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Everything posted by Jay

  1. @Siirtuga find me in-game i have an exchange/offer for you
  2. No. As Joe mentioned this is essentially gang robs of the past and whilst they were fun for a little while it started to drive gangs apart and caused more issues than any form of actual fun. A base is also supposed to be an area where you should be mainly free from this sort of stuff, almost like a safe zone and an area to chill. I like the general idea though. Maybe if each level 4 or 5 gang could create their own property/warehouse that cops could attack and criminals would have to go and stop them. Essentially bank robs reversed. Could also have a cool down timer and require X amount of gang members to be spawned, much like the BR system.
  3. @Kain said in Promotions: Edit: apparently @Joe is SAES now as well fuck that shit im out
  4. Royal got removed cause he's black.
  5. Yes Joshbond yours was totally the same. Completely unjustified. 100% /sarcasm
  6. @Bone said in Use of exploits reminder: @Billionaire said in Use of exploits reminder: @Gengar said in Use of exploits reminder: Thanks for publicly shaming me. I get it that you wanted me out of the clan and I normally wouldn't even bother posting anything regarding that, I'd just move on with my game and have fun with my friends. But there was no reason whatsoever to shame me like this in front of entire community and that irritated me enough to make this post. Just for the record, I did not try to assist anyone to cover up anything. You have screenshot of the chat, you can clearly see that I advised person involved to cooperate with you guys. The fact that SAES HQ team is twisting everything to suit their own needs is different story. It's no secret that they wanted me out of the clan for quite some time, taking away every bit of access I had with some bullshit excuses with every chance they got. Good for you that you finally found some justification to remove me completely. This announcement alone shows how eager you were. When was the last time you announced clan members who were removed with reasons of their removal? You had people removed from clan because they were deliberately deleting reports of their friends without solving them and none announced anything about that. You had people removed from clan because SAES HQ team has access to read their forum private messages in which, apparently, they were stating their disagreements with some actions from the clan, none ever made announcement regarding that. Let's not mention clan members who were selling benefits on SAES to players for couple of PayPal bucks and some Steam items. And many others who were removed along the way in the past 7 years that I'm here. None ever announced publicly anything about any of them. But hey, let's just shame Gengar and let's ban people. Not only the ones who are abusing (completely fair ban when it comes to them), but also the ones who were just given money from abusers. Since when is it a crime to be on the receiving end of /give command? If you approached the player and asked him to hand you over the money because it came from bug abuse, he would have given it to you without any objection. But no, let's just ban and shame people. Fact that ~[Bone takes money from abusers himself and uses it to sponsor his own events and even buy some fancy properties is no big deal around here. And let's not forget that NanoBob built his own program which automatically inputs numbers for cracking safes in bank robs and gang robs and not only uses it around whenever he likes it, but also distributes it to some other clan members for their own usage. There were times when he was leading his own gang and abusing his access to restart banks in order to use his program, doing a lot more then just 2 bank robs per day]~(red) and yet none ever did anything about it. I guess rules everyone has to follow don't apply once you reach position of SAES HQ. Damn this is some inside story which i would like to forward to our only remaining two most trusted SAES HQ ever @Brophy @Ronseal disappointed for not mentioning @Tombaa :'( disappointed for not mentioning me after I /give you $500mil in exploited Captain money...
  7. Well dang, I guess I need to start paying more attention to the forums.... @Kain pure savage @Gengar spicy bombay badboy response Also since this is now a meme topic
  8. Last time i mapped for another gang i made an epic fucking base and the retard turks @SarkiS and @Woxayd closed their shitty gang not long after. So basically what I've learnt is never trust a Turk.
  9. one vote for filex i wonder who voted for such retardo .............................
