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Everything posted by Jay

  1. @Weppo BR and PBR are not the same at all. The whole gameplay and way you get paid is different, the only similarity is they happen in the same place. If you would like to see that system change then I would say create a topic for that. BRs are part of a gang requirement, a PBR is not.
  2. @sherap2-0 It doesn't take a genius to see that you can't quite grasp the simplicity of what I'm trying to say to you. I'm not saying "get rid of cops" I'm simply saying that the server can function without them, but obviously it is 100% better with them and even better when there are cops who understand that criminal activities need to happen in order for the server to be fun. I have to ask you, are you even having fun when you join? Is it fun for you to camp race flags and stop them from happening? Or would it be more fun if you allowed them to start and chased them during the race? Is it fun for you to see and prevent a BR from ever happening or is it more fun to try and stop it once it starts? These are the things that you need to ask yourself, because if every cop thought like you then there wouldn't be any criminals to chase would there? I honestly don't understand why people like you, or more specifically just you, can't understand that your actions have a detrimental effect on what happens in the server. If you camp raceflags then you are stopping 10 people from doing that activity, which means any groups in relation to that activity become more and more inactive which in turn provides less wanted racers for other cops to arrest. If you fuck up criminals grouping for a BR it has the same effect on those gangs, and the cops who would be chasing them. I am honestly not sure if you are seriously this stupid or if you're one of the best trolls I have ever come across. But, one thing I am sure of is if this is the attitude that you have then that "pls final chance pls" from your last ban appeal won't work on your next.
  3. @weppo said in [CHANGE] BR Rules: @jay its concerning that you as group manager are for this suggestion. "Those who spawn as civilian or some other group on their own are trying to prevent BRs from happening." The reason I and the people I play with spawn as a group is to have fun in THESE groups. This in an activity for us which isn't about arresting. Its about having a fight without getting reported. Or to do some other activity. (For me RP) this isn't my way of taking revenge against criminals. This is my own fun. Also; we have to meet reqruitments. First off being a group manager doesn't reflect what gang management does, this is just an unfortunate similarity in name and both being referred as GM is what causes confusion. That being said, I did also go on to say (in not so many words) that you don't have to respond to a BR if you don't want to. It has zero effect on your squad if you attend or not, you can continue doing what you want. But you have to admit, you must have seen it yourself, the likes of certain squad members who are spawned as a firefighter or general civilian on their own and teasing the gangs in main chat with nonsense like "but i am just playing as civilian" or other cops who will purposefully leave the game and mysteriously return 20 minutes later only to log out again realising that a BR regroup is still happening. Cops like that stagnating and reducing gameplay and only increasing the friction between both sides. We need more gameplay not less. More BRs for example would even encourage people to want to play as a cop because it's just as fun to try and stop them for some people as it is to rob for others. But the biggest thing to remember is as sad as it sounds, this server ultimately doesn't need cops to survive. There are plenty of jobs and games that the gangs can play with or against each other, but cops rely on criminals or they have almost nothing to do other than escort a VIP.
  4. @sherap2-0 said in [CHANGE] BR Rules: @jay said in [CHANGE] BR Rules: @sherap2-0 said in [CHANGE] BR Rules: @jay said in [CHANGE] BR Rules: @silikondy said in [CHANGE] BR Rules: big no lol, imagine BRing with 3 cops vs 40 defender. that would be cancer People need to stop with this ideology now really, it can't always be about who gets the W. Sometimes some gameplay is better than nothing at all. The only change that needs to happen is sqhads count whilst spawned as other classes. 99 of the time cops already know about a br before they happen, and it doesn't exactly take long to respawn. Mindsets like your are fucking the cop side and thats why it is dying. I think you'll find it's actually mindsets like yours and I find it baffling and actually quite funny that you don't think players like you are the problem. You don't want BRs to happen, this prevents you from playing. You don't want turfs to be prolonged, this prevents you from playing. You don't want long JBs, this prevents you from playing. You camp a raceflag with unwanted racers to stop it from starting, this prevents you from playing. How do you not see that you, and others like you, are the issue? I would also like to point out that the suggestion isn't about changing the amount of squads currently online, just the ones spawned. Those who spawn as civilian or some other group on their own are trying to prevent BRs from happening. This is creating stagnant gameplay - or a lack of gameplay and this reduces