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Everything posted by Kain

  1. Preferred Position (CS/SAHA): CS/SAHA. This question requires one answer, not multiple. I've already seen your name come up multiple times this year for attitude towards certain staff members. If you plan on becoming part of our staff teams in the future, it would be ideal that you treat all staff equally in a friendly manner going forward. Better luck next time
  2. Well we're all happy to hear you've finally resolved your gender identity crisis, I think we need to give you a bit more time before considering you for a position. Who knows what other surprises you'll throw out of the bag!
  3. You were incapable of following the simple of instructions of not removing the formatting and didn't name the topic properly. It doesn't quite give us the right impression that you'd be capable of following instructions in a strict job like SAHA. I would probably improve your English skills too before considering applying again in the future.
  4. Quite unnerving to see someone's legitimate punishments paragraph be the largest in the application. Probably best to keep that record clean for a much longer period before we trust you in any administration positions.
  5. I thought your qualities were an acrostic poem to start with. My disappointment is immeasurable. Decent application though but sadly your ingame activity of 5 hours per month is not sufficient for a community staff member.
  6. Pretty low effort app also abysmal activity before posting your application. 3 hours for the month is certainly not enough for a SAHA staff member.
  7. Very low effort application. sad life, isn't it? Be the change you want to see in the world. Try harder next time.
  8. Please answer the application fully next time around. I still have some doubts on being a thick-skinned person I think you're right to have these doubts, the jumping in and out of organisations kind of suggests it. In the future you should probably solve your issues personally rather than consistently running away from them. As a SAHA you'd be dealing with players issues everyday and it's ideal that your issue solving skills are on point next time around. Better luck next time.
  9. Another very poor application, put more effort in next time and start helping people more. PS: Psychology is wank
  10. Pretty low effort application, try harder next time.
  11. Another extremely poor application however you can sleep well knowing you're not the worst Aymen on the server; @Tritosh takes that crown.
  12. Your weaknesses: I'm bad writing applications Atleast you identified one thing correctly :upside_down_face: So far the worst application I've seen.
  13. SAES>NanoBob: marksman is some delusional cunt SAES>NanoBob: Who somehow thinks he would be considered for CS :shrug:
  14. Your weaknesses: Playing as a cop.Yeah that's seems weird, but catching laggers is not my thing :clap: Unfortunately we only want the finest of cops within the Community Staff team. Extremely low effort application.
  15. Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: I don't think that i have many punishments, groove said that i have 452 mutes/adminjails/kicks since july 2018 but it doesn't matter really Correction, just a mere 458. Not too much of an issue. :honk:
  16. " as I am fully active and I got enough time to do this duty" Sadly your activity before your application was extremely lacking. Not a bad app, make sure you're fully active before applying for a position within the SAES teams.
  17. Decent effort put into your application, if only you put this much effort into making a working clock, eh? My perfectionism is sometimes a problem for me since I come to refuse things because I don't see them well done :mag_right: I'm looking for the perfectionism, where is it? All I see is broken clocks. Activity has been really poor lately and if I'm being honest you need to stop vanishing for a month when people are memeing you, you won't get anywhere acting like a snowflake around here.
  18. Even since applying your recent activity has increased from 1 hour to 2 hours in 35 days. Your weaknesses: idk really depends depends on what? Answer all questions properly please.
  19. Qualities you can offer: Not currently, however Activity may stay at top of the list. Most definitely not a quality at all, you have 0 hours recorded for the past 70 days. Perhaps consider applying next time once you meet the activity criteria which you state you will.
  20. Your weaknesses: Im not 16 anymore. The only weakness listed here is age discrimination. Reason for application: Well that helps me bring back my ass to SAES Generally we prefer applicants that have actually logged in before the recruitment was announced. Thanks for your interest but we'll save you the job of claiming to be active.
  21. This is not topic worthy, if you wish to contact LWS HQ contact them privately.
  22. I don't think police vehicle handling should be touched at all - it never ends well. It's not something anyone's ever complained about before.
  23. Greetings! As many of you have observed lately, our player-count has been consistently high and with this there has been a significant increase in day-to-day server administration required therefore it's time to add to the teams! If you're interested in being part of our staff teams and have the time to dedicate towards it, head over to here and follow the instructions. Applications will be accepted up until Monday 13th April. We wish you all the very best of luck. P.S. Those who are abusing forum rules for that section and not posting genuine applications will receive a 72hr forum ban. We have enough applications to sort through, let alone salty or piss taking ones.
  24. I couldn't think of anything more cancerous tbh
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