  10. "Don't abuse other players excessively" doesn't abuse players does nothing excessively "oMg JoE wHy YoU hAvE tO bE rAcIsT tO mE?!?" It's a joke boys and girls, I don't understand why the vast majority of players here are such babies now. I wish calling people "filthy sand niggers", or "highly explosive muslims", or "sweaty fanny fat cunt ass bitch who is probably a man anyways ( @Brooklyn )" and those very people joining in and just insulting me back. WHY CAN'T WE ALL JUST INSULT EACH OTHER? THIS IS THE INTERNET ~[FUCK YOU JOE YOU DRUNKEN, IRISH, GINGER, HIGHLY OFFENSIVE, UNFUNNY, ABUSIVE, PIECE OF RUNNY BLACK GUINNESS SHIT]~(green)
  11. no means yes
  12. I see this is a trick question. The answer is clearly Jean-Claude Van Damme as the other two don't exist. FITE ME
  13. @Cappo Works both ways. Besides, we had it like this for years and it caused no issues, the change in blips was a random update by Brophy (?) Kasimir which no one asked for, it just happened. I personally prefer blips to be always on, perhaps somehow keep the radar to close proximity because that was the only annoying thing, not being able to see everything else on your radar because of player blip spam. I think it helps with the multiplayer aspect because you can drive around aimlessly at the moment not finding anyone to interact with. Where as if blips are always on then you know where to travel to. Plus i low key miss seeing 15 laggy blips as everyone is grabbing onto a heli making their way to a bank.
  14. @achik no, leadership has gone to @Joshbond
  15. @mohd I mean... I have it on good authority that you and @Brooklyn have some underlying issues
  16. @mohd said in RIP O.... again (sorry Joe): @Joe kick Jay pls, thx I like that you would tag Joe and not me, faggot, wanna fite me lets go
  17. 00:37 poor @Human_
  18. Greetings fellow tea drinkers. After some thought over the past month I have decided to hand over my leadership of O to @Joe. The reasons 'why' you ask? Since the beginning of this year, being a GM has genuinely worn me out to the point where I don't even want to play the game anymore. Every time I logged in I was spammed with some bullshit, whether it be someone moaning about their shitty rule breaking gang, or someone asking me for their rewards, or "why we deny pls???" etc etc etc. I was never allowed to come in-game and play like I used to enjoy doing. To everyone else in the server, myself, or GM as a unit, was always doing something wrong. For the best part, GM is always after the best for every gang and squad and to constantly be kicked in the face or questioned and ridiculed over every decision or action is demoralising to say the least. This also affected my job to lead O, which sucks. I never had the time or motivation to see how things were going, and I was just letting it run by itself hoping it'll stay strong, which isn't fair on everyone else who is here. The time of my leadership here is over, at least for now. Joe is the best pick for it, obviously, since having @System31 lead will just turn us into raging alcoholic Kurds. Which is why he is only taking the Vice Leadership role, thank god. I won't be taking on any HQ role or high ranked role now, I'm not in the mindset for it, I would rather just be a regular player with no important task to accomplish. It's up to Joe what rank or role I am given and where I am placed on the roster (hopefully no where near Rodrigo). raceTECH leadership will be handed over to someone else, when I can find someone who fits the role. My shares in Lounge will remain the same, it's just my leadership duties I'm dropping from Organisations. That's it, peace out noobs. I'll see you in-game, eventually. (no i'm not retiring fully, just giving up my roles as leader to hopefully enjoy the game again)
  19. The meme returns! ICE POLICE 4 LIFE
  20. @jay said in SAES:RPG Test Forum: Highlighting a name @Brophy could do with a touch of colour, a minor thing but I like that they were highlighted previously. Already added this gg nigger @Brophy
