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Everything posted by Bartman

  1. or skript that makes allows gang/squad members to make it privat or public, like on house icons
  2. this rule "using house to come faster to br not allowed" existed back than & cops still stopped brs, minus killarrest/flashbangs/dogs/k pannel etc... why not bring this rule back (wich existed earlyer) when its obviosly unfair? if ~30 crimes vs. 20 cops +10 cops with houses (ak counts as 100 cops), with fresh new 100hp & fresh drugs, in my eyes this house respawn have nothing to do with skills or tactics whilest crimes trys everything possible, we did even fake turf to trick cops because k pannel. looking cops reaction like they could do it better very easy, writing down comments like "just brings clo with armor they kill de" suree...but clo have once armor & de/hls have new armor every respawn, how are people that doesent even know such easy stuff, do like they know it better than crimes how it works? in my eyes cops (not all) are actually acting like some studyed building planners & do like they know better than an "simply" electrician/construction worker etc. atleast thats my oponion about current situation.
  3. @DeepK said in [SUGGESTION] Cooldown of 30 seconds for respawning at properties: @Bartman said in [SUGGESTION] Cooldown of 30 seconds for respawning at properties: @Tut-Greco said in [SUGGESTION] Cooldown of 30 seconds for respawning at properties: @DeepK said in [SUGGESTION] Cooldown of 30 seconds for respawning at properties: We gonna wait 30 second to respawn back for what we paid $ ? Let's hypothetically say the cooldown would incrementally increase if the player respawns within x duration multiple times, so not a static cooldown, wouldn't that be bette if this is possible, would be great why do you have to agree with everything i disagree ? :smile: well why u disagree everything i agree ? : D all i want to happend is having either rule back "no house respawn for br" or cooldown timer all i get "but i payed 100mills for that house" guess will instead try build bank interior & make own br events
  4. keep killarrest add back old rule "using house to come faster for br not allowed" & problem solved be honest to yourself & tell to yourself with current situation are this house respawns fair? (doesent matter if you payed 200mills for an house) karim is right, i even doubt that br sucess hits 25% yet, fells more like ~10%
  5. could make it a choice instead, i mean like 6/10 gangs does public & 4/10 gangs keep it privat if they want. like lincoln says, sometime u need to be afk, do talk to someone edit /gang or just rolle one etc...
  6. as nano said, its temporary (how long doesent know, but surly after new year). the thing is, it either have server login lag or gameplay lag once for every base loads (each timecagain you login). from my eyes is login lag anyway better than gameplay lag. but login lagfree is better for some people who wants to stopp br..
  7. @Crash said in disallow squadmember to spawn drugdealer in brs: Edit : Since the reason that was given is that civilians should stay away from BRs why won't a gang pick up on that by creating a role on the gang and request food selling ability? or why just cops dont get wanted for buying drugs? why we need an avocado gang instead? at ur first question: personally i dont blame cops for changes, there are only few known people that that decides only one thing i half-blame cops, after rule "dont spawn house to attent faster br" remooved & afterwards cops wasted alot money for houses near banks, there is a little blame to cops supporting as housespawn a normal thing
  8. forced to upload cuz some judges activitys on posts only.. RIFLE LMS 2 ROUNDS (2 days ago): first round: no screens second round: illy winner #shitting on O wildlife toilets selling O guns trying orginaze PBR AA DM
  9. it dont even makes abit sense, why thefuck remooving pizzaboy ftom brs & makes drugdealers sell to cops + disallowing killing the drugdealer? doing this specially now when cops get finally active & alot advanges as bases near banks, house usage for brs (was rule earlyer), killarrest, hls nightstick & dogs... cops can respawn multiblr times at theyr houses with fresh new 100hp (or 200hp as de/hls) + fresh drugs & crimes cant even have pizzaboy at brs ?_? + no drugs at rc bank at all licano just told the right words, people that decide about this feels like only want to show the bigger dick out kain & joe only wants faster login if br alert, so swapp login lagg with fps lags & dont care for comunity cough*
  10. @chris01 said in [SUGGESTION] Remove the Cop side: -1,Crims life will be easy without cops so . this guy gets it what is life bro?
