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Everything posted by Bartman

  1. how about spraycan for crimes? also the one with damage & shit. i cant understand why clo fire disgunster remooved & traines can use spray can thought walls to get crimes stuck & arrest at jbs
  2. @Brophy y i thought could be, photo just looks like need naked photo to proof @Blade : D
  3. @Blade become fat & sunglases : D
  4. sounds good, buut i would remoove arrest ability inside turf. sure there are alot less cops nowdays than crimes, but a turf belongs only to one gang + few helpers. alone a team of 4 cops does arrest all at turfwar where over 20 crimes+ involved. but either way this or the other way would be good
  5. +1, would even add prices for top 10 or top5 of week or month, even more push for pigs to tryhard. but why no visible for crimes tho? i mean this info doesent affect anything, besides knowledge who arrests more/better
  6. +1 sounds rlly good, would only add skript (or whatever called) that only squad members or/and pro cops can start it, or traines will fuck it up
  7. if you have balls, you fly with br-dodo below second bridge upside down also friso ubergay
  8. @Howlze said in Disallowing gang members to spawn for a bank robbery: @Teddy said in Disallowing gang members to spawn for a bank robbery: Sure, but only if the counterbalance is that once a BR starts, cops cannot respawn to block the bankrob from continuing and make it fail, since that's just lazy. Script should be relying on the current amount of cops. If there are 10 cops on as the bank robbery spawns, it shouldn't "deactivate" the ability to crack if they despawn. I agree with that. ^^ if this, than totally agree, i cant even remmember one time gangs spawned as pigs to start a br. its always gangs start br, pigs desperaded so much that they "stopping" br with respawning & gangs nervously spamming teamchat someone respawn as pig to not fail br
  9. honestly i havent seen any dumber suggestion on saes than this... punishing squads that doesent make 1000 arrests & having afk people? this will lead that even less people want to be copside & squads dying completly.. increasing jailtime to 600 secs ak 10mins? how this will motivate people to go copside? cops will have even less crimes to arrest if all are in jail longer. and more money/arrest will only fk up econemy even more, cops have rlly good arrest prices, if you arent nub, than is copside actually best way to earn money (in a team of 2people+ ofc). buut, instead could add this ideas: -squadmembers get abit more money than traines/procops, like ~200+ more for one arrest. this could maybe motivate people to try more than just beeing some nubtraine. -the pbr/br idea: all pigs that enter a br & br stopped, all of them gets some extra money (depends how much safes stopped), this may motivate pigs to go to a br & maybe even teaming instead going one by one. -having people in squads that are good at leading other people/teaming like with traines/procops etc, but that need some good people that are ready to help nubs
  10. @wolferx can do aswell for crimes same rule, but as karim said, it makes for crimes almost zero difference, crimes arrest = no respawn for ~8mins, cop dead = respawn in 1 sec
  11. make a rule for pigs not allowed spawning at house for br & i completly agree on this. cops buys houses directly at bank or even worse, they own the bank & respawn there & de respawns each time with fresh new armor (or hls abusing ufo to teleport with armor). if you cant handle br, than dont go to br, or call magnus/kain/nanobob, as much i hate them, they seems only ones that are able to use theyr brains to stop a br as a "team". going one by one to br & complaining that cant arrest criminals that are teaming & using tactics..
  12. Address:Training camp Account name: essanabil Last seen: 30th September 2019 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/BszZFWH
  13. Starting Bid: 30m Minimum Bid Increase: 1m Bid ends: 8.11.19 pics: groove street house near sr/jb/br & all the shit
  14. @Spicey i got school for everything, also one of most importants schools is the "bartmans how to press x school" : D
  15. also now 10k for my english school : D
  16. @Terry said in SAES Meme Pictures V2: polats pc broke? : D
  17. hb @Siirtuga hopes your weather is good :D
  18. also duo to old players fighted since years to finally buy some casino/groove street house/gt etc... (its not just about money), i would reccomend players allowed keep atleast 3 houses + ~15% money from bank/cars/guns. i mean if someone played saes from 2009, shouldnt loose completlyeverything. but besides this, as crime you dont get that easy 5mills just from sr/br, 1 sucesfully sr =40k, each ~20mins one sr = 80k/houer, lets say you play 4h only sr, thats 320k. + one own gang br = ~150k + one pbr = 200k + ~4 brs helping = ~200k, thats all for a playtime of ~5h/day like ~880k. and only if you do all the shit efficient, also almost never arrest, every sr coming & at brs going to get money instead deffending. minus money for guns & repairing cars. 5mills from brs was earlyer possible, nowdays u get more at pbr than your own gang br, just as little info from crimeside how it really worke @Howlze
  19. i dont speak baggette = no surscribe :dash:
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