  21. Just a few things I've picked up on; I like that it's fast and whilst creating/editing you can see the key combo for shortcuts to make text bold or italic for example. I also like that you can pick and choose which group/role shows up as your primary on your profile. I think more could be done to the up/downvote system, i like what the old forum had. I also think this could do with more work...; ...there isn't really much showing there. I like on the old forum how you can create a title, and it would show your post count. I would love to see a reputation counter make an appearance there too. Maybe even bring back the old reputation groups? ( X amount of upvotes to reach a certain group IE 'Legendary' or 'Noob') I dunno why people keep bringing up the white, pretty sure it's the same in the old forum? Also everything has a white background, whether it's Youtube or Facebook or whatever, they're all white. I can't seem to find the ability to center the alignment of text whilst creating/editing a topic? Also dislike I can't format a simple post like this one the same way I can whilst creating/editing a topic (no way to add bullet points, or links or images properly for example [I had to edit in the image and bullet points after i posted this]). Highlighting a name @Brophy could do with a touch of colour, a minor thing but I like that they were highlighted previously. All I can conjure up at the moment
  22. All future media (screenshots, videos, events and roleplays) will be posted in this topic. If you have any queries regarding anything posted here, or you suspect foul play, please contact any of the HQ team. Happy spamming! (banners to use for posting below)
  23. It started way back in the 60s,when gun crime and drugs were becoming a regular thing throughout the country. It was difficult for anyone to obtain weaponry and drugs in the UK as they are fiercely. So, up stepped a small group of wealthy - and dangerous men, known locally as 'The Outfit'. They weren't like any other criminal gang in the country. They were more dangerous, clever, rich, and have connections all over England, and beyond. They quickly drafted their talent to various other parts of the world, most famously around areas of San Andreas and more recently, Cuba. Nowadays, The Outfit smuggle most of their contraband from Cuba, as the higher ranked members in the organisation have strong connections over there with the Cuban Liberation Organisation. The Outfit will get you anything you so request. Guns, explosives, drugs, cars... amongst other things, for the right price. They can also steal things locally from other criminalgangs, and civilians, if that if what you request from them. The guys trying to work their way up the Outfits ladder, will have to steal cars or other things locally - and be trusted, before they climb the ranks and see what Cuba can bring them. From 2012, upon arriving in San Andreas, The Outfit quickly shot up the criminal ladder and straight to the very top. They were quick to assist the underworld in whatever they needed. Drugs, guns, cars... you name it. All these things were sold to other organisations cheap enough so they could still sell it on and make a tidy profit. They were highly respected within the underworld, and the police forces around San Andreas feared them... some even working with them, destroying evidence and paperwork against The Outfit. Things were also looking great with accounting too. People from all over were coming to borrow money from the organisation. There is no record or people not paying back on time though, obviously. But soon, things changed... for the worse. We are unaware where the source of all the information came from, but it resulted in the every higher ranked member of The Outfit falling into police custody where they were convicted of numerous crimes against the state of San Andreas. The remaining members of The Outfit quickly left the state and returned home to continue business there. But now, with some of the high ranked hierarchy released from prison... The Outfit is back, and are ready to take top spot in San Andreas again. "In blood, we trust." Our roleplay is based on what a real life criminal organisation is capable off. Whether that be smuggling weapons, drugs or various other items of value, we also offer the addition of importing or stealing vehicles. We will get you anything for the right price. We also offer loans to players in the server (money sharking) with a % of interest coming back off loans, allowing the gang the create more revenue. Our roleplay will always be changing as we adapt to the way the community changes, however we will always be based around smuggling. What is The Outfit loan system? Through this service you will be able to ask The Outfit for a quick cash loan if you are tight for money and you need to make an urgent purchase, or pay off a debt. Our Current Accountants; N/A What do I, the customer, get from this? Simple, fast cash through our top of the range service! What do we, The Outfit, get from this? We only get a small extra percentage for trusting you with our money. Our loans come with a small percentage payback fee, smaller than what you would see in one of the high street banks! Loaning Percentages & Main Information