some beer with my parther & lighted a cigaratte. At the end, we made a full-detailed report to Mr.Marksman. ~[CC Members:]~(#654123) Marksman & Yoko ~[Screenshots:]~(#654123) Click on me if you want some screenshots or check the spoiler! ~[NOTE: The screenshots in the spoiler are less than in the imgur link!]~(red) ::: :::
  5. ~[:]~(#654123) #5 ~[Participants:]~(#654123) @Bisollini, @Cheer, @Faysal , @Youssef-1, @PaiN500 & @Cha ~[Description]~(#654123): Cuban Cars decided to open their garage as Marksman as a hoster/supervisor/organiser & customer. At first Marksman splitted us/formed teams/groups. I was with my parther Cha. Marksman whome in this RolePlay I'll call "the supervisor" challanged if anyone in the garage got balls to work on his "baby" Monster truck. We both tried, but we couldn't figure the issue with his vehicle, so we told him to double-check it again later. By that time the garage was full of customers. A gang member called ka0z brought us a Broken Glendale. The only problem in his car was a white smoking coming from the hood. When I opened the hood alot of smoke appeared and I caughed abit. The cylinder was blown and there was a need of replacement. I picked carefully with gloves on the remaining pieces and threw them in the bin. After, I got my toolbox with instruments, got my wrench and replaced the cylinder. The smoking stopped, the customer ka0z tested his car and it was all okay. We told him to pass-by if there's any trouble with his car ever again. He paid us and left. ~[CC Members:]~(#654123) @MarksMan ~[Screenshots:]~(#654123) Press on me or the spoiler ::: :::
  6. ~[:]~(#654123) #8 ~[Participants:]~(#654123) @Bisollini, @PaiN500 & @Youssef-1 ~[Description]~(#654123): Patrolling around San Andreas, clearing the roads/streets/highways & repairing vehicles. Also responding to the emergency calls (/mech). Duration of the patrol was 1 hour and few minutes. The ammout of repaired/re-fueled vehicles were around 7-8. ~[CC Members:]~(#654123) @Nico @n0vis0ry & Jasper (I don't dare to tag) ~[Screenshots:]~(#654123) Press on me or the spoiler ::: ![alt text](https://i.imgur.com/BBgNHha.png :::
  7. ~[]~(#654123): #4 ~[Participants:]~(#654123) @Bisollini & @Sanfara ~[Description:]~(#654123) While patrolling around I heard some drifting & horn sounds. I went to check there was a car who crashed. In there, there was a racer. The car was a sport one, Chevrolet Chevelle 1970 (Sabre), a blue one with a white wrap. Firstly, I took care of the driver. He was solo in the car, he had some wounds, he was bleeding for some time, but the bleeding stopped. As I was with my towtruck, I got his car. I drove him to my garage and property. There I applied first-aid and bandaged him. Gave him a beer and told him to feel like he is at home. Asked for his name which was Paul Walker. I also introduced myself. After, I went downstairs the house/property and got in the garage where was his car. I asked him for the cause of crash. He answered that he just lost control. I checked on all the tires and there was a flat one. I removed it and replaced it with his spare tire which he had in his trunk. The doors were already broke, so I removed them as well. I got my instruments and two suited for the sport car doors. I also added a new windshield as his one was damaged. At last, I charged him for the repair. The price wasn't high as our "motto" is the best services around San Andreas for the lowest price. He thanked me for saving his life. Mr.Walker also tested the car and was impressed. On his way going, I gave him my business card in case he needs me in the future. ~[CC Members:]~(#654123) N/A ~[Screenshots:]~(#654123) ::: :::
  8. ^[] ~[:]~(#654123) #7 ~[Participants:]~(#654123) @Bisollini, @GamerZ450 & @Youssef-1 ~[Description:]~(#654123) Patrolling around San Andreas, clearing the roads/streets/highways & repairing vehicles. Also responding to the emergency calls (/mech). ~[CC Members:]~(#654123) @Rainy ~[Screenshots:]~(#654123) Click here or check the spoiler ::: :::
