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Everything posted by Jay

  1. @franklin said in Replacing vehicle mods: Freeway, Wayfarer? @Jay As I said... but lets look at all the current, older, mostly unused mods that can be purchased from the shops.
  2. Hi. So, it has recently come to my attention that we are running "full" on current in-game vehicle mods, in terms of a total megabyte capacity, any more will cause further lag on the server. So full that your suggestions are probably going unanswered because we already have too many in-game. I'd like to know which ones you would be fine seeing the back of and having replaced, so one by one we can replace them with something that is new, looks better, blends better with the SA theme and is also smaller in size allowing potential more mods to be added. I'm not interested in hearing your suggestions for new mods in this topic, currently I'm already working on a few with tut that we can potentially replace these older ones with. We won't be able to remove any of the emergency services mods, but lets look at all the current, older, mostly unused mods that can be purchased from the shops. I'll add a poll for each on whether or not these should be replaced. Just a note, if we were to replace the Alpha for example, that doesn't mean that it will be with a new Alpha. It might be a mod for a different car completely. But don't worry, from now on, any changes will improvements and will provide you with plenty of choice going forward so we don't see the same 5 cars everywhere.
  3. @merkazo yes sir sorry sir right away sir @sollozzo said in Happy Birthday Sollozzo: @merkazo Tamam reis sorun yok Allah razi olsun, internetten tantanaya gerek yok. Corona bitsin Coventry'e bi tur atam, buraya 1 saat. Bakariz ortaya ikarmi.
  4. @merkazo you're irreverent
  5. motherfucker
  6. happy birthday
  7. someone had to do it i guess
  8. All sorted
  9. Money and rewards sorted in-game
  10. These have been done as requested above.
  11. tHe OuTFiT aRe aN iNaCtiVe GaNg
  12. hi, we require new logo i am too lazy to make one will offer ingame cash nice and simple design, remember we are mechanics by day and street racers by night, so perhaps don't include and F1 car and racing helmet we have two colour codes 1C3018 primary + A0C900 secondary feel free to message me on Discord danke
  13. @daryl said in [Anime Review] Amakano: Amakano is a vanilla hentai that focuses on the feeling of having a girlfriend. Do you reckon this Anime would be able to really get in touch with my emotions and help me feel what this experience would be like?
  14. @tut-greco because no one is gonna vote for you to be the best
  15. @orten1 Ah of course, those top secret raceTECH discord pages full of all the secrets of SAES and life itself. Definitely not just a hot zone for @Jokerulty to be bullied and @Skerdi to lag. Anyway denied pls reapply 2 weeks ok?
  16. @orten1 but it was only yesterday you was asking Brooklyn to be given roles on Discord?
  17. @orten1 probably shouldn't have applied 3 times then kekw
  18. because he got his face removed from discord :(((((
  19. Why are you pinging me I don't want your little nigger house :AAAAAAAAA:
  20. If additions were made to the panel I think it would be more useful if you could create your own categories and drag and drop as you wish. That way you can separate your 4-door gang cars from your race cars and bikes etc.
  21. Money and vehicles (including wraps) are rewarded.
  22. 1x Police LV placed at house in SF (wrap to be applied when it's fixed) 1x Police LV added at house in 1x Police LV added in SWAT base 1x Police LV removed in LV 1x Buritto removed in LV
  23. Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  24. @SAFP-Stone said in The big flaws in SAES, time for a change.: @KARIM Sometimes people are targeted for sharing their opinion. Not that uncommon. Thats how toxic SAES can be sometimes. When it's going against the clan or the server, generally speaking people tend to jump on board with that opinion not argue against it. In this topic it makes little sense to me to post anonymously
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