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Everything posted by Jay

  1. Starting bid: 25,000,000 Location: West Los Santos
  2. raceTECH recruitment is now open via Discord - permanently! Have a read through the groups general information here: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/8616/general-information Join our Discord and follow the instructions to apply here: https://discord.gg/Se9r86S Be sure to update your application with any additional activities to increase your chances of being accepted. If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask in our Discord.
  3. "So, making fun of religions here in the server is allowed? Can I speak about stupid people who doesn't have a god in their life to follow (Atheist)"
  4. @Sanfara said in Removing /sell wanted levels for Ape.: how old is ape Yes
  5. @Kain said in Revive Gang Robs: Maybe something like once a gang starts a GR, for as long as you're standing inside the col then the timer starts ticking down from 15 minutes or whatever, unless the defending gang has more members in the col then the timer starts ticking back up. If it goes back to 15 minutes then the defenders win or if it reaches 0 then attackers win? Would rather see a % than a timer, just because adding and taking away time back and forth is a bit... weird?
  6. I see it working more like a store rob than cracking. Each gang has to fill a bar up by standing inside a circle or preferably a turf war style location. Whoever fills the progress bar first out of defenders or attackers wins and takes money. Obviously cops could earn an extra paycheck as more activity for criminals = more of an opportunity for arrests leading to potential jailbreaks too.
  7. $1,000,000 given Vortex locked to maxismuz4141 and saved in SWAT base.
  8. $3,000,000 given Bus, Cabbie and Police Ranger all rewarded and locked to denis10 in SWAT base.
  9. @VayraN said in HS back for CLO & DE: Months ago I was at Nanobob shop and just standing, I just got killed by Human with hunter without any reason.. like wtf..... control your members first and then ask for another unfair thing
  10. ripperino
  11. For anyone interested then you can find information, how to apply and our Discord in the forum below. https://saesrpg.uk/category/110/racetech :)
  12. No - don't remove it this way. It gets boring removing things for the sake of removing them, without providing an alternative that would perhaps bring the game towards more fair and or consistent gameplay. Speed is fun. I can see from a cop side of things that having 20 or 30 criminals inside a bank rob is a nightmare to deal with sometimes when they are all high on speed firing combat shotguns, but just removing something for next to no reason is just going to make this game more dry than it already is. I've said it before, I think there just needs to be alternative options with similar effects, or even counters. Maybe energy drinks or protein bars could provide a legal way to have a similar effect to speed with perhaps making it cheaper but doesn't last as long. These can be sold at any food places, sold by food vendors or how about we could even place vending machines around high traffic areas such as banks, jails or store robs so people can stock up before attending. Maybe even replace the 'sandbag' rounds in police shotguns to a type of 'anti-speed dart' than temporarily removes the effect? These sorts of things should be easily added as it is surely just playing with some simple code that is already used in game. A few ideas. Just for once I would like to see something added to the server instead of just removing yet another popular mechanic because it's "an easy fix".
  13. Big thanks to @Tut-Greco for messing the cars up on a weekly basis
  14. Have suggested this myself before, same for weapons.
  15. @Joshbond said in Department of Homeland Security - Bank Review: You forget that Jay is just a troll. Like a lot of people in this community. Looks like one as well. At least I'm not black ... @Garcia1999 said in Department of Homeland Security - Bank Review: alot of bullshit around here, and all came from o ~[niggas]~(red) trying to be smartasses. ... wigga pls
  16. @Deu said in Department of Homeland Security - Bank Review: I pretty much cba to keep the arguement from now on if you still tend to keep it up, that's up to you.
  17. I won't take credit for the next one I'm done anyways, you've embarrassed yourself enough
  18. You're majorly missing the point. Can you see the stats in the very first page on this topic you have so graciously posted in? Those are pulled from a database by Nano (usually) There is also one that gives stats for each gangs playtime. GMs were using these stats to determine who they felt was active or not. O was gucci with this every time. I'm not saying it's right, nor do I even remotely give a shit, I'm just saying it how it is because again you seem to have completely missed the point. If you had even been posting memes for the past year, as you have been so proudly saying, you would have noticed that I myself have been enjoying them, and I have even agreed that at the time I didn't see O as level 5. Here is your reference; https://saesrpg.uk/post/130194 Also in response to you taking a war seriously,
  19. @Joshbond said in Department of Homeland Security - Bank Review: @Jay said in Department of Homeland Security - Bank Review: @Joshbond said in Department of Homeland Security - Bank Review: I have many times over the last 7 years of being part of this community. I have not seen any be implemented, especially when a lot of the community agreed with some of my suggestions. All I see is SAES Admins saying 'Well why don't you suggest something instead of complainng'. Well we do suggest but the suggestion goes unanswered and ignored majority of the time. The proof can be seen in the suggestion area of this forum and the archive forum. We all know Discord is the place these days. You should perhaps request the Roundtabler role in our Discord and you'll then have access to this Gets a lot more traction sometimes as it's filled with the people who don't have a life and Discord chat 24/7 Well I admit I do not use the Discord for suggesting ideas. However isn't the forums better as it can be tracked, correctly organised and be easy for developers to respond too? Is it not better to engage a Dev in a live chat? I imagine the main reason you don't get a response on the forum is because, well, forums are pretty dead these days aren't they? Discord is just easier.
