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Everything posted by Kain

  1. Civilians shouldn't be anywhere near gang/squad activities such as bankrobs. This was the only balancing factor Just to reinforce the point I made on an earlier thread, I'm watching the bank success rates very closely and if I feel that the result is skewing to a particular side then I will make changes accordingly.
  2. One gang is allowed to do a maximum of 3 gang bank robs per day. Members of the gang who are robbing the bank can kill any player inside the bank or immediately outside the bank. Members of gangs are not allowed to attempt to ruin bank robs of their rival gang by raiding that bank spawned as non-ProCop spawns or informing other cops on the server about the bank rob. Temporarily joining a squad to evade this rule is also disallowed. When a bankrob concludes, you may not kill other robbers or asked to be killed by robbers in order to leave the bank via a respawn. You may also not use F1 -> I'm Stuck on the roof, or commit suicide to leave the bank/roof. In a City Bank (LS/LV/SF) you can only defend an ongoing bank robbery from behind the glass in the lobby (SF/LV) or behind the double doors (LS). In a county bank (RC/TR/BC) you can only defend an ongoing back robbery from past door 1. You can claim a bank robbery or rob a bank only when a complete team of robbers from your gang (4+) is present. Switching gangs to assist another gang cracking during a bankrob is not allowed. Whilst a bank rob is ongoing any criminal in the lobby can be killed by either side. Leaving and rejoining a gang within 2 days to bypass the minimum police quota is punishable. (This includes spawning purposely as special policing groups to increase the count without the intent of responding to the robbery). You can only defend a public bank robbery from outside after all the safes are cracked.
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  3. @Lincoln agreed Edit: As long as I can make it a rule that temporarily leaving your gang to raise that count is prohibited
  4. I'll meet you half way, if I do this then I'll be making it so trainees spawned that are in official gangs (that can't respond and/or spawn for no other reason than to abuse the cop limit system) are discounted from the police count. Do you still want me to do it?
  5. Reward for this https://saesrpg.uk/topic/10589/community-task-mappers-vs-bank?page=1 Request below as if it was an actual donation, thanks :honk:
  6. ^[] Dear Citizens, As you are now aware, over the last number of weeks steps have been taken by the Homeland Security, in close cooperation with the Government, to curb the increase in violent crime, specifically bank robberies. We are proud to unveil today the results of two weeks of hard work by the workers over at ZIP. As stated in our last update, we closed the bank of Los Santos for a period of one week. During this time massive renovations underwent and the bank is now re-open for business. The Department of the Treasury allocated extra funding to these renovations, allowing us to install a state of the art vault system with a 4th security check prior to the vault opening. A number of photographs of the renovations can be found below: ::: ::: In addition to this, action was taken by Homeland Security with respect to LV Bank. We're proud to announce that the succession of attacks on this bank dropped by just over 21%. (Now 79.17% from the 100% it was previously) out of the 19 attacks that took place over the fortnight. Due to this success, HLS units will be pulling back from the Las Venturas Bank area and will only be deployed if state terrorists are spotted. Non-RP sidenotes: All credits for bank mapping go to @Zwolle and we're proud to announce him as the winner of the following competition found here Payments of LS and all 3 county banks have been increased by 1.5x to motivate gangs to target the more challenging banks (This may be subject to change going forward after we review bank trends). The reset time if a gang fails to reach the vault before cops take over has been reduced to 20 minutes from 30.
  7. @Adistar said in Remove killarrest: @Kain said in Remove killarrest: Fail 2 BRs > Make topic about removing the only thing that caused them to fail. :honk: Expected you were going to be your typical immature self and connect this topic to the 2 failed BRs. It has nothing to do with it. Its been an ongoing discussion between gangs for a while now and we decided to take the initiative of suggesting it. We failed due to the dog by the way.. got killed by a crim (KUCH @ILLUSION) before I could replace the cracker lol. I would like to propose something. How about you have a normal discussion here instead, stating why you disagree with the suggestion, instead of changing the entire topic to something that has nothing to do with it, as a HQ admin is supposed to do? @Crash no time to read your post atm will answer later oki If you want my actual response, changes like you've suggested are required if/when we need to shift the power of balance. As it stands, the success rates of BRs have never looked more balanced than they currently do since I last released a BR stat report and it would be extremely counterproductive to do anything to change that in its current state. It's a completely normal balanced system for gangs to fail BRs just as much as it is to succeed them, the 8/8 meta has been going on for far too long and I will do everything in my power to make sure that 8/8 success rate hangs around or just above the 50% mark.
