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Everything posted by Bartman

  1. bumb let this happen, both cops & crimes enjoy this without flaws (atleast last cops vs crime vip dm fest was awesome for borth sides)
  2. @zKill98 said in SWAT's "paramedic" class: Drugs effect+3 paramedical swat unit heal eachoters in a corner+ combat shotgun(kill arrest), tell me if this is normal using house respawns (wich was earlyer not allowed by rules)
  3. @VayraN said in HS back for CLO & DE: @Tritosh said in HS back for CLO & DE: CLOs aren't supposed to be easily arrested it was a challenge arresting a CLO before And cops are not supposed to be easily killed while chasing CLO and criminals lol inserts black nigga face with question markers cops are not special group, i hope god gave you enough brain to understand difference.. it just hurts me how easy nowdays arresting is vs ~2011 & cops that time didnt cryed + needed alot more skills & teamwork, swat was earlyer for a reason the best squad, nowdays skill difference between squads is almost non existent. abit out of topic, but this difference reflects almost all games nowdays, someone who plays any new cod with mp7 + laser + wallhack perk + footstep perk etc, have no fun playing cod 1/2/waw etc, because they are raised to play from beginn games where almost no skill needs
  4. @VayraN 5 clo activity vs ~50 gangs + ~50crimes + ~20wanted civils, aaaand you cant even locate or k pannel clos = you will mostly not chase them
  5. @VayraN i can only repeat someones words: clo are not even 1% of wanted criminals, mostly ~5clo onlin.. if you have no balls, than go arrest truckers or afkers
  6. @Canelas said in Tracking crack times: shut up why am I fucking tagged in all baby yoda shit someone posts ffs cuz u forced all AAs use baby yoda avatar or kick, this is ur fetish, probably bought baby yoda fk puppet : D "inserts aa nicus emoji"
  7. @bazuka36 said in Tracking crack times: Topic changed from sick ass discussion to fuck baby yoda memes. And now I am the one being offended bruh join canolas baby yoda fethish club @Canelas
  8. nubs, couves beats you with mouse numkey vs you keyboard numkey
  9. add basketball, i think original gta had basketball skript, but only one basket & 1vs1 or 2vs2, winner gets out : D
  10. one sr = ~40k, how thefuck new players cant have enough money for this like old players? + old players spended time for theyr money anyways = they deverse the chance to use it. i mean many people lives in germany long enough to have bigass 3x family houses, why thefuck they dont give some rooms for free to refuges? why new workers should earn less than someone working for 20y? this logic mens.. and goal of a game is to have fun, if want punishment for crimes, go as real cop & punish real crimes, they deverse it for real (not all though)
  11. @Bunny comepletly out of topic but this https://saesrpg.uk/topic/13621/making-vip-more-fun/23 smiler to your idea, but would like both ideas, just if one of it happens
  12. @Dice said in Free hospital for cops who die at duty.: @Bartman You are too late. Already done. XD uuf rip : D
  13. to make this more fun ik wich car iam going next pinking/2x nitro & rich dollar wheels @Dice : D
  14. mother of god, 500dollars, 1 massive jb = ~100k+ atleast honestly i dont mind, but duude how poor are you? : D
  15. @Tilong said in New BMW?: E36 m3 was epic, if you want a 4 door, go with the e36 325i. In my opinion this is by far a better car then the e30 and e46(ithink). In visual appearance e46 > all : D but i guess duo gta sa timeline wont happen, we just need nice 4door wich doesent look like a toy car also rip suggestion becomes into discuss topic instead : D
  16. @Bunny said in [SUGGESTION] Cooldown of 30 seconds for respawning at properties: Put a cooldown timer on property spawning (I would suggest the slowly increasing timer by 10 secones, to a cap of 30), and make bank robbery doors open up slower. This way it'll be more balanced, and makes the brs more enjoyable for crims. Instead of perma cops slowly tearing the healths, it would be wave of cops. It's not always about balance, sometimes you need to think also what's fun for either side and what's not. And guys one more thing. Please ask yourself always: Would I have fun to play against this? This goes both to cop and crim side. We can always think about how we can balance it afterwards. I wouldn't have fun playing against cop's spawning instantly into br's personally, as they would slowly but surely keep taking your health down. I'd rather make waves of cops attacking that have time to organize, instead of fast spawning fast attacks into a bank. If there would be a cap on spawning into properties, CLO's would get more invited into bank robberies, as attacking against DE/HLS armors within 20 seconds of each attack in bank is not fun to play against, while making doors open in bank allows de's/hls to organize and attack organized in banks. Like I'm 100% sure that criminals wouldn't mind bank doors opening slower, if the attacks would be in waves and wouldn't happen every 10 seconds. thank you bunny, finally someone who dont have an stick in the ass! should be quote of the year
  17. @Tut-Greco said in buffing the banshee: @Bartman said in buffing the banshee: yes! also buff sanchez too, will do topic later if unlazy enough we buffed the sanchez a while ago its still slow, or was it before like tractor? : D
  18. yes! also buff sanchez too, will do topic later if unlazy enough
  19. @AntiRug said in New BMW?: @Bartman said in New BMW?: @Quality said in New BMW?: out of all the BMWs you choose that one? I dislike it! I'd rather have the E38. this! we need nice & fast 4door car Maybe the admiral? admiral is already some nice old mercedes & shouldnt changed in any way (+it got slowed down for any reason ~half year ago)
  20. @Quality said in New BMW?: out of all the BMWs you choose that one? I dislike it! I'd rather have the E38. this! we need nice & fast 4door car
  21. if unlazy enough i upload later pic how tt jp4 in hoodie was at very first cracking br : D
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