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Posts posted by PhantomS

  1. alt text

    Involved SAI members: my self

    Other involved people: N/A

    Date, time and duration of activity: 04/20/2021 from 16:15 to 16:35.

    Activity type: Patrol / SpeedTrap.

    Activity Details: Started today's patrol by leaving the base as usual, First thing I did was driving to Los Venturas Cross where I had a pursuit to a car that drove me to Los Santos where I have crashed, I Said in the radio and reported about that suspect, and yet I found him again in the same spot (LV cross), Started following him but unfortunately he went to the robbery, later I went to Bone Country - Tierra Robenda highway where I have set a speed trap there, frw minutes later a unit requested backup so I have responded and arrested the suspected, at the end I went back to the base to take a break.



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  2. @nishki said in Issues which lead to lack of players on Saes:


    You have started TST as a vice leader for 2 days and you come here speaking about leading and acting like you have all the experience in it..?

    I am not saying that I am experienced in such thing either but what @beauty and @Law said is extremely right the changes are being forced upon us and as suggestions keep going on and on they all legit get ignored because of one admin there that does not "Like" them yet when you try to talk about it with him he starts acting egoistic and showing a total shitty behavior.

    If we do want to see the server getting back up again at where it was good at some point maybe the player's suggestions could be taken into consideration. By someone who's at least willing to consider them.

    Didnt mention that I have experience and such things, just gave my opinion.
    As you can see, after TST(first gen), ETF, STF, CDC,Rogue and many many others I cannot mention, after shutting down all of those gangs/squads leaders became barely active on the server, I guess because they have lost their will to play, plus giving that ''SAES is an old Game''
    excuse and such things, I guess that was the reason behind most of the players retirement, while those who post a topic about retiring come back to the game after 3-2 weeks approx...

  3. You are wrong, sorry but average players who have retired in the previous period have faced problems with their gangs / squads, if you are a HQ or a leader in an organisation, you will probably stop playing once the organisation is dead / closed, New scripts are not that ''affective'' on server's activity, people are growing with time, some are getting jobs and some are going to make videos about mario and live a lifeless life.

  4. +1 For the first suggestion, things should be equile to each others, if the bank's doors are slower than a turtle, then time should be longer.
    The second one is a nah from me, killing / sniping play a big a big role with stopping a Store robbery.

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    Roleplay Number #1
    Story: It was a cold night in Los Santos when we had a call from the emergency of a high activity noices in a warehouse not too far from the international airport, We have been following the dealers since a month to take them down, and here is our chance.
    As a Tactical Team, We decided to raid the place once the dealers and the buyer are there, We got ourselves into a helicopter and Went to the scene, once We reached the location, three of our professional agents landed using a rope, then they have rushed into the place, the dealers were inside the office, They didn't have any information about our arrival and they were not prepared, no Reactions were shown once We aimed our fire-arms, every suspect faced the wall as have been told, got handcuffed and went to our Headquarters were They have been set inside our federal jail.
    Members Attended: @Mixpeko @dinokiller @Joe and I.
    Other players: @Dead @ncovid @Kanel36


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    • list itemWe have made new banners (gifs) for activities, We decided to change the old ones and make new ones.

    • We also updated the format of the activities.

    For RolePlays:
    ![alt text](https://imgur.com/U0mgROW.gif)
    ![alt text](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/785415654060457994/830897367452614676/JY52Cme.gif)
    **Roleplay Number #**
    **Members Attended:**
    **Other players:**
    ![alt text](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/785415654060457994/830897367452614676/JY52Cme.gif)

    For Events:
    ![alt text](https://imgur.com/rJ8XNOR.gif)
    ![alt text](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/785415654060457994/830899594476781628/ouNhSLz.gif)
    **Event Number:**
    ![alt text](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/785415654060457994/830899594476781628/ouNhSLz.gif)

    For Patrols:
    ![alt text](https://imgur.com/N86YZOk.gif)
    **Patrol Number #**
    **Members attended:**
    **Duration Of Patrol:**

    Other Activities:
    ![alt text](https://imgur.com/fzJbduh.gif)
    ![alt text](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/785415654060457994/830900343873339412/eTdbVX1.gif)
    **Type Of Activity:**
    **Members Attended:**
    ![alt text](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/785415654060457994/830900343873339412/eTdbVX1.gif)

    Just Copy paste the format you looking for.


  7. @joe said in TST - The Strike Team:

    Ingame Name:[TST-A]Joe

    @rainer-1 said in TST - The Strike Team:

    Ingame Name: Rainer02
    Username: Rainer02
    Age: 15
    Country: Repblica Dominicana
    Languages Spanish, 10% english.
    Gender: Male
    Nationality:Repblica Dominicana.

    Dear @Rainer-1 and @Joe
    First of all our HQ team would like to thank you for accepting our offer and applying to our squad, Both of the applications are ~[Pending]~(yellow), keep patrolling with our members and gain more experience in game, good luck!
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    HQ team.

  8. Part I:
    How much have you donated for the server? 50 pounds in total.

    When was the last time you requested a donation reward change?
    Posted 31 Dec 2020, 17:23

    Why do you need this change? I have decided to create a squad.

    Links to your donation topics:

    Links to your previous donation changes requests:


    Part II: What I Want to be Removed

    Vehicle 1: Police LV, Super GT, Police LV and Rancher.

    Location: LS warehouse, LV warehouse and SAFP HQs.

    Interior: N/A


    Part III: What I Want to be Added

    Vehicle 1: Double Police LV, 1 Police Sultan and 1 Crown.

    Location: TST new base.

    Username: midoprock

    Interior: I would like to request an interior at my Prop near RC hospital aka TST base.

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