  8. Fail 2 BRs > Make topic about removing the only thing that caused them to fail. :honk:
  9. Ban appeals are not be discussed with the public, this is just another front to cause unnecessary drama.
  10. @Lipy https://saesrpg.uk/topic/455/organisation-application-results/19?page=1
  11. @Siirtuga said in House Removals: MrMiguel done
  12. Gonna close this around 18:00
  13. Starting Price: $10,000,000 Screenshot: GUI:
  14. Starting Price: $10,000,000 Screenshot: GUI:
  15. Dear citizens of San Andreas, As we delve deeper into the winter months, we realise Christmas is soon upon us. A side effect of this is citizens regularly visiting highly populous places during the holidays such as banks, especially when consumer spending is at its peak to manage their finances. As a result, Homeland Security is issuing another public statement advising citizens to stay safe during periods of increased terrorist and gang activity. Homeland Security will be taking measures into ensuring the citizens of San Andreas are kept as safe as possible. In order to do this, HLS is releasing a report stating high threat banking areas and addressing highly dangerous organisations which our agents are working tirelessly to counter. The report begins below: Intelligence Data In its current state, out of 136 during the past 2 weeks organised crime attacks on official government banking assets, 82% were deemed successful. While we are aware this figure is exceptionally high, we're confident that measures which are being put in place will reduce this figure. Robbery Success Stat Table: ::: ::: These incidents have been reported to take place most commonly around the 3 cities within San Andreas therefore we advise citizens stay most vigilant around these areas and report anything unusual to law enforcement authorities immediately. Whilst the threat around County areas is still moderately high but less severe, will still advice citizens to take extra care. Occurrence Stat Table: ::: ::: Although law enforcement units do the best they can at attempting to prevent these incidents in certain areas around the state, some are more successful than others. This therefore has given us credible intelligence on which areas need more attentive law enforcement engagement which will be addressed down below. Location Success Rate Table: ::: ::: We acknowledge many citizens are concerned as to whom is behind the majority of these attacks - in response to this, HLS has been collectively gathering intelligence on the organisations involved and who law enforcement agencies will be closely observing. Out of the recorded incidents, the organisation held most accountable is @The-Outfit which has been responsible for a total of 22 attacks. Organisations which have been deemed no longer a threat due to no recent successful attacks are @Comando-da-Capital , @Underground-Empire and @Arms-Assassins with @Clandestine-Mob being classed as a minimal threat. Other high threat organisations include @Tuga-Thugs and @The-Company due to law enforcement's inability in preventing successful attacks. Citizens are advised to report any presence of these individuals to law enforcement's immediately. Gang Occurrence and Success Table: ::: ::: Intelligence of where these organisations are most likely to be seen has been collected in order to raise awareness of these individuals in the stated areas. In the city of Las Venturas, @Tuga-Thugs and @The-Company are deemed the highest threat, in Los Santos: @The-Outfit are the highest threat and in San Fierro: @The-Outfit are again, the highest threat. Within the counties around San Andreas, @Tuga-Thugs are again deemed the largest threat within Bone County, @Organization-Zero the biggest threat in Tierra Robada and finally @Mongols-MC attempting the most attacks in Red County despite law enforcement's preventing 75% of them. Gang Occurence Based on Location Table: Law Enforcement Measures HLS and Law Enforcement's are primarily looking to reduce the threat levels in the highly populous areas around San Andreas where these incidents keep taking place. As a result, a number of security measures have been put in place. These will include: A new squad has been deployed next to the San Fierro bank named @Five-0 . We believe this newly located policing squad will have a strong influence over the success of attacks taking place within SF and HLS will be working closely in order to observe the impact of this squad's new presence in the area. As the elections will soon be drawing to a close soon, the Homeland Security Director will be organising a sit down with the elected president with suggestions on how to resolve the ongoing security issues of Los Santos National Bank . More information to follow. After reviewing the intelligence gathered, law enforcement's have currently been unable to prevent any incidents that have been reported within the city of Las Venturas. Consequently, Homeland Security will be deploying additional support in response to any attacks on banking assets within the city for a period of 2 weeks from this report release regardless of whether a member of a known terror organisation has been spotted within the vicinity. Note: This means HLS will be responding to ALL LV BRs over the period of the next 2 weeks We hope these measures will reduce the success of attacks on banking assets over the next few weeks and ensure citizens are provided with a safe state to enjoy their Christmas. ~Homeland Security.
  16. Just screenshot where you want the vehicles so staff can sort this without you present, thanks
  17. Confirming donation reward of 10. Won the find the rainbow faggio event and delivered it. Request rewards below with the usual format. Thanks.
  18. Planes go on the side of the airfield, not on the airfield. Thanks.
  19. absolute clown :honk:
  20. If you think pepperspray is 90% useless then you've clearly never used it properly before
  21. @Latinoo that link still requires you to have a PC which is turned on at the time
  22. Police LV removed from Five-0 base. Damaged Glendale added outside 11 Alpine Road (house owned by bulgur) locked to rizacem,bulgur,fuluid,gjones
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