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SAES Retired
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Everything posted by Bisollini

  1. @mr-zinyak said in Refuel All Vehicles QoL: i think we playing an RPG server (Role play gaming) we acting like a real life . Are you so lazy to go Fuel Statiton and Refuel your cars? also you cant see There is some groups like ALT working on it they fill up the fuel stations what they should do now !!!!!!!!! Umm... "Role play gaming" guess you're talking about the wrong server
  2. @rampage It's fine. Los Santos please, thanks!
  3. @bodo420 @bodo420 said in I need an explanation .........: excuse me ????????? https://streamable.com/u1vegz ::: Runaan's Hurricane from LoL :::
  4. In your video he says he will NOT report you and just said "pay more attention". He said he recorded, but he didn't say he's gonna report you. Also why did you make a topic lol
  5. Part I: How much have you donated for the server? 0$ When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? Never Why do you need this change? Because we changed the base and I want a car with a wrap. Links to your donation topics: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/24388/donation-alex-amount-20-00-gbp?_=1617986870743 Links to your previous donation changes requests: Part II: What I Want to be Removed: Shamal and Landstalker, both in LS. Location: Landstalker - Old HS base in LS, Shamal - LSAP Part III: What I Want to be Added Turismo with the cop wrap Location: My prop in RC, Palamino Creek.
  6. @Dawis67 , teamwork? Why don't you group 5-6 people and try?
  7. Address: Paradiso View Account name: albajan Last seen: 31st January 2021 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/iW6TA09.png
  8. Address: 1 English Only Road Account name: albajan Last seen: 31st January 2021 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/cVdLOHc.png
  9. Happy birthday Casper dffd @Gasper
  10. Happy birthday DMer you can dm @TripleX without any punishment for 24 hours
  11. You improved since the last time. Good job.
  12. Congratulations to everyone who won again. Now then the request: ::: Vehicle Type: Landstalker Vehicle Colour: I think I can do it via /dvm Specify any upgrades: n/a Username to lock: alex0107 Where you want it placed: Los Santos - Hell Soldiers Base Vehicle Type: Shamal Vehicle Colour: ^^ Specify any upgrades: n/a Username to lock: alex0107 Where you want it placed: Los Santos - Airport A Small Interior Sorry if I messed up something, doing this for the first time :/ :::
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