  11. @Tut-Greco said in [SUGGESTION] Cooldown of 30 seconds for respawning at properties: @DeepK said in [SUGGESTION] Cooldown of 30 seconds for respawning at properties: We gonna wait 30 second to respawn back for what we paid $ ? Let's hypothetically say the cooldown would incrementally increase if the player respawns within x duration multiple times, so not a static cooldown, wouldn't that be bette if this is possible, would be great
  12. instead could do +10hp/damage 100, also only the damage counts not the kill, would work perfect (if possible)
  13. @VayraN said in Remove killarrest: @Bartman said in Remove killarrest: @DeepK said in Remove killarrest: @Bartman said in Remove killarrest: @DeepK said in Remove killarrest: Just dont delete this shit already until the cop side becomes equal to the crim side.Thats it with the actual arrest systhem/killarrests & rulechanges (better for cops obviosly), the copside already became equal to criminals there was a time when one hit arrest was not a thing & cops still managed to arrest criminals, nowdays all cops are just used to have easy life with long distance tazer + onehit arrest & alot more shit.. what triggers me is for 3-4 months crims have ruled the SAES with their great activity.Like Crims 43 Gangs:56-64 and when it comes to the squad side and we rise to the 27-30 gang side starts to cry about it.The bank robberies and jailbreaks triggered by criminals is supposed to stop just like in real life and other gangs opens weird shit topics about how they cry.Thats actually what makes me angry the thing is, many shit got on copside easyer over the years, & almost every shit for copside was accepted, for crimeside not even one thing got accepted, i agree remooving kill arrest shouldnt happen. but atleast bringing back the rule "not allowed house spawn using to come faster for br" or respawn timer. cops are used to use they house spawns near banks to stopp br, earlyer cops stopped brs without killarrests & without using theyr houses, and activity was smiler to the one nowdays (atleast evening activitys). and on top the br rewards was about 2-3mills. what do u exept? that crimes dont react at all? that all op stuff on copside should stay as it is? hls having armor + nightstick, an group wich was used to be only for rps... Do you think cop side is op more than crim side ? when we open the tab and we see like 45 gangs and 30 criminals online and they do BR's, How can cops stop them at br without kill arrest ?? criminals are always crying and crying about cop side while their side is more op, if you say that 1 hit with nightstick is op then what do you say about a grenade ? When a crim throws a grenade on me and only 3 shot M4 or 1 shot CS, That's not op ? and if you will talk about HLS at BR with armor, Don't you see CLO comes whenever they wants to BR with their armor ? Don't you remember when Cartel El Muertos were coming to BR with their armor and dual ? Please stop crying crims about cop side because your side is op more than us lol duuude, use your brain pls -clo comes whenever they want to br & have armor too? since de got killarrest & only allowed come when clo present, most brs you dont see clo -duals are shit at brs, cshotgun better in any way, first thing clo is doing at arriving bank is buying cshotgun -clo armor is a joke, u have once armor & rip, de/hls can respawn 1000x times with fresh new armor, its alone logicall to not call clo for brs alone for this reason -what have cem in any of this to do? this group was awesome & remooved for bullshit reason, whilest they did more rps than hls/de & clo togheter, now looking on an old known "rp group" hls only used for stopping jb & brs + chanching rules only to use them more + abusing ufo wich was only for rp asaell (out of topic but just to know how much bullshit it was remooving cem considering what old group does.. -stopping br without killarrest impossible, are you serious? how do you think br was stopped before killarrest became a thing? they just killed deffenders & arrested others in a mix between using brain & skills, difference was that crimes was able to come back to bank