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SAES Retired
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Everything posted by Bisollini

  1. As this topic was created, I decided to share my opinion as well. Currently, for a bank robbery there is a need of 10 official squad members. However, recently I noticed that the squad members are respawning or leaving the game, some on purpose, others maybe not, respawning as some other class or group just to prevent bank robberies. (I) No matter what the spawn is, an official squad member should count. Earlier today, there were 5 official squads and 6 non-spawned. (II) If the official squad member count is 10 and someone leaves, that count stays for 5-10 minutes more. For an example a gang is regrouping while there are 10 official squad members. On their take-off, 1 or 2 leaves and that way they can't start a bank robbery. So you could make it so even after they leave, they'd count for some more time.
  2. Cop side is dead, but it's not needed to finish the criminal side too.
  3. OH MY GOD, I REALLY CAN'T EXPESS MY FEELINGS RIGHT NOW. I LOST ALL MY HOPES WHEN CDC DIED A YEAR AGO, BUT NOW ITS GETTING REVIVED! :exploding_head: :party_popper: Just last 2-3 years more and I'll finally join my dream gang! @Mr-Khaled @Killer Good Luck.
  4. The property belongs to a SAES clan member. https://saesrpg.uk/topic/6786/saes-clan-members
  5. Sick stunts, but you could post these videos at the videos archive by clicking here
  6. ^[] ^[] ^[~ ~[Justice and Truth!]~(#0da2ff) ~] ^[~[HISTORY]~(#0da2ff)] ^[GERB or has been created by @kockata on 17th September, 2021. GERB has got many promising deputies, senators. As our motto states, "Justice & Truth", our most promising candidate is @Petrow . He is kind of popular with his Lightning World Sports Events. Unlike some other disgusting parties, we don't scam or hide anything from the citizens.] Party Name: GERB Party Leader: @kockata President: Rumen Radev @kockata :bulgaria: Vice President: Korneliq Ninova @Mr-Khaled :palestinian_territories: SF South: Ivan Geshev @Homeless :bulgaria: SF North: Kostadin Angelov @Doktora :bulgaria: Red Country: Valyo Labadaq @HeLLBuLL :bulgaria: Flint County & Whetstone: Krasimir Valchev @xxtimboBG :bulgaria: LS West: Boiko Borisov @Petrow :bulgaria: LS Central: Mitio Ochite @SweetGSF :bulgaria: LS East: Joro Ignatov @Bisollini :bulgaria: Tierra Robada: Vasil Bojkov @eddie4 :bulgaria: South Venturas: Mr.Durby @Durby :turkey: North Venturas: Mr.Dizzy @Dizzy :turkey: Bone County: Mr.Lartsa @Lartsa :finland: A brief outline of your party beliefs and values: Bulgarian special mazna banica with cheese and airqn for everyone. Also for a dessert Turkish baklava. No more Cluckin' Bell. ~[NOTE:]~(red) We didn't spend even 1$ while creating this topic. It's so we prove you that we will not use the Federal Universe (/fr) money for ourselves and other useless stuff. That's also what makes our party different/special than the rest. Kockata President will make San Andreas great again! ^[~[Buying and selling votes is a crime!!!]~(red)]
  7. ^[] Party Name: GERB Party Leader: @kockata Who the party intends to nominate for President and Vice President: President: Rumen Radev @kockata :bulgaria: Vice President: Korneliq Ninova @Mr-Khaled :palestinian_territories: Link to Party Manifesto: (If you do not yet have one, create one here.) https://saesrpg.uk/topic/28958/gerb-political-party List of Senator Candidates for your Party: SF South: Ivan Geshev @Homeless :bulgaria: SF North: Kostadin Angelov @Doktora :bulgaria: Red Country: Valyo Labadaq @HeLLBuLL :bulgaria: Flint County & Whetstone: Krasimir Valchev @xxtimboBG :bulgaria: LS West: Boiko Borisov @Petrow :bulgaria: LS Central: Mitio Ochite @SweetGSF :bulgaria: LS East: Joro Ignatov @Bisollini :bulgaria: Tierra Robada: Vasil Bojkov @eddie4 :bulgaria: South Venturas: Mr.Durby @Durby :turkey: North Venturas: Mr.Dizzy @Dizzy :turkey: Bone County: Mr.Lartsa @Lartsa :finland: A brief outline of your party beliefs and values: Bulgarian special mazna banica with cheese and airqn for everyone. Also for a dessert Turkish baklava. No more McDonald's, Hot Dogs.
  8. :rainbow_flag: Happy Birthday @jonas13362 :rainbow_flag:
  9. That's a 5-minutes craft made example of the suggestion. By double clicking on that, a tab of description would open. [s=][/s]
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