server numbers quite obviously. I'm not saying it's the only factor, but this sort of negativity is exactly why people aren't drawn to the police side as much as they used to be. The general theme in SAES at the minute, and has been for a long time (hence why I don't play) is criminals trying to play the game and cops trying to stop them from doing it. Talk about boring. The suggestion is literally so you have to respawn from being a priest and go and play as a cop when required. If you don't want to go and you're enjoying your incredible gameplay of /pray in the cemetery then that's up to you. But not attending a BR has no negative impact on you or your squad, and it's not as if the payout from a bank is even good. It's literally about 80k. Wow, super gt soon????? Do you have a brain ? I dont want BR's cuz im cop and i need difficult it. I dont want to turfs be prolonged cuz im cop and i need difficult it. I dont want JB's cuz my role is arrest crims and JB let them out of the jail. I camp at raceflags cuz its illegal and i must difficult it. Mindsets like yours are killing the cop side. And that why is hard to see more than 10 cops online. Memes aside, I really have no idea what you just said
  5. @sherap2-0 said in [CHANGE] BR Rules: @jay said in [CHANGE] BR Rules: @silikondy said in [CHANGE] BR Rules: big no lol, imagine BRing with 3 cops vs 40 defender. that would be cancer People need to stop with this ideology now really, it can't always be about who gets the W. Sometimes some gameplay is better than nothing at all. The only change that needs to happen is sqhads count whilst spawned as other classes. 99 of the time cops already know about a br before they happen, and it doesn't exactly take long to respawn. Mindsets like your are fucking the cop side and thats why it is dying. I think you'll find it's actually mindsets like yours and I find it baffling and actually quite funny that you don't think players like you are the problem. You don't want BRs to happen, this prevents you from playing. You don't want turfs to be prolonged, this prevents you from playing. You don't want long JBs, this prevents you from playing. You camp a raceflag with unwanted racers to stop it from starting, this prevents you from playing. How do you not see that you, and others like you, are the issue? I would also like to point out that the suggestion isn't about changing the amount of squads currently online, just the ones spawned. Those who spawn as civilian or some other group on their own are trying to prevent BRs from happening. This is creating stagnant gameplay - or a lack of gameplay and this reduces server numbers quite obviously. I'm not saying it's the only factor, but this sort of negativity is exactly why people aren't drawn to the police side as much as they used to be. The general theme in SAES at the minute, and has been for a long time (hence why I don't play) is criminals trying to play the game and cops trying to stop them from doing it. Talk about boring. The suggestion is literally so you have to respawn from being a priest and go and play as a cop when required. If you don't want to go and you're enjoying your incredible gameplay of /pray in the cemetery then that's up to you. But not attending a BR has no negative impact on you or your squad, and it's not as if the payout from a bank is even good. It's literally about 80k. Wow, super gt soon?????
  6. @silikondy said in [CHANGE] BR Rules: big no lol, imagine BRing with 3 cops vs 40 defender. that would be cancer People need to stop with this ideology now really, it can't always be about who gets the W. Sometimes some gameplay is better than nothing at all. The only change that needs to happen is squads count whilst spawned as other classes. 99 of the time cops already know about a br before they happen, and it doesn't exactly take long to respawn.
  7. @terry said in Happy birthday Jay: 1 last year to hit your 30s, better start stocking up the blue pills, old man! 8 inches soft, I'll be aight
  8. @Bodo420 all suggestions denied pls race in the 2nd dimension :honk:
  9. Nano pls accept that this jail is not wanted, and reinstate the old. Then take sushii to The Winchester and wait for all this to blow over.
  10. I was here but these pricks always took screenshots while I was sleeping. Everyone be blaming the wrong people, it was clearly Pengos fault. Ripperoooo ::: :::
  11. I don't believe this mod fits the aesthetic of SA all that well, although I do agree an Infernus model rework would be nice. The benefit of the current mod is it's very small in size and we can't really afford to be going much bigger, if at all. In terms of the handling, there was a handling change done by myself <2 months ago which was pushed live not that long ago. Let me know if there are any issues, it is heavy in corners but faster on a straight but is much more drivable than the old.
  12. VIVA ~[IT]~(green)AL~[IA]~(maroon)
  13. wait you aren't supposed to add anything new
  14. @skomorje said in F1 Fantasy League [2021 Season]: Oh finally, nice to see F1 events in SAES. Also @Jay I have an idea. If there are any F1 2020 players you can organize a multiplayer races which would be fun too. @Terry was on about this to me earlier, I'm sure we could set something up. I have roles/chats ready in Discord but we've not started anything yet, not sure when we will. I'm sure more people will be interested when the season starts next month.
