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Everything posted by Bartman

  1. aye back in 2009/10 when enemy gangs meets randomly on highways & start dm eachother for fun, oh and this people that could finally wash theyr hands on the side of highways
  3. idk what this is, but jude is better name than martin :dash:
  4. as child played my first game day of defeat & wanted make nickname something cool like superman/batman etc, just need to have a man in the nick. so i did "blackman" at first & got kicked from one server because name was to racist, rejoined same server with "whiteman" but got banned instead because racist (was german server btw). joined other server with yellowman & saw a guy named bart, than i had the idea
  5. @Mohd said in Impersonation (of inactive users) in the server: Thanks for the heads up. While were on the subject, can someone tell Rennie to stop tagging me 27 times a day? Tenks <3 @Rennie @Groove lets tag him now more :dog2:
  6. @Bone said in House Robery: @Piercee said in House Robery: @yuriko said in House Robery: @Piercee said in House Robery: @yuriko said in House Robery: I dont know what is hr... Never exp it and i love the current sr so -1 Why do you post on it then? Honestly, you're taking something as a new player and completely dismissing the fact of how good it was simply because you never experienced it yourself. Quite a dense way of thinking. And you either, I also have the right to give my opinion, well in the server now there is lot of new player including me and we'll blur and not comfirtable for the change. So if this topic is accepted I hope it will not be only hr but both (sr and hr) Mate I've been playing here since 2010, I've seen the old HR script and I've seen it removed, and I can tell you that the people who used to actively play back then mostly always say it was a way better and active script utilized ingame. You couldn't sit on a roof and had to stand on the ground, you couldn't half afk because you could genuinly just get jumped from around a corner. I hate the meta of standing on a roof, a helicopter flies in and you jump onto the small railing just hanging above the ground. HR and SR wouldn't work at the same time considering the idea behind them was the same, it's just that they are different ingame. @Bartman said in House Robery: @yuriko said in House Robery: I dont know what is hr... Never exp it and i love the current sr so -1 men, hr was way more easy for copside, and more challange for crimeside. but what the difference of fun makes, its not anymore brainless standing on roof, hoping that no one is going parashute on it. just make it like bone said, mixxed sr & hr togheter, copside will like it in any way and after 2 weeks testing we can make a poll if comunity likes it or not, if we wouldnt try any changes, there would be no killarrests, no save disc & even no hospital. staying on same shit just because feeling compfortable is booring, trying new things is important, not just ingame and hr is not even something new, alot players knows how great it was i had some "old" HR coordinates added but @NanoBob denied it cause it was "unfinished" ... :sadpepe: "You couldn't sit on a roof and had to stand on the ground, you couldn't half afk because you could genuinly just get jumped from around a corner." good old days ufff, ye best days no brainless roofcamp but how unfinished? its literally just bigass circles, can someone finish it? (besides nano)
  7. @yuriko said in House Robery: I dont know what is hr... Never exp it and i love the current sr so -1 men, hr was way more easy for copside, and more challange for crimeside. but what the difference of fun makes, its not anymore brainless standing on roof, hoping that no one is going parashute on it. just make it like bone said, mixxed sr & hr togheter, copside will like it in any way and after 2 weeks testing we can make a poll if comunity likes it or not, if we wouldnt try any changes, there would be no killarrests, no save disc & even no hospital. staying on same shit just because feeling compfortable is booring, trying new things is important, not just ingame and hr is not even something new, alot players knows how great it was
  8. @GirlyPrimis said in Bringing balance to SAES and improving some RP elements: If all bullets are rubber for cops, it would be impossible to stop any SR in the future. 20+ Crims camping the roof with automatic and animation freezing weapons would be unstopable. Pretty much same as above, how are cops supposed to stop BR and JR? Both of them have narrow chokepoints that already give advantage to the defenders. Becoming unable to kill them would mean that no BR and JB will be stopped anymore. Personally havn't seen this one but most cops I've seen just stay at the entrance to catch crims running out, so it wouldn't change much also i dont mind kill arrest or the other shit, but cops camping marker (catching just the running out) but in real instant tazing at marker, whilest joe adminjails crimes for standing after the glas thing.. this shit need to be changed, either crines gets marker protection from tazer or adminjail the cops for "catching criminals running out" also marker camping, and iam talking about squad members that do that
  9. you all blinfull nubs, nanobob just less active than earlyer, if nanobob active like earlyer = aa lvl down but atleast he dont adminjail someone for his personal rules tooken out of ass (camping hall wich isnt clearly in f1) or the other one who adninjails you for avoiding in br (also getting dildoed from random nub in br)
  10. -make marker protection for tazer aswell, hates it when some nubs camp the marker at brs (ye squad members does that aswell). -and maybe no duals for clo & de, but doubt copside will agree
  11. the expanse (new sci fict, may become best one) the preacher (fked up nice show based on comic) black mirror
  12. @MoleyTheMolester said in Official Quote Wall: actually good porn idea, "fucked your mom joke becomes real"
  13. also its true, its usefull when u run kilometers to disc & want use the time to talk, but this kind of situations are rare, just use nades or f1-iam stuck = faster
  14. remmrmber when you needed 10x/sec smash space bar to run? & used /bang or /wash to keep speed? now this is next lvl of lazyness
  15. if pigs gets cargrab, 3 sec spawn ptotection that kain can spawn his houses at br & sr, joe adminjailing at br for camping first hall (also entry in 2019), de killarrests at br, and kenny adminjailing for doing jb longer than 60 secs & cem remooved for bs reasons, than HR should be deffinitly accepted! look at the vote here what comunity wants & look all the shit added/remooved only for personal advanches
  16. #cargrab4crimes! just yesterday the 5-O raided me with a 6+ mens cargrab shit, its alot easyer to leave moovieng car with cargrab than beeing inside, you go /cargrableave & can insta arrest without rolling on floor
  17. getting adminjailed for camping first hall (nowdays it become entry) = big fail
  18. good idea, but would make sunday evening instead, there everyone can
  19. bitch pls josh... there are worse things i just say adminjail for camping first hall at br & adminjail cuz someone dildokill u in br counting as avoiding
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