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Everything posted by Bartman

  1. fuck both! huawai p30 all the way
  2. well, looks like many against the cool-down & thank to random sr this problem is almost non extistent atleast whilest sr. topic can close so now time to Dm kipt for touching licano!
  3. @kenny naah, iam just using my sandwichmaker :D
  4. @James said in cool-down timer for respawning at same house: I was 1 of the 3 players that stop that robbery because i have a house next to it. Your problem is not the properties, the only problem that you have is this SR is next to the Point where you take the money with the bag in LS. So @DROT he is right, there are many other SR you can choose. thats by far not the only sr with houses, the one in ls beach, lv south east, north desert above old mi6 base with indian tents, sf trainstation, thats just few i remembers now out of nowhere, but there are alot more. the randomize srs wich i hope will come, will maybe solve few srs with less houses near srs, but the problem will not gone
  5. @DROT k-pannel does live blib moovieng* @kipt edgar/couves was alrdy on few times + joshbosh, but only at deep night, but i dare you to touch licano :D
  6. @kipt also dont touch licano! or he will come arround with edgar i dont want aswell to have that on all spawns, but i think that devs can make it possible only on houses (& i believe that they dont want to miss the dm fun aswell), also mega9 did glue4picador, than he can make this too :dog: @other argumments: there are alot srs with houses included (almost all), but my point was not only about srs, it was generally. when you pass some house & a cop respawns there 5274145x times untill arresting you its just annoying as fuck. whats so bad having just few secs cool down before respawning at same house? what are the cons? also what are you going to miss with the cool-down? (besides playing as an annoying fuck that respawns 7468x times to arrest some criminals instead using hospital like every decent cop does? criminals gets arrest = jail for a long time, cops can just respawn hospital if they dead, isnt that enough alrdy? and also standing with 10 criminals to camp one house-spawn instead going to sr simply doesent work as easy as you think @ the one guy lemme better just record an video how annoying it can be if an retarded cop use his house spawn to play like shit (not to forget that many cops gets mad & reports you for spawn-killing, thought this cops are instantly going to arrest after spawning at theyr houses..)
  7. i know what you mean kipt, having fun at respawning clo/gang/purple group/hospital etc (besides de, they are booring), to dm arround with own members, that should stay like it is. i deffinitly dont want to miss that fun aswell. thats why i wrote 2 times, it should only apply to house spawns (i think thats possible), that way there is not any cons from it. i know that a game should be fun & not completly realistic, but if only 3 cops can kill/arrest 15+ criminals just because owning house near sr, than its in my eyes way to unrealistic & unfair. and if any cop will tell here that he wasted money on this sr-houses, i will personally rebuy them from everyone of you & sell again for people that needs just an house
  8. the suggestion: cool-down timer for respawning at the same house. why? many cops (mostly squad members) have houses at almost every sr & respawns just after killing them in less than a half second, today there was a record of 3 cops respawning ~20 meters away from sr at once. (ofc this 3 + some random cops killed/arrest ~15+ crimes). another thing is if its at turf or just somwhere random, you go turf with 10mens+ & one cop respawning in that one turf zone at his house 6542525258x times untill he arrest, and even worse if that respawning cop complains that the gang kills him at his house-spawn. same applys if you just randomly walking without car near a cop-house owner. cons? i cant see any, because the cool-down would only apply if you spawn at the same house. different houses/official spawns wouldnt affect from this cooldown.
  9. this (posted ages agoo) https://s18.directupload.net/images/190502/8ynkxhpq.jpg
  10. +1! this looks alot more rp-like than banks at countryside with bigger interiors than the ones at big citys
  11. +1, thought i wanted suggest to bring back "houserobs" why? -bigger circle to stand arround -criminals spread arround, instead standing on a tinny "indian-roof" -cops have it easyer to arrest -its just logically better than sr, idk even why hr was replaced with sr. its like replacing shit ton of different locations of hr vs. the one same sr with the same tinny roof
  12. @Brophy said in Donation Vehicle Shaders!: This has been added with the latest update @Bartman just wanted to write, thx @Mega9 :D (also + we can now colour car-wheels)
  13. @Brophy said in Donation Vehicle Shaders!: @Bartman said in Donation Vehicle Shaders!: picador4glue# Have you requested this on the bug tracker? requested on suggestion forums already, many people agreed, but somehow topic once mooved to archieve :/
  14. also an sandwichmaker doesent even toast the bread as a toaster, you get 2 different toast-textures from a sandwichmaker & toaster. an taosted toast is more crispy & more air between the toast, perfect to put butter that melts & some meat over it an sandwichmaker does the bread more like grilling, it pressures togheter the bread & the stuff inbetween, almost no air inbetween the toasts the sandwichmaker does heat up everything instead just toast also my sandwichmaker tells its a sandwichmaker https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/301369726632722432/567071816762261514/IMG_20190414_214020.jpg?width=259&height=463 @Brophy sometimes you need to stay at work without stuff to do & no co worker free to talk, so you dig something deeper of the meaning from an sandwichmaker. without this, we wouldnt have any deffinition from any word nowdays :duck:
  15. good argumment, will take new poll (forum bugged doesent work :/) but putting meat/tomato/cheese togheter witht toasts & serving it cold is a bad sandwich, also we dont serve cold burgers either! toasts are made at toast-bakery, making them warm with toaster (or on an amd-toaster), but only the true sandwichmaker makes toast + cheese + meat + tomato warm & awesome sandwich!
