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Posts posted by PhantomS

  1. alt text

    alt text
    Hello reader, First of all and as most of the applicants did this, I will start the topic by introducing my self :honk:
    My nickname is Sanfara, in real life they call me Mehdi, I am aged 16 years old, I started playing in this server in 2016 went inactive and came back in 2018, as a hobby, I like to make some edits on videos, I spend most of my time either studying or using the computer.
    In this topic, I will be posting events I made, some of the events are going to be well known in the server and some of them will be made by me, you will be amazed about my creativity :moistpepe:
    that's it.

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    Basically because I am a kind person in general, I mostly respond to players who are in need of help, unless the player is retarded, but yeah as I said I mostly respond to calls, plus I am active most of the time which makes finding a LWS not a hard job for a player, I lived the experience of someone who was looking for a LWS member for a week so he can host an event and get promoted in his squad, therefore I am here to help that poor guy, if I ever became a LWS Trusted Member, my only job is going to be helping.
    Also not gonna lie that I want the access to try making another world and see how it would works.

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    As I mentionned above this, I am a kind guy, helpful, I am active, polite, respectful (unless you deserve getting disrespected), and much more, I am the type of guy who tells you "I am here for you bro" then arrests you and helps you to host and enjoy your event.
    So yeah I am going to help as much as possible.

    alt text
    Chicken shooter
    Chicken Arrester
    Land on my DFT
    Guess the song
    Hold my beer
    lucky nade
    Racing events
    Last man standing
    Sniper 1V1
    All VS all
    Arrest "nickname"
    Dance to the song
    knock me off from my NRG
    Squid Game
    Find the object
    Hide and Seek
    Car Touching
    Pistol All Vs All
    Drive by, all VS all
    Hold my nade
    Box 1v1 in the air
    Swimming pool
    NRG stunts
    True or False
    Derby all VS all
    Lucky Tube
    car show
    Kill the L.W.S

    Event N1:
    Sultan Race
    Event N2:
    Chicken Arrest
    Event N3:
    True or False
    Event N4(New):
    Event N5(New):
    Finish the Sentence
    Event N6:
    Dog fight all Vs all
    Event N7:
    True or False
    Event N8:
    Land On my shamal
    Event N9:
    Lucky Nade
    Event N10:
    True or False
    Event N11:
    Event N12:
    Chicken shooter
    Event N13:
    Event N14:
    Chicken Arrest
    Event 15:
    Event N16:
    Chicken arrest
    Event N17:
    Chicken arrest
    Event N18:
    Face to face Uzi
    Event N19:
    Boxing all vs all underwater
    Event N20:
    Kill the LWS
    Event N21:
    Box all VS all
    Event N22:
    Chicken kicker
    Event N23:
    Lucky Tube

    Posting Format

    ![alt text](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/747847909789270069/995723273218297877/20220710_164436.png?width=1200&height=282)
    ![alt text](https://i.imgur.com/b7vQb.png)
    ###Event Number
    Event Type:
    ![alt text](https://i.imgur.com/b7vQb.png)
    [s=]![alt text](Screens here)[/s]

  2. alt text

    Involved SAI members: Zane Jackson

    Other involved people: @walker

    Date, time and duration of activity: 10/24/2021, 19:40 until 20:00

    Activity type: Speed Trap.

    Activity Details: I left the Interceptors HeadQuarters with an officer from the Federal Police, I drove to a bridge that seperates Bone Country from Red Country where I parked my car unit, I asked the officer if he can place a speed trap and report it in the radio, he did, he stood there, had a discussion then I drove back to the Headquarters to give the fella a lesson.

    Screenshots[s=]alt textalt textalt textalt text[/s]

  3. Part I:

    Link your Donation Tracking Topic https://saesrpg.uk/topic/28724/donation-point-balance-sanfara

    When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? Posted 1 Sept 2021, 17:51


    Part II: What I Want to be Removed

    Vehicle 1: savanna and buffalo.

    Location: LS warehouse and BCPD

    Interior: nein


    Part III: What I Want to be Added

    Vehicle 1: infernus, Police crown

    Location: SF AP, LS warehouse, SWAT HQs, RC next to rc bank

    Username: midoprock

    Interior: N/A

  4. If you are going to consider the whole cop side (police class and official squad members), won't that be an advantage to criminals, bet they will start spawning as cops so they can start it easily, to prevent this from happening, I believe that a rule most get added to this
    Official Gang members are not allowed to spawn as cops when there is a regroupment
    or just separate them from squadless cops.

  5. A very very very big NO
    Last summer I stood awake all night till 4 am waiting for the PBR to start, I won't let 600k-400k go away this easily.
    These days I noticed that gangs are literally BEGGING cops to logging and that really sucks and pathetic, as written above this reply, Approving this suggestion would be the same thing as deleting PBR system.

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