Hi. So, it has recently come to my attention that we are running "full" on current in-game vehicle mods, in terms of a total megabyte capacity, any more will cause further lag on the server. So full that your suggestions are probably going unanswered because we already have too many in-game. I'd like to know which ones you would be fine seeing the back of and having replaced, so one by one we can replace them with something that is new, looks better, blends better with the SA theme and is also smaller in size allowing potential more mods to be added. I'm not interested in hearing your suggestions for new mods in this topic, currently I'm already working on a few with tut that we can potentially replace these older ones with. We won't be able to remove any of the emergency services mods, but lets look at all the current, older, mostly unused mods that can be purchased from the shops. I'll add a poll for each on whether or not these should be replaced. Just a note, if we were to replace the Alpha for example, that doesn't mean that it will be with a new Alpha. It might be a mod for a different car completely. But don't worry, from now on, any changes will improvements and will provide you with plenty of choice going forward so we don't see the same 5 cars everywhere.