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Posts posted by PhantomS

  1. Yeah right, Out Break organisation have one role, jail breaking and it is unfun currently due to the jail situation, San Andreas Pirates were able to participate in a Jail Break, Bank Robbries and Store Robberies, while now CLO members can't even detect a SR / can't participate in a BR.
    Having another group open for criminal is a good idea to bring the activity back

  2. @markus said in [CHANGE] OLD JAIL BACK (KINGS HOME):

    @sanfara said in [CHANGE] OLD JAIL BACK (KINGS HOME):

    Why don't we look from another point of view, for example, Why the current jail didn't get a lot of support and average players didn't like it, as may of you said, in the Main Topic of the new jail (KiNgS hOmE) suggestion, it got tons of support and upvotes, and once it got live, some found it nice and some didn't so, the question is, Why the new jail made criminals activity almost dead, probably it is because an alert will show up every time a criminal enters the jail which makes it easily to know if a criminal is inside then jail, back in the days the advert / alert " A was showing up too but the problem is, it sometimes it is a fake call so cops won't be sure, some won't respond.
    Also Prison Warden spawn changed it became close to the marker and of course the blame goes on crime side, since marker kill was abused and cops could barely enter it, won't miss the part where criminal camp outside near the marker to block cops from the entrance door.
    Last thing is an issue made by the mapper himself, as we all know the old jail had less turns / doors than the current one, this makes killing a cop probably easy even if your accurency is above 30%, In the current jail, a lot of turns and gates were made, the distance between the cop and the criminal is pretty short which makes it hard to kill and easy to arrest, the stairs counts as a problem in the control room, the one who is about to jailbreak can't see who is coming even if he did, leaving is impossible, the distance is short as written above.
    With all my respect to Zwolle but the old jail was better and way more fun, activity and of course team work was shown, it is always better to not touch souvenirs.


    I doubt that you have read it :honk:

  3. Why don't we look from another point of view, for example, Why the current jail didn't get a lot of support and average players didn't like it, as may of you said, in the Main Topic of the new jail (KiNgS hOmE) suggestion, it got tons of support and upvotes, and once it got live, some found it nice and some didn't so, the question is, Why the new jail made criminals activity almost dead, probably it is because an alert will show up every time a criminal enters the jail which makes it easily to know if a criminal is inside then jail, back in the days the advert / alert " A was showing up too but the problem is, it sometimes it is a fake call so cops won't be sure, some won't respond.
    Also Prison Warden spawn changed it became close to the marker and of course the blame goes on crime side, since marker kill was abused and cops could barely enter it, won't miss the part where criminal camp outside near the marker to block cops from the entrance door.
    Last thing is an issue made by the mapper himself, as we all know the old jail had less turns / doors than the current one, this makes killing a cop probably easy even if your accurency is above 30%, In the current jail, a lot of turns and gates were made, the distance between the cop and the criminal is pretty short which makes it hard to kill and easy to arrest, the stairs counts as a problem in the control room, the one who is about to jailbreak can't see who is coming even if he did, leaving is impossible, the distance is short as written above.
    With all my respect to Zwolle but the old jail was better and way more fun, activity and of course team work was shown, it is always better to not touch souvenirs.

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    RolePlay Number #18

    @gamerz450 said in Royal Flush | Media Archive:

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    Date: 14.7.2021
    Roleplay number: 42
    Participants: @Mixpeko @GamerZ450 @Matrix-23 @ShadowSpare @Knight9742 @The-Strike-Team

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    GamerZ and Matirx went to a car store and asked what kind of cars they could buy right now and which of them is the most expensive

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    When they gathered enough information, they took out their guns and pointed them at him, forcing him to disable the alarm and remove the car from their radar so that the police could not track them.

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    The car salesman did what he was supposed to do and removed it from the radar but he did something else that they couldn't see and they didn't have enough time to look.

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    After that he gave them the keys and they got in and made a run for it

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    When they were outside the police were behind them and wanted to arrest them, Matrix held his m4 out and shot their tires so they couldn't drive anymore. GamerZ remembered that the car salesman did something they didn't see and that was to call the police.

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    Without tires the car steers very badly and that's why the policemen slammed into a wall and passed out.

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    The car was then hidden in a garage to look for a buyer interested in it

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  5. During N.W.A's splintering, largely by disputes over money, Eazy-E became embroiled in bitter rivalries with Ice Cube and Dr. Dre, who had departed for solo careers in 1989 and 1991, respectively. Resuming his solo career, Eazy-E released two EPs. Yet he remained more significant behind the scenes, signing and nationally debuting the rap group Bone Thugs-N-Harmony from 1993 to 1994.

    In 1995, Eazy-E was suddenly hospitalized and diagnosed with AIDS, and died due to its complications. He is often referred to as the "godfather of gangsta rap".

    Damn this really sucks, I mean seeing the group dieing again makes me really feel bad and sad about it, N.W.A was really a good gang and I never had a problem with such a member from it, was really a peaceful one full of good and respectful gentlemen, If you guys could just make a similar ending to the original group, I bet Ice Cube, Doctor Dre and MC Ren would be proud if they ever heard that their group was well presented in a 16 years old game, Rest In Peace both of the group and Eric Lynn Wright...

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    Involved SAI members: Zane_Jackson

    Other involved people: @wanty

    Date, time and duration of activity: 07/03/2021

    Activity type: Patrol.

    Activity Details: Simple Patrol as usual started from SAI HQs, made some rolls in Los Venturas abd Bone Country mostly, had some pull over stuffs, couples of Pursuits mostly ended either with a 10-9 or with arresting the suspect.



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    Roleplay Number #16
    Story: In a very late night, a gang called ''Bloodz'' was making illegal items such as drugs (cocaine, Marehuana, weed, etc..), 3 members were inside a factory smoking and talking, basically chilling around with each others, the dispatcher of San Fierro detected them also some citizens of that area made some calls to the Police Department about some noise around that area, the whole Case was moved to us, our job was to raid that area and arrest all of the gang members inside that factory, We were 4 tactical members including the pilot who was me, we went to San Fierro Police Departement took a helicopter and took off, We went to the area, once we were above the factory, 3 tactical members jumped using a line while I landed the heli in a safe and hidden place, We were on the factory's roof, made some looks from an upperground windows then jumped down smoothly and without making a lot of noise, We snoke inside the warehouse, discussed what We were about to do, once we were ready, We rushed and screamed different sentences such as '' GET DOWN ON THE GROUND, HANDS IN THE AIR, ON YOUR KNEEZ'' and things familiar to these, then We handcuffed them and Put them all inside the enforcer We had brought, 2 were inside the van while 1 was inside a police car, We drove to San Fierro Police Department were We put all of the 3 Blood members inside the cells untill their judgement day come.
    Members Attended: @Scaletta (QRU-154), @Diesell (QRU-197), @Cey1021 (QRU-007), @badrou4games (QRU-047).
    Other players: @BlaZe @harold420 @Chezzy


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