  16. BUMB! abit late, but sandwichmaker wins! let the sandwiches taste as good as our win, way better than toasters
  17. election will end on this sunday! looks like sandwichmaker will win this for sure!
  18. @nicus said in Bad News for Marsello ( click here to read and vote i Marsello need join any gang/squad or no ): @Ikzelf said in Bad News for Marsello ( click here to read and vote i Marsello need join any gang/squad or no ): @TaaviLaudur said in Bad News for Marsello ( click here to read and vote i Marsello need join any gang/squad or no ): AA :p AA :p CLO is the best, done AA :p what niggus said^^ +AA :p
  19. @Thing said in Bad News for Marsello ( click here to read and vote i Marsello need join any gang/squad or no ): @Bartman said in Bad News for Marsello ( click here to read and vote i Marsello need join any gang/squad or no ): @Thing said in Bad News for Marsello ( click here to read and vote i Marsello need join any gang/squad or no ): @Bartman said in Bad News for Marsello ( click here to read and vote i Marsello need join any gang/squad or no ): @Thing said in Bad News for Marsello ( click here to read and vote i Marsello need join any gang/squad or no ): @Bartman said in Bad News for Marsello ( click here to read and vote i Marsello need join any gang/squad or no ): @Thing said in Bad News for Marsello ( click here to read and vote i Marsello need join any gang/squad or no ): @SideSwipe said in Bad News for Marsello ( click here to read and vote i Marsello need join any gang/squad or no ): I dont understand i should happy or sad Happy for oh god Tut is awesome him helping sever as players. Sad for what the SAPA now so easy to join Apply for what ? You should made post about quting game. Example 10 players quting game what you gonna do ? Add them to something offical? Why we not teach him how to play? Ppl sometime is bad is good and they must have something different BUT THIS IS JUST A GAME SO WHERE IS FAIR? YOU JUST POSTING AND ASKING CRYING AND WILL GET IN TO OFFICAL GANH SQUAD GROUP. Now i though i see am fool, i shouldn't apply to anything. And this ladies and gentlemen, is the example of why I do what I do. You might think it is unfair for the new players, but it is actually unfair for people like SideSwipe. As I am a student who is doing research on a daily basis, I will present to you Trompenaars Cultural Dimensions. In this case, Universalism vs Particularism. As you can see, Tut has applied particularism (which is very unusual for his culture). Because of that, he now has caused one of his members to become angry since he feels discriminated, which is totally understandable. Now you may see why I do not like the actions that Tut took, even though he had good intentions. Also, I would like to address a similar situation that reminds me of this particular one. A member named Tamsou7, who was banned after getting bullied so much that his negative emotions got the better off of him. Yes, his behaviour was bad, but that was influenced by a large number of players in this community. Now I would like to ask you all who replied here. How is it fair to take Marsello into SAPA like that, if people were laughing at this guy for being friendly and actually asking for the opportunity to be tested? For me, that is hypocritical behaviour from most of you. Therefore, I do not see what the problem is with my approach in recruiting people in a fair way since as you can see in the quoted post above, only causes indifference, discrimination and angry members. Instead of giving him the opportunity as well, people from higher position in popular gangs, in this case Black Bullets (Nothing personal against you guys, just using you as an example), are making fun of him with memes and impossible waiting times. This is straight up bullying and is even worse than just denying the guy and being straight-forward to them. It is just a game right? Then why do you guys not start acting fair with everyone instead of only the people you want to. Because that is straight up hypocritical discrimination. what clo was important earlyer in my eyes, 2 criteria points: -skilled & experience -not having an fking carott in the ass sapa is nowhere to compaare to clo, its a group nowdays (that differs alot to squad earlyer), that trains the nubs to become decent players its like you compaare how easy its nowdays to get an mcdonalds job vs. how hard its to get an job where some education is needed. also if someone without any education comes with jogging pants & hoody to job apply for electrician master position, i would laugh at him hard as possible aswell "to rampages noooo post" also if sapa invites more & easyer the nubs & more helpers beeing in sapa, than we would even have more balanced server soon, gangs doesent have some "sapa" that shows how to become pro crimininal, but as everyone know, we dont need more criminals nowdays anyways. we can even be thankfully that sapa exist, otherwise server balance would be even worse Let me defend myself with the regular ''defence'' that people here use. Why is CLO better than SAPA? It is just a game. Also ''having an fking carott in the ass''? Weird fantasy you got there mate. sapa is teaching nubs to become decent players clo is "searching" this "decent" players carrot in ass = stock im arsch (german version), google it, to hard to explain what it means, but you talk like you have actually an carott in ass also trying to explain with real life compaare: sapa (job argentur fr arbeit) trys to get you an nub-job with low sallery, to teach you something usefull, so you get experience & skills for later, maybe even an education clo (high paying company like daimler/porschde/bmw) needs someone with experience & skills, searching for this people, not some refuge that cant even talk german You actually see yourself as a superior player to others? Now it is really time for me to say: IT IS JUST A GAME. saying: "You actually see yourself as a superior player to others? Now it is really time for me to say: IT IS JUST A GAME." = carrot in ass the only thing i try to be superior is racing, nothing else... just explaining whats difference between clo & sapa. call of duty is just an game, saes is an rpg game... hells angels wouldnt invite some junky from the streets in call of duty you get some fking superior gun that can watch thought walls & shit + this gun sprays as hell with most damage that you just jump arround & shoot like an brainless idiot (ye i hate new cod games), thats just an game, but not saes Then why are you calling yourself one of the ''best criminals'', but people who blow you up in turf wars such as Hari from UE is not a part of CLO? Explain that to me please. i didnt called myself one of best criminals, specially because you cant be in any way the best criminal without having a team that fights togheter with you. and AA/BB/TT will blow anyone up! you can be the most skilled guy in saes ever, but if you have the "carrot in your ass", you wont get invited for clo.
  20. @Thing said in Bad News for Marsello ( click here to read and vote i Marsello need join any gang/squad or no ): @Bartman said in Bad News for Marsello ( click here to read and vote i Marsello need join any gang/squad or no ): @Thing said in Bad News for Marsello ( click here to read and vote i Marsello need join any gang/squad or no ): @Bartman said in Bad News for Marsello ( click here to read and vote i Marsello need join any gang/squad or no ): @Thing said in Bad News for Marsello ( click here to read and vote i Marsello need join any gang/squad or no ): @SideSwipe said in Bad News for Marsello ( click here to read and vote i Marsello need join any gang/squad or no ): I dont understand i should happy or sad Happy for oh god Tut is awesome him helping sever as players. Sad for what the SAPA now so easy to join Apply for what ? You should made post about quting game. Example 10 players quting game what you gonna do ? Add them to something offical? Why we not teach him how to play? Ppl sometime is bad is good and they must have something different BUT THIS IS JUST A GAME SO WHERE IS FAIR? YOU JUST POSTING AND ASKING CRYING AND WILL GET IN TO OFFICAL GANH SQUAD GROUP. Now i though i see am fool, i shouldn't apply to anything. And this ladies and gentlemen, is the example of why I do what I do. You might think it is unfair for the new players, but it is actually unfair for people like SideSwipe. As I am a student who is doing research on a daily basis, I will present to you Trompenaars Cultural Dimensions. In this case, Universalism vs Particularism. As you can see, Tut has applied particularism (which is very unusual for his culture). Because of that, he now has caused one of his members to become angry since he feels discriminated, which is totally understandable. Now you may see why I do not like the actions that Tut took, even though he had good intentions. Also, I would like to address a similar situation that reminds me of this particular one. A member named Tamsou7, who was banned after getting bullied so much that his negative emotions got the better off of him. Yes, his behaviour was bad, but that was influenced by a large number of players in this community. Now I would like to ask you all who replied here. How is it fair to take Marsello into SAPA like that, if people were laughing at this guy for being friendly and actually asking for the opportunity to be tested? For me, that is hypocritical behaviour from most of you. Therefore, I do not see what the problem is with my approach in recruiting people in a fair way since as you can see in the quoted post above, only causes indifference, discrimination and angry members. Instead of giving him the opportunity as well, people from higher position in popular gangs, in this case Black Bullets (Nothing personal against you guys, just using you as an example), are making fun of him with memes and impossible waiting times. This is straight up bullying and is even worse than just denying the guy and being straight-forward to them. It is just a game right? Then why do you guys not start acting fair with everyone instead of only the people you want to. Because that is straight up hypocritical discrimination. what clo was important earlyer in my eyes, 2 criteria points: -skilled & experience -not having an fking carott in the ass sapa is nowhere to compaare to clo, its a group nowdays (that differs alot to squad earlyer), that trains the nubs to become decent players its like you compaare how easy its nowdays to get an mcdonalds job vs. how hard its to get an job