  9. Address: republican party hq Account name: thenew123 Last seen: 28st july 2021 Screenshots: ::: https://imgur.com/a/eDS3SKO :::
  10. RIP, of course it's @Petrow to blame
  11. ~[:]~(#654123) #6 ~[Participants:]~(#654123) @Bisollini ~[Description:]~(#654123) Patrolling around San Andreas, clearing the roads/streets/highways & repairing vehicles. ~[CC Members:]~(#654123) @Riley ~[Screenshots:]~(#654123) Click here or check the spoiler ::: :::
  12. ^[] ~[:]~(#654123) #5 ~[Participants:]~(#654123) Bisollini, Senpai, Faysal, Blacky & Youssef. ~[Description:]~(#654123) Patrolling around San Andreas, clearing the roads/streets/highways & repairing vehicles. ~[CC Members:]~(#654123) @Judyess ~[Screenshots:]~(#654123) Click here or check the spoiler ::: :::
  13. ^[] ~[****:]~(#654321) #4 ~[Participants:]~(#654321) @Bisollini & @Cheer ~[Description:]~(#654321) Patrolling around San Andreas, clearing the roads/streets/highways & repairing vehicles. Also responding to those who are using /mech. ~[CC Members:]~(#654321) @Nico ~[Screenshots:]~(#654321) Click here or check the spoiler ::: :::
  14. ^[] ^[] ~[****:]~(#654321) #3 ~[Participants:]~(#654321) Bisollini, Senpai, GamerZ, Youssef, Faysal & Alperens. ~[Description:]~(#654321) Another busy day, just like every untill now. We were six mechanics. We were seperated in two teams, as there were two vehicles to be repaired. I was in team with Mr.Senpai and Mr.GamerZ. The vehicle we were working on was a black damaged Nissan Skyline GTR. The car was lacking two doors. Hood of the car was dameged as well. That's what our eyes caught at a first look. I went to grab two doors and then strenghtened them. After that I set up the nitro as per customers' wish. I was done with my part of the job, so I tried to help Senpai with the hood. Mr.Beckham lended us a hand & helped us repair it. The other group was already done. The vehicle they were working on was an orange Alpha. The problem there was far more serious/big and that's why Cuban Cars members were with their group. Later, after we looked more at the car, GamerZ re-fueled the oil filter. We tested the car and it was all fine, even perfect as all things should be. ~[CC Members:]~(#654321) Beckham, Afufu & Koko. ~[Screenshots:]~(#654321) ::: :::
  15. ^[] ~[:]~(#654321) #3 ~[Participants:]~(#654321) @Bisollini @GamerZ450 @Senpai @Cha @Faysal @Youssef-1 & @alperens ~[Description:]~(#654321) Patrolled around San Andreas, clearing the roads/streets/highways, responding to emergency calls (/mech) and repairing vehicles. Duration of the patrol is 50 minutes. ~[CC Members:]~(#654321) @Niklaus @Afufu & @Beckham ~[Screenshots:]~(#654321) https://imgur.com/a/Af81VjM ::: :::
  16. Name: [HS]Bisollini Username: alex0107 Link to your topic: <Click on me> What do you need from us? I would like to get my CC activity-topic back please. Tag a Cuban Cars HQ here: @Ardron
  17. ^[] ~[Number of activity:]~(#BFAA8C) #2 ~[Date]~(#BFAA8C): 18/08/2021 ~[Participants]~(#BFAA8C): ~[[DDT]Bisollini - [DDT]MeRo - [DDT]Deagle - [T]YanKaTa - [T]Mohamed - [T]EKko - [T]Liberty - [T]Evans - [T]Cena]~(#BFAA8C) ~[Description]~(#BFAA8C): This time it was more like a training course. Firstly, we trained our troops, hosting three rounds of Team Death Match (TDM) in order to check their combat, teamwork & leading skills. Secondary, we made a "High Altitude High Opening" (HAHO) jump with a target San Fierro (SF) rooftop. We met with those who successeeded inside the bank. ~[Screenshots]~(#BFAA8C): ::: :::
  18. ^[] ~[Number of roleplay:]~(#BFAA8C) #1 ~[Date]~(#BFAA8C): 10/08/2021 ~[Participants]~(#BFAA8C): ~[[B~B]Swindler]~(ff4500) - ~[Z|Deagle]~(82AB3C) - ~[UE|Cena]~(#500000) - ~[[HS]MeRo]~(blueviolet) - ~[[DDT]Bisollini]~(#BFAA8C) ~[Description]~(#BFAA8C): Assasination of a Very Important Person (V.I.P.) who's being escorted by Secret Service Agents. ~[Screenshots]~(#BFAA8C): ::: :::
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