  20. @Deu said in Department of Homeland Security - Bank Review: GM team hasn't demoted your gang even though you had only events posted continously on your media archive, not even speaking of turfs, bank robberies, jail breaks. This is however different with squads, the activities you can organize is limited to only a few things such as arresting people in groups, going to bank robberies and jails to die over and over again. Considering the server economy is fucked up, most cops even don't respond to these calls because people get bored of dying after some time. I don't know if you were a GM when NNB was demoted, you were probably inactive again? Check your GM forums. Just for starters I am not a gang manager anymore, I am a group manager, and I think it's been close to 3 years or maybe just 2 since I have been a gang manager so refrain from blaming your squads failure on me my good sir. At that time you were judged on things such as total number of w/e activity. Whether that be events, roleplays (omegalul), and how you behaved in the community, this one could especially effect you because if the meme topic was a ripe back then as it is now, players would be getting their gangs in trouble for their toxicity (/looks at Garcia[banned]). This ain't really the case anymore, and gangs are currently judged on statistical activity only. Doesn't matter if you don't BR and doesn't matter if you don't do events. So long as you log in, and you're total playtime is of X amount of hours (I don't know the number) then you're classed as active. O never failed this. Well, it was once 1 player under the required amount of 35 active players but we still had more total play time than other gangs. So no, O was never really inactive per say, we just didn't BR. Or... we couldn't because we had lost our main crackers to inactivity. People such as Nuno and Solrac have been practising a hell of a lot and this is now why we have the most bank robs completed. Granted, not the most successful but like I said, they're still practising and credit should given to them. Especially nuno, it's not often a PT player learns something new other than the latest Ronaldo celebration. But back to the point, these days if you don't BR you're classed by others as inactive, simple as that really. Every gang and every squad goes phases of activity and inactivity. Not too long ago it was Z and they pulled themselves back, and currently O is in the process of doing the same - we have great night time activity. There will be other gangs struggling with activity now, that's just the way it is. It goes around in circles because quite frankly there are too many official gangs, everyone fancies themselves to grow something themselves instead of just playing with another gang and helping that one grow. @Deu said in Department of Homeland Security - Bank Review: If I knew doing events would retain a level 5 squad's activity and keep it stable, I would have probably followed the Outfit's path and wouldn't even get noticed by the GM team. Again, different timeline. It's stats now, not how many screenshots you can take. I don't like either method tbh, and I for one don't really even see the point in a levelling system anymore. The requirements, which I will admit are the ones I made a good few years ago, are now extremely outdated, but what can you do? :shrug: Nobody wants the GM role anymore and I don't blame them. You're either set up to fail, or you have to deal with certain people who cry like a 2 year old child. @Deu said in Department of Homeland Security - Bank Review: What you said about rewards doesn't concern me, we can probably agree the saes server which you're a member of its clan hasn't developed itself and been running with same main scripts for a while now. It seems reasonable to show this as one of the reasons but it's funny how it's coming from a SAES member. What I said about rewards was in response to you saying "bUt O wOUld bE DeAd iF it wAS trEAtEd liKe NnB". It didn't, and being around for so many years and going through so many GM teams, we've had our issues but have always responded to them. @Deu said in Department of Homeland Security - Bank Review: I've been making memes for a year, you couldn't only keep your gang's activity stable in-game, you couldn't keep your activity within the forums as well. I've actually been making memes for 13 months so your point is irrelevant you fucking boomer. And again, you're saying O couldn't keep it's activity, but it is active. Maybe if NNB faces O in a future gang wars we can settle it there. OH NO WAIT YOUR SHIT SQUAD IS DEAD KEKW
  21. @Joshbond said in Department of Homeland Security - Bank Review: I have many times over the last 7 years of being part of this community. I have not seen any be implemented, especially when a lot of the community agreed with some of my suggestions. All I see is SAES Admins saying 'Well why don't you suggest something instead of complainng'. Well we do suggest but the suggestion goes unanswered and ignored majority of the time. The proof can be seen in the suggestion area of this forum and the archive forum. We all know Discord is the place these days. You should perhaps request the Roundtabler role in our Discord and you'll then have access to this Gets a lot more traction sometimes as it's filled with the people who don't have a life and Discord chat 24/7
  22. @Joshbond said in Department of Homeland Security - Bank Review: I am going to guess this was done so Joe and Kain can have fun playing as HLS. All we will see is them two spawned as HLS attending BR's instead of playing as FBI. This should not be happening. What should be occuring is the Group Managers and Saes admins help develop squads more to help increase popularity on the squad side of the server. This will solve this issue. Not just using a group so specific people can enjoy the game more (Kain and Joe). I know for a fact Joe and Kain (more Joe) will respond and deny this, as they are in denial of this truth. Instead of suggesting that suggestions should be suggested , why not suggest an actual suggestion for the sake of your suggestions?
  23. @Deu said in Department of Homeland Security - Bank Review: O would have died if they were given the same treatment as NNB No, it wouldn't A level 2 gang can do quite literally the same thing that a level 5 gang can A level 2 squad can do quite literally the same thing that a level 5 squad can The only main difference as you level up is an increase in a completely unused base, a second spawn and script which does nothing different to the first, and a billboard :omegalul: The difference is merely bragging rights But maybe you could sit there and make more memes about DE or something to pass the time idk, I guess criminal teamchat is a bit dull for you
  24. @Deu said in Department of Homeland Security - Bank Review: btw keep free inviting ex safp members into your gang and call yourselves active kek "you're inactive. but you can't invite people"
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