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Everything posted by Kain

  1. Due to base changes, the following needs re-requesting 3 LSPDS 1 dodo
  2. brexit means brexit
  3. Sometime tomorrow hopefully between 1pm-3pm the server will be going down for a short downtime to push a selection of updates. A more accurate timeframe will be provided nearer to the time. Apologies for any inconveniences caused
  4. On Sunday 10th February (today) around 16:00 (after power hour) we hope to host the second and final beta for the upcoming updates coming soon. For this test we'll need the absolute max cops vs crims that we can get to get the best opinions/ideas out of it so please try to be there. The test should be short(ish) all depending on the feedback given and any adjustments that might need to be made. Thanks
  5. @Tantawy said in Black Syndicate || Official Topic: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/6059/goodbye-black-syndicate R.I.P , goodbye
  6. Thanks for the donation however when requesting please put your username. Our staff have many attributes including laziness, however mind reading isn't one of them. Thanks :)
  7. Helicopters must be placed in aiports/heliports sir
  8. Or we could use MTAs AntiCheat as intended :thinking_face:
  9. Thanks for the donation but as I've said before in order for beta access we need discord IDs in your first main post.
  10. Beta access added to Resistant#0784
  11. I think it'd be nice to make it a level 4/5 requirement thing, not sure it's fair on the lower level small gangs
  12. GIT has a kanker UI so I decided to make this for those that think that too but once you know how it's not that difficult. Obviously go to bugs.saesrpg.uk It should looking something like this (hopefully) ::: ::: The blue circle is obviously the main part for general bugs or approved suggestions on the RPG server. The red circle is strictly for approved GM changes, eg gang rewards or approved group changes. And straightforwardly, the black circle is for website changes such as forum creations or mods. Select the repository that best suits your demands and click it. It should look somewhat like the below screenshot, make sure u press the "issues" button which is highlighted and arrowed. ::: ::: Press the lovely "New Issue" button on the below screenshot ::: ::: It's pretty straight forward from there. If u dunno what to do then give up :shrug:
  13. Shader added made by tut. Case closed n all that
  14. Will be live tomorrow hopefully.
  15. I think UE needs a new trainer in making meme videos
  16. @Luke said in Some sort of 'return': Hey folks. I recently got married Who's the lucky guy then, eh
  17. While we thoroughly appreciate your donation, unfortunately the rewards are unchangeable and as a result you're only eligible for the 3m and 3 vehicles. This is to avoid complications at a later date where you may forget that you obtained 2m extra instead of vehicles and attempt to claim the 3 vehicles. Thanks for the donation and apologies for any inconveniences caused. Feel free to either edit your post with vehicles or request them at a later date.
  18. Keep shit on topic please
  19. Unfortunately not a positive post time however it's come to our attention that a small number of individuals within the community have been using trainers in order to assist their gangs in keypad cracking. Upon discovery of this we have updated our AntiCheat system today in order to prevent this from being able to occur again. In response to this, due to BRing being a gang activity, we have decided to take action against the gangs and name n'shame the individuals responsible to allow gang leaders/HQs to punish the members themselves. The individuals responsible are: @Ammar (Underground Empire HQ) @Jesse421 (Underground Empire Member) @Thrzu (Underground Empire) @Mechul (CDC Member) @Jasser (Black Bullets Member) @Daglow (Arms Assassins Member) As a result of this, the actions SAES HQ and GM have decided to take include: Underground Empire Demotion to Level 4 due to HQ team member being involved 50m fine BR Rights removed for 30 days CDC Official Warning 50m fine Black~Bullets Official Warning 50m fine Arms Assassins Official Warning 50m fine May we take this opportunity to remind you all that we take the use of exploits/trainers very seriously with a zero tolerance policy and never should similar actions be performed. Any similar events should be reported to SAES HQ. Apologies for inconveniences caused.
  20. 3rd world countries....
  21. More like a Somalian pirate with a gun like that
  22. The most we can do for you is confirm whether or not you have guessed the correct email in PM to us. If not, there is no other way to verify the account is yours and you must make a new one.
  23. Just a quick Merry Christmas/Happy holidays from all of us here at SAES! We thank you all for spending the year with us and hopefully you'll stay with us again for another long year throughout 2019. Also a small christmas competition created by @Mega9 for those who aren't busy with stuff! Basically how it works: each official gsc can build using /construction but only up to 120 from their spawn point (of the gang class they are spawned as) each person has 10 object limit and no save/load ability Best wins something from @Mohd Also a reminder, type /nohat to get rid of the ingame Christmas hats if you don't want them!
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