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Posts posted by PhantomS

  1. Part I:

    Link your Donation Tracking Topic https://saesrpg.uk/topic/28724/donation-point-balance-sanfara

    When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? Posted


    Part II: What I Want to be Removed

    Vehicles: Police Crown, police bike and Alpha

    Location: SWAT HQs, House in LV next to the warehouse.

    Interior: Yes, I want to remove the one I am having at my propriety near the LV Warehouse please.


    Part III: What I Want to be Added

    Vehicles: Police Buffalo, Skimmer, mountain bike and a Jester

    Location: BCPD, TR Bayside, Appartment in north LV

    Username: midoprock

    Interior: Yes, Large Interior 22 inside the propriety next to LV warehouse.

    also a wrap: https://github.com/saesrpg/donation-vehicle-shaders/issues/368

  2. I wonder which retard would buy energy drink while there are 4 criminals camping, you could get it from hospital, second, you could press F when you are on a moving bike and you will automatically warp up without any damage, third, did you think that you wont get shot when buying energy drink when a BR is happening?
    It will always remain the same situation, few months ago, many players suggested changes on the BR system / rules, some quitted already and you are showing up with another suggestion that will loop things again.

  3. alt text

    Involved SAI members: Zane Jackson and Jerry Schmidt(@fandi )

    Other involved people: N/A

    Date, time and duration of activity: 12/06/2021, 12:16 to 12:50.

    Activity type: RP patrol.

    Activity Details: Simple Patrol started today in a cold weather, left the HeadQuarters and went to start rolling, went to different countries such as RC, BC and LV, it was mainly in LV, went tho pursuits.

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  4. alt text

    Involved SAI members: Zane_Jackson and Jerry_Schmidt(@fandi )

    Other involved people: @Loka @LidlPegasus

    Date, time and duration of activity: 12/06/2021, from 12:55 to 13:40.

    Activity type: RolePlay

    Activity Details: In today's morning, I and Oiffcer Schmidt We both went for a patrol as Adams, I firstly drove to Los Venturas Cross then moved to Los Venturas highway, until we had a back-up call from another officer who was on a foot pursuit, after another criminal, I turned my sirens and took my radio, reported that I am coming to assist him, once I have reached the area, I saw that the officer is taking cover behind his unit when the criminal who was armed came from the other side and shot him, I and the other officer who was with me immediatly left the car, once the criminal saw us, he started running, made some turns and tried to steal a car to escape when I aimed my shotgun at him and told him not to move else I would open fire, he responded, I put inside the police unit and went back to the officer who was bleeding all over the place, I took my radio and requested an ambulance to pick him, later we drove to the San Andreas Interceptors HeadQuarters, suspect was handcuffed, we entered the department, went to the office where I asked the suspect to put his stuffs on the desk, he had a Desert Eagle, a knfie, Identity and license, I took all of them and put them inside a plastic bag.
    I went to one of the computers, turned it on and went to the Data show, created a dossier which has the suspect's name Dhia Dhbaoui, then I took him to the investigations room where I started asking him questions related to why he made all these crimes and all, he refused to respond, I didn't want to continue wasting my time with him so I have decided to call the investigator instead, I gave him the informations he needed to know and left them both together, later on an officer from the San Andreas Federal Police came to assist, he asked me to show him the field related to the criminal, I did ask him to show me his badge then I let him to take a view about the situation.
    After couple of hours I came back to the investigator, he told me that the criminal robbed and killed because thatwas the only way he could live, he also mentionned that there is a car hidden in Los Santos owned by the criminal which is full of drugs, I took the criminal to a room where I told how many years he will spend in the federal jail(15 years with having the right to ask to leave after serving 8 years) then I gave him a cartoon to hold with a number of 05122021, took pictures of him then put him inside a cell.

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