where some education is needed. also if someone without any education comes with jogging pants & hoody to job apply for electrician master position, i would laugh at him hard as possible aswell "to rampages noooo post" also if sapa invites more & easyer the nubs & more helpers beeing in sapa, than we would even have more balanced server soon, gangs doesent have some "sapa" that shows how to become pro crimininal, but as everyone know, we dont need more criminals nowdays anyways. we can even be thankfully that sapa exist, otherwise server balance would be even worse Let me defend myself with the regular ''defence'' that people here use. Why is CLO better than SAPA? It is just a game. Also ''having an fking carott in the ass''? Weird fantasy you got there mate. sapa is teaching nubs to become decent players clo is "searching" this "decent" players carrot in ass = stock im arsch (german version), google it, to hard to explain what it means, but you talk like you have actually an carott in ass also trying to explain with real life compaare: sapa (job argentur fr arbeit) trys to get you an nub-job with low sallery, to teach you something usefull, so you get experience & skills for later, maybe even an education clo (high paying company like daimler/porschde/bmw) needs someone with experience & skills, searching for this people, not some refuge that cant even talk german You actually see yourself as a superior player to others? Now it is really time for me to say: IT IS JUST A GAME. saying: "You actually see yourself as a superior player to others? Now it is really time for me to say: IT IS JUST A GAME." = carrot in ass the only thing i try to be superior is racing, nothing else... just explaining whats difference between clo & sapa. call of duty is just an game, saes is an rpg game... hells angels wouldnt invite some junky from the streets in call of duty you get some fking superior gun that can watch thought walls & shit + this gun sprays as hell with most damage that you just jump arround & shoot like an brainless idiot (ye i hate new cod games), thats just an game, but not saes
  21. @Thing said in Bad News for Marsello ( click here to read and vote i Marsello need join any gang/squad or no ): @Bartman said in Bad News for Marsello ( click here to read and vote i Marsello need join any gang/squad or no ): @Thing said in Bad News for Marsello ( click here to read and vote i Marsello need join any gang/squad or no ): @SideSwipe said in Bad News for Marsello ( click here to read and vote i Marsello need join any gang/squad or no ): I dont understand i should happy or sad Happy for oh god Tut is awesome him helping sever as players. Sad for what the SAPA now so easy to join Apply for what ? You should made post about quting game. Example 10 players quting game what you gonna do ? Add them to something offical? Why we not teach him how to play? Ppl sometime is bad is good and they must have something different BUT THIS IS JUST A GAME SO WHERE IS FAIR? YOU JUST POSTING AND ASKING CRYING AND WILL GET IN TO OFFICAL GANH SQUAD GROUP. Now i though i see am fool, i shouldn't apply to anything. And this ladies and gentlemen, is the example of why I do what I do. You might think it is unfair for the new players, but it is actually unfair for people like SideSwipe. As I am a student who is doing research on a daily basis, I will present to you Trompenaars Cultural Dimensions. In this case, Universalism vs Particularism. As you can see, Tut has applied particularism (which is very unusual for his culture). Because of that, he now has caused one of his members to become angry since he feels discriminated, which is totally understandable. Now you may see why I do not like the actions that Tut took, even though he had good intentions. Also, I would like to address a similar situation that reminds me of this particular one. A member named Tamsou7, who was banned after getting bullied so much that his negative emotions got the better off of him. Yes, his behaviour was bad, but that was influenced by a large number of players in this community. Now I would like to ask you all who replied here. How is it fair to take Marsello into SAPA like that, if people were laughing at this guy for being friendly and actually asking for the opportunity to be tested? For me, that is hypocritical behaviour from most of you. Therefore, I do not see what the problem is with my approach in recruiting people in a fair way since as you can see in the quoted post above, only causes indifference, discrimination and angry members. Instead of giving him the opportunity as well, people from higher position in popular gangs, in this case Black Bullets (Nothing personal against you guys, just using you as an example), are making fun of him with memes and impossible waiting times. This is straight up bullying and is even worse than just denying the guy and being straight-forward to them. It is just a game right? Then why do you guys not start acting fair with everyone instead of only the people you want to. Because that is straight up hypocritical discrimination. what clo was important earlyer in my eyes, 2 criteria points: -skilled & experience -not having an fking carott in the ass sapa is nowhere to compaare to clo, its a group nowdays (that differs alot