after got killed, but camping cops made only ~1/3 of crimes coming back to br, still cops was able to stopp brs without killarrest & without using houses (because there was this rule of not using houses). now we have kill arrest = every crime rip at br = no coming back. whilest cops/de/hls can easely respawn near bank, using theyr houses because the old rule is remooved. and kill arrest (wich tend that crimes cant go back to br after rip) + usage of houses near bank (wich leads to faster coming back for cops & groups) = double rip, one thing should be remooved, in my eyes only the house spawn rule should go back and one hit arrest vs nades with cooldown, are you jking? you need to place the nade prefectly, to damage cops, one hitarrest (specially hls with armor) is nothing compaared to nades. cops was earlyer able to arrest crimes with one hit only when 75hp or below, later it was 90hp or below (when beeing clo gave u real advanges), nowdays onehit.. (thought i just wrote it as example) its just i have been playing saes from 2009 & i saw changes at crime & copsides + groups, copside was deffinitly more skilled than most are now, swat was known as the best squad & had even for a short time armor as reward. untill ~1-2months back every squad was the same, there was no squad where u had the feeling like swat earlyer, only after terry did his job with 5O + this etf (forgot the leader), both of them used teaming & tactics instead just doing dumb 0815 arrests. sadly crimes got lazy aswell, from dez2018 till now i saw how cops almost never used tactics or teaming, gone one by one to brs, crimes have been trolling crackers & shit cuz cops couldnt do a shit coming 1 by 1, crimes afking at sr because everytime chilling on roof, unlike the old hr. both sides got in my eyes lazyer & dumber, till now, but after finally cops started using teaming & brain like earlyer, we should remoove se op stuff (yes it is op, just becauee in the past cops didnt teamed like crimes, doesent mean its not op)
  14. @DeepK said in Remove killarrest: @Bartman said in Remove killarrest: @DeepK said in Remove killarrest: Just dont delete this shit already until the cop side becomes equal to the crim side.Thats it with the actual arrest systhem/killarrests & rulechanges (better for cops obviosly), the copside already became equal to criminals there was a time when one hit arrest was not a thing & cops still managed to arrest criminals, nowdays all cops are just used to have easy life with long distance tazer + onehit arrest & alot more shit.. what triggers me is for 3-4 months crims have ruled the SAES with their great activity.Like Crims 43 Gangs:56-64 and when it comes to the squad side and we rise to the 27-30 gang side starts to cry about it.The bank robberies and jailbreaks triggered by criminals is supposed to stop just like in real life and other gangs opens weird shit topics about how they cry.Thats actually what makes me angry the thing is, many shit got on copside easyer over the years, & almost every shit for copside was accepted, for crimeside not even one thing got accepted, i agree remooving kill arrest shouldnt happen. but atleast bringing back the rule "not allowed house spawn using to come faster for br" or respawn timer. cops are used to use they house spawns near banks to stopp br, earlyer cops stopped brs without killarrests & without using theyr houses, and activity was smiler to the one nowdays (atleast evening activitys). and on top the br rewards was about 2-3mills. what do u exept? that crimes dont react at all? that all op stuff on copside should stay as it is? hls having armor + nightstick, an group wich was used to be only for rps...
  15. @DeepK said in Remove killarrest: Just dont delete this shit already until the cop side becomes equal to the crim side.Thats it with the actual arrest systhem/killarrests & rulechanges (better for cops obviosly), the copside already became equal to criminals there was a time when one hit arrest was not a thing & cops still managed to arrest criminals, nowdays all cops are just used to have easy life with long distance tazer + onehit arrest & alot more shit..
