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Everything posted by Kain

  1. Bullet added outside Shattered up Shit Shop locked to Abdivdbf. Discord groups already sorted. Awaiting money. Thanks for donating!
  2. Applications for FBI should stay posted here https://saesrpg.uk/topic/6123/fbi-federal-bureau-of-investigation?page=1 No need to make a separate topic, thanks.
  3. Sorted. Heli and glendale removed. 2x Damaged Glendales added outside 5 El Corona locked to bendhiab.
  4. Why are you requesting to remove vehicles at LE base and then requesting to readd some of the exact same vehicles in the same place?
  5. 15 entitles you to 1 vehicle with a shader, not 2. Please provide an actual location where this vehicle is going so a SAES member can sort it in their own time.
  6. @Fyrr write what you sorted properly please
  7. https://saesrpg.uk/topic/544/reward-changes-format
  8. Savanna already removed as part of a previous mong up. Black shamal placed at LVA locked to ennes,mertt. Donation icon provided for ennes
  9. 5 vehicles have all been removed (due to being wrongly sorted by @ZeKinG ) Black shamal added to LSA locked to mertt,ennes. Donation icon provided Black cargobob added LVA Heliport locked to mertt,ennes. Donation icon provided. Please make sure you submit donation changes in future like you have done so above to prevent issues like this going forward. Thanks.
  10. Have a good one old man. Fashionably late.
  11. Locked, use forum flags next time
  12. @Tuned said in Department of Homeland Security - Bank Statistics: @Kain I still love your music type, you made me a better me! Don't let them break you down I'll sleep better tonight knowing this, the pleasure is all mine :slightly_smiling_face:
  13. btw bRs ArE ToO oP FoR cOps pLs NeRf gArCia
  14. Due to a recent influx in terrorist and organised crime centred around the banking economy of San Andreas, the Department of Homeland Security has taken a significant interest in monitoring and countering these activities in order to aid national security. Enclosed are official statistics accumulated over the periods 26th August 2019 to 5th September 2019. During this period, a total of 96 attacks have been recorded around the state on Banking buildings. Primary Results: ::: Out of the 96 attacks recorded, the following was recorded: 82.3% of all robberies were deemed unsolved with suspects successfully fleeing with the vault contents. (8/8 safes) 6.3% of all robberies were prevented by law enforcement operatives at the last moment, with a large sum of capital still being stolen (7/8 safes) 6.2% of all robberies were prevented midway through by law enforcements (3.1% for both 5/8 and 6/8) 2% of all robberies were prevented in the early stages on the assault of the vault. (1% for both 3/8 and 4/8) 3.1% of all robberies were prevented by law enforcement units immediately before suspects made it near the vault. No capital was stolen from banks during these assaults. (0/8 safes) Raw Data can be found here: Safe Occurences: % 0 3 3.13% 1 0 0.00% 2 0 0.00% 3 1 1.04% 4 1 1.04% 5 3 3.13% 6 3 3.13% 7 6 6.25% 8 79 82.29% ::: Most Commonly Assaulted Locations: ::: Out of all 96 assaults recorded, the locations of said assaults are recorded below The most common assaulted bank is situated within the city of San Fierro with a total of 23.96% attacks taking place here. The second most common assaulted bank is situated within the city of Las Venturas with a total of 22.92% attacks taking place here. The third most common assaulted bank is situated within the city of Los Santos with a total of 18.75% attacks taking place here. The fourth most common assaulted bank is situated within Red County. 13.54% of all assaults were recorded here. The fifth/sixth most common assaulted bank are situated within Bone County and Tierra Robada. 