Before loaning money, we will record all conversations (via screenshot/video recording) for proof of the deal, money requested, money sent, payed back etc. Therefore you'll have to provide us youraccountdetails (your in-game username). Once you gain a loan from us, you'll be given a set time to pay us back by, or the interest rises. If you fail to pay us back after a specific date, then things will be taken to another level.We are hopeful it will not come to that though. Interest rates are NON-NEGOTIABLE. $100,000- $499,000(2.5% Interest, 5 day loan) $500,000- $999,000(5% Interest, 7 day loan) $1 million- $4.99 million(10% Interest, 14 day loan) $5 million+(20% Interest, 28+day loan) We will only loan a max of $10 million per loan currently, although in a special case we can be persuaded to loan out more money for a higher percentage of interest. How do I get a loan from you? If you want to to use our services you'll have to schedule an appointment with one of our accountants or high ranked members. You will discuss all required information with us and we will decide there and then whether or not we will give you a loan! To book an appointment please visit our Ranch Branch in game! Our Roster is secret to protect our identities from the authorities of San Andreas. except for the vip/honorary cause fuck them lol VIP/Honorary Members: 11 VIP People who have done much to help The Outfit. @traged Bannerand application stamp designs. @Tombaa Always free to help and assist the gang over the years. @Raymond. Created Twitter, worth billions of doll-.... no wait that's another guy. Honorary The Legends of The Outfit. @Rodrigo Lives in a black shed with is black family and his massive black dick. @Nuno SAES' greatest unbanned DMer. Poisoi (no account sadge) A man so kind with a gentle soul. In other words a massive pussy. And a snow nigger. @kbst Born with robotic fingers. Legend has it, his girlfriends vagina is more torn up than Freddy Krueger's face. Maciel (no account sadge) Following in the footsteps of his Portuguese compadre, Nuno, Maciel also became one of SAES' greatest DMers. Chemical (no account sadge) uwotm8.jpg- Died from skin cancer, RIP in Guiness. @Totti Owns and wears more dresses than Kim Kardashian. Probably a big supporter of the Qatar World Cup. @Smack Stole himself into inactivity. @Daryl Decided to leave for FBI to avoid being demoted after activity checks. Has a fetish for older men. The Outfit Ranch The Outfit - Vice Bar & Restaurant. The Outfit - Fort Carson Diner The Outfit Warehousing The Outfit's Payday Loans The Outfit's Bail Bonds The Outfit's Financial Loans The Outfit is actively in a mutually beneficial alliance withUnderground Empire. http://i.imgur.com/HqKjfPX.png General Rules Follow the SAES server rules at all times. These can be found by pressing F1, and navigating the menus. RP to the best of your ability. If you know some fellow members are RPing, do your best to try and join them. Don't argue with other members/players. If seen doing so, you will be given a warning. This warning will only be removed IF you have shown a clear improvement in attitude. Don't ask for promotions. They will be handed out by the HQ team when we see you being worthy of one. If you wish to play as a pig, change your name and under no circumstances, attend a BR as a cop. Going to HRs as a cop is fine, although like stated before, please change your name. (You may keep your real in-game name for SAI though [example: Deputy.Jay] is fine). Do not DM someone just because they are in our base. The same server rules apply there, as they do anywhere else open to the public. If they attack you or another O member, then of course feel free to defend against their attack. But always at least try and talk/RP with the guy. It helps to have people on our side, other than having them telling the rest of the server we're DMing gays, doesn't look good. The leaking of info from our forum or /CC chat to people who are not supposed to know, will be punished with a kick. You MUST get HQ approval before placing a donation vehicle in base. We want to keep the base clean, respectable and in a role playing order. We are an English speaking gang. Only English is permissable in the /cc chat Turf War Rules If you are killed in a turf while a turf war is going on, it is not counted as deathmatching. While spawned as a cop you are obligated to arrest both sides during turfs. You can only use your gangs spawn & hospital spawn during a turf war. You are not allowed to aid a turf war while spawned as police or emergency whilst being a member of an official gang. You are not allowed to camp on unclimbable