  16. inside br would be good, since cops can respawn 25535x times with 100hp, crimes have only once 100hp. but 10hp sounds good, at the end you need kill someone & not only damage. 2-3hp only would makes almost no difference
  17. @TaaviLaudur said in [SUGGESTION] Remove the Cop side: uuf, wanted post exact this & u did alrdy perfect react pic : P
  18. @zaza said in respawn timer for brs: Its suggested by rampage here https://saesrpg.uk/topic/13796/suggestion-cooldown-of-30-seconds-for-respawning-at-properties/12 Also i remember squads not allowed to spawn at their property in order to reach bank faster didnt saw : D but ur sentence "cops not allowed spawn at theyr propertys in order to reach bank faster" just pushed my brain to remmember it for 100%
  19. @Terry said in [SUGGESTION] Cooldown of 30 seconds for respawning at properties: Nope. I assume this is about bankrobberies but you're forgetting one point that it's free market for everyone, meaning that no one stops criminals from buying properties near banks, just as cops do, and one ironic thing is that I bought most of my houses near banks from criminals, so it's you guys' own fault for selling those properties to cops to make some profit, we shouldn't take the blame for that. the thing is, why should criminals keep/buy houses they dont need? should i sell all my houses just to buy houses near bank only to stopp cops using them for brs? this would be nosense houses for me i would never use & its dumb. its a fact that cops activity gone higher & finally using teaming & brain, i guess u are big part why this happened (& its good this happend). and its clearly that using house to attent an ongoing with such high cop activity is unfair in all thinkable ways, doesent matter if cops payed shit ton of money to houses or not, after all the server activity past half year was low & every poor cop could buy an house near bank, in my eyes this cant be a reason to say "who cares if its unfair, we payed alot money for houses, so fk it". earlyer when cop activity was good, there was a rule that gangs/squads was not allowed using theyr houses to go to ongoing brs, why just dont remake this rule? i accifently did "almost" same topic like this cuz didnt saw this one https://saesrpg.uk/topic/13830/respawn-timer-for-brs/2. the suggestion is either bring back the rule "spawn at base or hospital only for br" or set a respawn timer only if die jnside br. and specially u should remmember the 2 failed brs with over 30 deffenders in august, only cuz ~5 cops had house at tr & rc, this 5 cops alone attent ~20x more to that brs than all the other ~30cops did this day, u cracked the safes, but as deffender i saw how the same cops arrived unlimited times untill all crimes died, u asked afterwards how it was possibleto fail br with all the deffenders, well this is the reason. & with the cop activity + teaming nowdays its alrdy easy possible stopp br without house respawn, having the reason that people "wasted" money on houses cant be in my eyes a valid reason also "just" readd rule about "cops & gangs not allowed spawn at theyr propertys in order to reach faster to br"
  20. Respawn timer at brs why? cuz as everyone knows, cops finally became more active + using teaming (i guess terry did his job). copside + hls/de can instantly respawn at br after getting killed, whilest killing criminal = rip for 8mins. specially when owning a house few meters near bank, or even owning the bank itself, one respawning cop near bank = more worth than 10 criminal deffenders, it comes worse when hls/de respawns at houses & come everytime back with fresh new armor... idk what else to explain, most people should be able to do 1+1 in theyr heads & if i remmember it right, there was an rule earlyer for gangs & squads beeing only allowed respawn at base or hospital to attent an ongoing br. the suggestion/solouten: -respawn-timer inside bank, getting killed inside bank = waiting a timer to respawn at house -how long the timer will be, can be discussed -oor add back the rule that gangs/squads + de/hls only allowed respawn at base/hospitals. let the discuss or bitchfight beginn, many people that payed over 50mills just for an icon near banks may disagree, but there need to be done something
  21. respawn cooldown timer inside bank = problem solved. bankowners may disagree, but this is the solouten that will keep balance without remooving killarest
  22. @Lincoln said in Remove killarrest: @Bartman said in Remove killarrest: keep kill arrest & add rule that cops only respawn at hosp/base after killed in br. or skript that makes a respawn timer after beeing killed inside br. = problem solved specially when some cop dont just own a his hous 10m near banl, but own the fking bank, alone this one cop is in whoole br more worth than ~10 deffenders. Is it me or did Fartmans English improve alot. saes made it happen : D
  23. keep kill arrest & add rule that cops only respawn at hosp/base after killed in br. or skript that makes a respawn timer after beeing killed inside br. = problem solved specially when some cop dont just own a his hous 10m near banl, but own the fking bank, alone this one cop is in whoole br more worth than ~10 deffenders. someone here wrote if clo would go to that one br, they wouldnt fail, are you really that dumb believing this? clo having once armor in whoole br, whilest de can respawn everytime with full armor, & having houses or the bank itself makes it even more impossible. thats why helping as clo at br is just dumb & most gangs dont want clos.. this just shows how some people have absolutly no clue how much houses/respawn affects the brs, nothing wrong with killarrest, the non existent respawn timer (or a rule) is the real problem. also disagree with remooving killarrest, it wont happen anyways because u knows who have the power mens, but topic good to discuss
  24. @Groove said in Bartmans "how to regroup at PBR" school (only 10k): @Bartman you forgot to tag the gay couple @Tritosh & @Tombaa dont need, they busy with gaying arround in sauna : D
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