10.42% of all assaults were recorded here. Overall Homeland Security advises citizens use the utmost vigilance when attending banks around the state, particularly banks in the city areas due to them claiming 65.63% of all assaults. Any suspicious activity around these areas must be reported to law enforcement operatives immediately. Raw Data: Bank Occurences: % LS 18 18.75% LV 22 22.92% SF 23 23.96% RC 13 13.54% TR 10 10.42% BC 10 10.42% ::: Most Likely Suspects: ::: The above data displays the organisation which is deemed most lethal around Commercial Banks is Organization Zero (19.79% of all robberies) with the organisations The Company (17.71% of all robberies) and OverdoseCrime (16.67% of all robberies) being a close second and third. Whilst organisations such as The Outfit or Rebels may not appear a threat around Commercial Banks, Homeland Security still advises citizens to report any recognised organisation presence around these areas to be reported to SAPD Officers. Raw Data: Gang Occurences: % AA 3 3.13% BB 3 3.13% TT 12 12.50% UE 12 12.50% Z 19 19.79% ThC 17 17.71% OC 16 16.67% Cripz 12 12.50% Rebels 0 0.00% Outfit 0 0.00% CDC 2 2.08% ::: Organisation Failures: ::: The above data displays that the organisation's assault which is most likely to be prevented is The Company's. So far ThC have failed a total of 4 BRs out of their attempted 17. Behind them situates Underground Empire and OverdoseCrime who have failed a total of 3 out of 12 BRs attempted. Disclaimer: Obviously a gang that BRs more is more likely to fail, failures have been scaled at anything less than 8/8 due to the high succession rate. Raw Data: Failed Gangs Cripz 1 ThC 4 OC 3 AA 2 Z 2 UE 3 TT 1 BB 1 ::: If you are interested in following succession rates, I update this sheet every few days based on logs. Might make a topic like this every 2 weeks or month if people like them, dunno yet Enjoy. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1f74p9hg8wkrT5EsAfXFNyHz4OY2rppgcvJp0w31sbXM/edit?usp=sharing
  15. Sold, closed
  16. Ramos lied, property is on public sale for 40m
  17. @M7mod ))))))))))))))))))))
  18. ::: Username Nick value 1 nori999 [FBI]NORI999 37198 2 hassoni [FOX]Ha$$oni 24641 3 snakeer [Z]Goodie[1312] 23268 4 kajobecha [FBI]Kajo 22164 5 chernobyl SheraP 20183 6 thereis41 [Z]Deu 19746 7 milicajac [SWAT]DROT 18415 8 buch [SAFP]Halo 16879 9 ogulcan01 [SWAT]Flusha 16524 10 iSsoUu [SAFP]UPL-796 16000 11 dufabo1900 [SWAT]Dufabo[J1T] 15318 12 kurcoglavi [FOX]Kleptix<CoS> 15260 13 deeeep [TT]Deep 14809 14 bobi02 [FOX]Absent 12975 15 cahek23 [FOX]Sanek 12560 16 davey Davey 11695 17 lasanhapt [NNB]iLazy 11665 18 johnk [FOX]Abdallah 11640 19 professorparadox10 Paradox 11596 20 hotgun kris 11588 21 elyessmaoui [ThC]Curvyyy 10944 22 richardthekiller [FBI*]Richard 10824 23 nice3549 [$WAT]Niceez 10646 24 officerraven SAES*>Teddy 10609 25 malek45 carlos0 10528 26 blackxboy91 [FOX]007 10502 27 zoomspeed [ICE]Coma[PC] 10126 28 tut SAES>Tut 9989 29 ziadi [215]ziad.i 9831 30 shadowr [SAFP]Shadrow 9822 ::: ::: Username Nick Value 1 buch [SAFP]Halo[CPT] 2452 2 nori999 [FBI]NORI999 2120 3 kurcoglavi [FOX]Kleptix<CoS> 1863 4 kajobecha [FBI]Kajo 1811 5 milicajac TRU-500 1660 6 james69 [ICE]James[L] 1488 7 dufabo1900 [SWAT]Dufabo J1T 8 snakeer [Z]Goodie[1312] 1312 9 kellerman [SAFP]Kellerman[VTN] 1247 10 hassoni [FOX]Ha$$oni 1092 11 cahek23 [FOX]Sanek 912 12 kenttabadat Piggy 907 13 zoomspeed [ICE]Coma[PC] 897 14 glastras96 Sam 880 15 johnk [FOX]Abdallah 870 16 dariich [CC]Dariich 851 17 mctouch Matheus 838 18 gullbooy [FBI]DARCK 776 19 chernobyl SheraP 772 20 nice3549 [$WAT]Niceez 768 21 professorparadox10 Paradox 751 22 alexdvla Alex 751 23 breezy331 [FBI]Breezy 744 24 davey Davey 733 25 pulsarka [SWAT*]Pulsee 728 26 fuerzas [SAFP]Robert-911- 722 27 harrystt [FOX]Access 707 28 bobi02 [FOX]Absent 707 29 iSsoUu [SAFP]UPL-796 705 30 piemonster11 SAES>Piem 701 ::: Updated accordingly
  19. Auction will close 12:00 tomorrow
  20. Auction will close 12:00 tomorrow
  21. ::: ::: Starting bid: 20m Min bid: 1m
  22. Starting bid 20m 500k min bid
  23. Best meme thread of 2019. ...wait, you're serious? But in all seriousness, I added proper logs to BRs today so I can see who fails etc. I'll release some stats when I get a representative number probably. Stats make me mildly moist. I apologise in advance OC.
  24. Please post reward changes in the correct section using the correct format https://saesrpg.uk/topic/544/reward-changes-format
  25. All previous vehicles were removed due to inactivity. Stuntplane placed at LVA locked to lollie519,sam465 -- Donation icon created for lollie519 SGT added at mulholland parking lot locked to lollie519, sam465 You still have 5 of your full 25 donation remaining therefore you may request a generic (5) shader in the future should you wish to do so
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