rooftops/places, climbable rooftops/places are allowed (usage of drugs/vehicles is not allowed). To consider a rooftop/place climbable you must be able to access it from the ground or from another climbable rooftop/place without the usage of the drugs/vehicles. Bank Rob Rules One gang is allowed to do maximum of 2 gang bank robs per day. Gangcan not start gang bank robbery with only 1 member of that ganginside the bank. During gang bank rob, members of gang which is robbing the bank can kill any player inside bank they are robbing if they don't want that player on their bank robs. Members of gangs are not allowed to attempt and ruin bank robs of their rival gang by raiding that bank spawned as cops, or informing other cops on server about that bank rob. Killing players after all safes have been cracked in order for players to leave the bank by respawning is not allowed. Committingsuicide by jumping from bank roof is not allowed. Assisting your own gang as a medic and/or pizzaboy is not allowed. Camping the entrance marker is not allowed. You can claim bank robbery only when you are complete with your gang inside the bank. Gang Rob Rules No grenades to be at a gangrob at all. This includes using vehicles as explosives. No spawn killing - Don't camp a gang's spawn. Beef up defenses elsewhere if necessary. You can only gangrob spawned as your gang. Don't bring helpers. Allies or other gangs to assist are permitted. CLO/DE assistance is not permitted. Removing the gang cash whilst getting robbed will result in your gang being leveled down. You can remove the cash to prevent being robbed IF you are not being robbed. You are not allowed to rob alone. Squads are permitted to arrest. It is not permitted for gang members to spawn as police to assist in a gangrob. If you have removed the gang cash to prevent robberies, you are not permitted to rob other gangs, or help other gangs in robbing other gangs. If your gang doesn't have gang rob rights, you are not allowed to help other gangs rob other gangs. If your safe isn'trob-able, you are not allowedto rob other gangs, nor help other gangs rob other gangs. Getting other gangs to rob you and then killing them to get the cash back to prevent yourselves being robbed is classed as abuse of the system, and will result in a level down for both parties. Using animations such as /crack, /sur or /bathe whilst cracking a safe will result in punishment. Gang Robbing a gang that is doing a BR is not allowed. Any gang that involves in a GR, by GRing some gang or even assisting is not allowed to take out all gang account money for a month. Moaning after robbing or getting robbed is not allowed, it spams the team chat and creates flame wars, insults. Using vehicles to block the safe while GRing is not allowed. No using houses to gain an unfair advantage. Use your gang spawn or spawn at hospital only. Videos Screenshot Archive (Favourites) http://i.imgur.com/36Adw.png?2 http://i.imgur.com/9hn2q.jpg?2 http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8527/8594131288_8fb8006b6f_c.jpg http://i1295.photobucket.com/albums/b622/hiddenlight1/dab9be61-ee2c-42bb-ab48-804ee8185bd0_zps824e9996.jpg Official Organisation Media Topic (Old forum) http://saesrpg.uk/community/topic/87231-the-outfit/ (New Forum) http://test.saesrpg.uk/topic/100/the-outfit-media-archive Gang Level Application History First Generation Level 1- Accepted Level 2- Accepted Level 3- Accepted Level 4- Accepted Level 5- Accepted Second Generation Level 1- Accepted Level 2 - Accepted Level 3- Accepted Level 4 - Accepted Level 5- Accepted If you're interested in joining The Outfit, simply join our Discord [found here: https://discord.gg/3NwkgqU] and follow the instructions in the #welcome channel. This doesn't guarantee you a spot in O, as our recruitment is relatively strict. We won't just accept everyone. Please be patient once you have made your application, we are busy people! PMing us constantly and generally being annoying for a response will only decrease your chances of being accepted. Best of luck with your application! What we expect from you; Good sense Know the rules of the server Decent English (as it's our primary language in the gang and server) Firstly, don't apply if you can't be a team player. You wouldn't want to be left to fight alone against 12 cops, so help your fellow members at all times. We also don't expect you to be the best player in the game, we do also look for people who are generally nice, and can use their common sense around the server. However some skill in the game is required, we don't want you in jail 24/7!
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