  15. ^[] Hi, for anyone interested I've set up a 'SAES Formula 1 Fantasy League' if anyone is interested in joining. Season starts this time next month and would be interested to set up a little competition with in-game cash for winnings. This fantasy league is an official league set up by F1, any info can be found here [https://fantasy.formula1.com/game-rules]. This is how points will be scored in the league [https://fantasy.formula1.com/points-scoring]. Driver/Team prices will be dynamic throughout the season, meaning you'll be able to profit on them throughout the season to make your team stronger [https://fantasy.formula1.com/dynamic-pricing + https://fantasy.formula1.com/subs-bank]. There is also general prizes given out by F1 at the end of the season, but I highly doubt we'll be getting those kek [https://fantasy.formula1.com/prizes] In terms of prizes in our SAES league I'm thinking we all pay a $$$ entry fee and we set up a total prize pot depending on how many people we get enter the league. We will use the raceTECH Discord to keep track of everything, you'll have to join there if you're interested [https://discord.gg/G3wXSYy8S4] Current entry fee per person is $1mil cash. Only one team per user is permitted. You will have to sign up to the F1 Fantasy website [fantasy.formula1.com/] Name your Team after your SAES in-game name (IE Jay's Team) ^[~[If you're interested in joining, hit me up on Discord and I'll update this topic in future.]~(red)]
  16. Cash rewarded
  17. I can't speak for @Brophy but the last I heard it was 2399.50 a month to keep the server running.
  18. Your wrap has been approve but has not yet been pushed to the live server.
  19. @draven said in Replacing vehicle mods: @Jay that would be great actually, most of players aren't using bikes anymore because they are slow comparing to some cars. It would be fair to increase the speed, implement some modifications like you have stated and to add a modd to it. I agree. I won't promise nor commit to anything but I will perhaps do something about that in the future.
  20. @franklin said in Replacing vehicle mods: We're not asking for new vehicles/mods for MCs or anything like that, all we're asking is that the vehicles that are currently suitable for MCs should stay suitable for MCs, such as Stallion and Picador which are highest on the vote here, maybe all MCs are dead and people don't get interested in them because you guys/the community don't support it, ever thought about that? SO far from correct, half of the server used to be modded for SoA when they were a group. They were a good group for a while and then people lost interest, and that's a group not a gang. The best it got for MCs after that was when RDMC and MMC were level 5. They are the only two gangs that were alive at the time to ever do it properly. They organised wars with each other, themed around streetfights, barfights and drive by shootings etc. You just have to know that an MC in this server has almost always had a generally small audience. No other type of gang has had anything made or modded for them to make them successful, they've used the tools the server already has. If you don't think there is enough for you to do that then perhaps you should suggest something in the appropriate section for improvements on the Biker spawn. Mods alone isn't going to gain interest to your MC or any other. @draven said in Replacing vehicle mods: However @Jay , I have always this question on my mind. Why we don't have a mod for bikes ? NRG-500 f.e could have an amazing mod and could be much much better, is this being considered ? Got no issue modding bikes, however bikes as a whole would probably need looking at. If we increase their speed for example we would probably have to reduce how easy it is to fall off but also do it in a way so it's not so overpowered because after all, bikes can get to places a car typically can't.
  21. You know you're already an admin, you don't have to donate anymore like @AkyZ kekw
  22. @snome said in Replacing vehicle mods: remove everything Including your community staff, I agree. @killerask said in Replacing vehicle mods: @franklin said in Replacing vehicle mods: @jay said in Replacing vehicle mods: @franklin said in Replacing vehicle mods: Freeway, Wayfarer? @Jay As I said... but lets look at all the current, older, mostly unused mods that can be purchased from the shops. Alright my bad, should've read the topic first.. just don't give Stallion & Picador a mod that Motorcycle clubs won't be able to drive anymore, if it ends up being voted. I 100% agree finding suitable vehicles for MC's is as difficult as it is already. Yes, we should totally cater for all the level 5 MCs that we have. There is a reason they die, people get bored of them pretty quick I guess. There is the Freeway, obviously, Wayfarer which has a mod, Burrito which is half decent with V8 at least for a van and can also have a shader easily applied. There isn't really much else an MC would use. Perhaps a variation in bikes but given that an MC has such a small market/interest around here it can be argued too much choice is a waste of resource space.
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