to squad earlyer), that trains the nubs to become decent players its like you compaare how easy its nowdays to get an mcdonalds job vs. how hard its to get an job where some education is needed. also if someone without any education comes with jogging pants & hoody to job apply for electrician master position, i would laugh at him hard as possible aswell "to rampages noooo post" also if sapa invites more & easyer the nubs & more helpers beeing in sapa, than we would even have more balanced server soon, gangs doesent have some "sapa" that shows how to become pro crimininal, but as everyone know, we dont need more criminals nowdays anyways. we can even be thankfully that sapa exist, otherwise server balance would be even worse Let me defend myself with the regular ''defence'' that people here use. Why is CLO better than SAPA? It is just a game. Also ''having an fking carott in the ass''? Weird fantasy you got there mate. sapa is teaching nubs to become decent players clo is "searching" this "decent" players carrot in ass = stock im arsch (german version), google it, to hard to explain what it means, but you talk like you have actually an carott in ass also trying to explain with real life compaare: sapa (job argentur fr arbeit) trys to get you an nub-job with low sallery, to teach you something usefull, so you get experience & skills for later, maybe even an education clo (high paying company like daimler/porschde/bmw) needs someone with experience & skills, searching for this people, not some refuge that cant even talk german
  22. @Thing said in Bad News for Marsello ( click here to read and vote i Marsello need join any gang/squad or no ): @SideSwipe said in Bad News for Marsello ( click here to read and vote i Marsello need join any gang/squad or no ): I dont understand i should happy or sad Happy for oh god Tut is awesome him helping sever as players. Sad for what the SAPA now so easy to join Apply for what ? You should made post about quting game. Example 10 players quting game what you gonna do ? Add them to something offical? Why we not teach him how to play? Ppl sometime is bad is good and they must have something different BUT THIS IS JUST A GAME SO WHERE IS FAIR? YOU JUST POSTING AND ASKING CRYING AND WILL GET IN TO OFFICAL GANH SQUAD GROUP. Now i though i see am fool, i shouldn't apply to anything. And this ladies and gentlemen, is the example of why I do what I do. You might think it is unfair for the new players, but it is actually unfair for people like SideSwipe. As I am a student who is doing research on a daily basis, I will present to you Trompenaars Cultural Dimensions. In this case, Universalism vs Particularism. As you can see, Tut has applied particularism (which is very unusual for his culture). Because of that, he now has caused one of his members to become angry since he feels discriminated, which is totally understandable. Now you may see why I do not like the actions that Tut took, even though he had good intentions. Also, I would like to address a similar situation that reminds me of this particular one. A member named Tamsou7, who was banned after getting bullied so much that his negative emotions got the better off of him. Yes, his behaviour was bad, but that was influenced by a large number of players in this community. Now I would like to ask you all who replied here. How is it fair to take Marsello into SAPA like that, if people were laughing at this guy for being friendly and actually asking for the opportunity to be tested? For me, that is hypocritical behaviour from most of you. Therefore, I do not see what the problem is with my approach in recruiting people in a fair way since as you can see in the quoted post above, only causes indifference, discrimination and angry members. Instead of giving him the opportunity as well, people from higher position in popular gangs, in this case Black Bullets (Nothing personal against you guys, just using you as an example), are making fun of him with memes and impossible waiting times. This is straight up bullying and is even worse than just denying the guy and being straight-forward to them. It is just a game right? Then why do you guys not start acting fair with everyone instead of only the people you want to. Because that is straight up hypocritical discrimination. what clo was important earlyer in my eyes, 2 criteria points: -skilled & experience -not having an fking carott in the ass sapa is nowhere to compaare to clo, its a group nowdays (that differs alot to squad earlyer), that trains the nubs to become decent players its like you compaare how easy its nowdays to get an mcdonalds job vs. how hard its to get an job where some education is needed. also if someone without any education comes with jogging pants & hoody to job apply for electrician master position, i would laugh at him hard as possible aswell "to rampages noooo post" also if sapa invites more & easyer the nubs & more helpers beeing in sapa, than we would even have more balanced server soon, gangs doesent have some "sapa" that shows how to become pro crimininal, but as everyone know, we dont need more criminals nowdays anyways. we can even be thankfully that sapa exist, otherwise server balance would be even worse
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