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Posts posted by PhantomS

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    Involved SAI members: My self and Thomas_Reed (@bas260 )

    Other involved people: N/A

    Date, time and duration of activity: 04/11/2021, 12:26 to 13:06.

    Activity type: Speed Trap.

    Activity Details: We started today's patrol by leaving the HeadQuarters and driving to Los Venturas cross, We rolled to Los Venturas - Los Santos Highway, We stopped there and had random things to talk about, later We went back to the Base.



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    Involved SAI members: I and Elijah_Makaelson (@Niklaus )

    Other involved people: @Dinaz

    Date, time and duration of activity: 03/27/2021, from 12:55 to 13:10.

    Activity type: RP (Traffic Stop).

    Activity Details: After I left the Station, I was passing on Los Venturas Highway, I was driving on the right side of the road where a huge truck was almost going to hit me, luckly I didn't, it was kinda a merecale, I had to turn to the other side and catch it, My Vehicle's sirens were on, I asked the driver to pull over and he did, first thing, I told him to turn off the engine and throw the keys out from the window then I stepped out from my car and walked to his door and asked him about the reason that led him to drive on that side, his answer was ''I was busy'' anyways, I asked for him car registration papers and his license, I also called a backup unit from our HQs, I went to the unit and checked about his past crimes, answer was possitive, last thing I did was ordering him to leave his car because I was going to check his vehicle from the inside and I found out that he is using illegal products to make such a foods, So I told him that he is under arrest, handcuffed him and told my partner to take him to the nearest Police Department.



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    Involved SAI members: me

    Divisions involved:(ND/HSPD/RSD/CID) N/A

    Other involved people: N/A

    Date, time and duration of activity: 27/03/2021, 12:50 to 13:00.

    Activity type: Mainly Patrol.

    Activity Details: Started today's patrol from the Interceptors Head Quarters, Left Los Venturas and Went to Bone Country via the bridge, Country was calm so I crossed to Red Country and made some rolls near The hospital, Then I went back to Los Venturas and checked the South, it was calm, Traffic was regular so I had to go back to the Station.



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    SAFP Involved: Only me.
    Other Players Involved: @NitroZeus
    Story: Been a quite day, I was patrolling alone in Los Venturas, Exactly an area full of crimes and such an illegal things, I saw a car parked on the right side of the road and there was a guy inside it, I firstly approached the car and checked on the driver's window and I kinda noticed a fast reaction, He started acting nervous once he saw me, I took my megaphone and ordered him to shut the engine off and throw the keys out from the window, He did that, then I left my car and approached walking to his car, touched the back light then continued moving till I reached his door where I knocked on the window and asked him to roll it down, I greeted him then I asked him for his License card and his Car's registration papers, He gave me both what I asked for, I readed what was written on the card then I asked him to open the trunk, he did, I searched it and Nothing illegal was found, also I removed the trunk's cover and the result was the same so I had nothing else to ask for, gave his cards back and told him that he is free to go.


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    Involved SAI members: me

    Divisions involved:(ND/HSPD/RSD/CID) N/A

    Other involved people: N/A

    Date, time and duration of activity: 16/03/2021, 11:26 to 11:50.

    Activity type: Maily Patrol.

    Activity Details: Regular Patrol started from the headquarters, went to Los Venturas Cross where I saw a civillian stealing a car, went after him and arrested him immediatly, another suspect who was speeding and went to a robbery where I decided to cancel the pursuit after my vehicle got shot, in the end, I did some peaceful turns in Tierra Robanda, it was quite.



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