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Posts posted by PhantomS

    • Section A: Personal Information:

    Nickname: Scaletta, was known as Sanfara

    Account name: midoprock

    Age: 15

    Country of residence Tunisia

    Primary Language: Arabic

    Since when have you been playing on SAES:RPG: 2016

    Current S/G/C and rank: The Strike Team, Vice Leader

    Other RP groups you're in: San Andreas Interceptors, Procop.

    Past groups you were involved in (Include reason for departure):
    San Andreas Police Academy, I joined a gang, had the intention of coming back but it got closed.
    San Andreas Studios, Disagrements with the current Leader.
    San Andreas Medics, removed because of a ban.

    Mention (with reason) about any past punishments you have received:
    First Punishment was about Dming players cars in hospital after they spawn it, I was new.
    Second one was about Marker arrest.
    Third was Death matching.
    I have been banned for Multi Accounting.

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    • Section B: General Questionnaire:

    Describe SAM in your own words: (Not less than 30 words) San Andreas Medic is a group of professional medics trained to handle the most dangerous injures and any type of them, they Are a lot of equips also a lot of Hospitals around the whole city of San Andreas, their base is based in San Fierro near the hospital, and of course it is full of cars and Ambulances, their Motto represents their role which means, once you get injured you will find an ambulance right to your body.

    What is the SAM motto? Always there when you need us the most.

    Who founded SAM? Marko.

    **Who is the current leader and vice leader? ** Johnny English.

    For how long have you been playing as a paramedic on the server?: Since 2019.

    Mention one rule that applies to the "Paramedic" spawn: Stick to your role.

    Mention one rule that applies to SAM Paramedic: Do not go inside the robbery marker, always wait inside your ambulance and let the players come to you instead of you walking to them.

    Can you ensure us certified periodic activity ?: Well yeah, I am an active player in general plus I have been A SAM member for a long time and since summer is coming I am sure I am going to be full active as a group member.

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    • Section C : Aptitudes:

    1. How would you respond to criticism by a superior? I would listen to everything he says and will do in order what he asks from me to do.

    2. Why exactly are you applying today? Because I remembered the days when I was a member and I just felt bad and ashamed about what I have done, so i believe that I have to correct my faults, I also came with the conclusion that SAM is the first group I joined and it won't be a good reaction if I just move on without coming back, so I just hope that I can get a chance to rejoin.

    3. What are your strengths and weaknesses? Driving an ambulance, flying, and also good with the usage of /me and /do plus Using Radio.

    4. Why should we accept you to our team? as I said above I just want to join back and get the chance to correct what I have done.

  1. @vigi said in TST - The Strike Team:

    Ingame Name: Tovgo
    Username: vigi
    Age: 21
    Country: Croatia
    Languages Croatian, English.
    Gender: Male
    Nationality: Croatia

    Dear @Vigi
    First of all, thank you for showing interest to our squad, I have already patrolled with you yesterday and I came with the conclusion that you are a nice and mature guy, therefore you are ~[accepted]~(lime)
    Already tested and invited, Welcome to the team!!
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    Roleplay Number #9
    Story: Today's morning, as I was patrolling as Adam with my brother in law, We have noticed a high speed vehicle passing next to us, the driver seems not having control on his car, I have turned the sirens on and went after him immediately.
    We have crossed couples of miles till the driver decided to stop, as I driver I was not supposed to leave my unit car so I had to stay while my partner went to do the talking with the driver.
    From mixpeko's view: First of all I greeted him then I asked him for the reason of his speeding, his answer was quite doubtful, I asked if I can see his Identity card and Liecense, he surely gave them to me, I went back to our car and scanned them, I and my partner We have found some past crimes done by the citizen, so We had to keep the investigation with him on, I went back to him and asked if i can see the trunk and of course I was able to, and at my big surprise I have found 10 grams of weed inside, I immediatily aimed at him, handcuffed him and told my partner to request a tow truck.
    At the end of the day, We drove him to the Federal Jail.
    Members Attended: @Scaletta @Mixpeko
    Other players: @Scrubs11 @CHAPO


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  3. @mastahand said in TST - The Strike Team:

    Part 4 / What to do if.
    What would you do if you are chasing someone and they avoided arrest?
    take screenshot and report.
    What would you do if someone came and asked you for a bribe?
    if they are a paramedic or a cop i would but if it's a criminal i will arrest him/her
    Someone DMs me:

    Dear @Mastahand
    After reviewing your application I would like to say that You fit us well, therefore your application is ~[accepted]~(lime), already tested and invited.
    ~[Welcome to the team!!]~(navy)
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    Test Result


    Interview: :heavy_check_mark:
    Deathmatch: :heavy_check_mark:
    Combatting: :heavy_check_mark:
    Parachute: :x:
    Driving: :heavy_check_mark:
    RolePlay: :heavy_check_mark:

    Result: ~[Passed]~(lime)


  4. @mastahand said in TST - The Strike Team:

    Part 1 / Personal information
    ingame Name:Golden_Kintama

    Dear @Mastahand
    Our HQ team would like to thank you for applying to our squad, for now your application goes ~[PENDING]~(yellow).
    You have 24 hours to edit your application Part 4 or you will be rejected.
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