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Everything posted by Skerdi

  1. Do you mean that there should be an option for g s c or group spawn that has weapons to spawn without weapons? Do you mean that, please explain.
  2. Happy bday adiii!
  3. Granted but she will be a 90 year old shemale I want a galaxy s10
  4. Happy birthday u absent!
  5. Bill
  6. Skerdi


    Take care and good luck mate
  7. @Mohamed-Mostafa cluck level 5? Since when? @Tapi you said that cluck is level 8 man wtf?
  8. Happy birthday ramby!
  9. Sad to see a stan leaving the server, good luck mate.
  10. You should start a poll in this topic, so everyone can vote in an easy way.
  11. Cant there be an option to toggle this if you dont like it, everyone would be happy then.
  12. @RadiO said in Official Quote Wall: @Tapi He was high probably
  13. Yesss. Good job guys
  14. Good luck
  15. @James then none forces you to go and stop the jb if you dont want to, you can leave the area. This is just a game, jailbreaks are a criminal activity and they are supposed to happen. I do not get ur point complaining that jbs last long or criminals camp it. As Angelo said crims just want to get out soon. There are so much tools for cops to stop a jb, if you dont like it you can leave the jail then.
  16. Happy birthday Mix
  17. Happy birthday hisha
  18. @Crash of course there are rules for both sides but this guy suggests for those to get removed because he cant team work. I truly agree with you, I was asking for james opinion because he thinks people are too "overpowered" and "unstoppable". Me myself, I rarely see players using them. And I have seen many squads stopping jbs srs and brs just by teamwoking.
  19. You suggest for special groups to have armor and double weapons removed, then should de remove their armor and headshot too in jbs? There are other groups to deal with those cases.
  20. Around 3 years ago it happened rarely for a sr to be stopped from cops, and now it happens every time. There are made a lot of improvements to cop side, like kill arrest glue removal also the place where crims camp in bank has been moved too. You complain that there is a jb, everytime but wont jb give you more money? All you have to do is get a combat shotgun and spam the bullets thats what every cop does. Players prefer criminal side over cop side? Well everyone has its preferences. Oh and double weapons, its not like double colt will help you that much, about double sawn off only a few players can use it and 2 cops can neutralize it easy.
  21. Happy birthday
  22. Good luck
  23. Sold, can anyone lock and archive this please.
  24. Participants: @Skerdi @lazar @kAsTyA Story: Have you ever loved someone so much to give an arm for? Not the expression, literally to give an arm for. She was your heart and you were her armor. But what happens when karma turns around and bites you, and everything you stand for turns around to spite you. What happens when you become the main source of her pain but not only when you kill her with your bare hands. Man you got a mission you have to complete right away and watch two men dressed in black leaving the room and leaving me all alone. I block myself and shout: 'You made a promise, you got one more chance now go and stop hurting people for some damn cash'. I open the door step out and drive to the destination, get my sniper put a bullet in and shoot right away and see a body falling. I start to run, and what to see the world drops on me, the curtain closes on me. I find myself surrounded by a wall of bricks screaming and crying, punching everything, now I could hear, those walls must be talking to me because I can hear they are saying:' Where is every promise, where is that better life, where are you? Wasn't you going to be a better person?' I look at my hands they are full of blood, shout to myself why did you kill the person you love, the only person you care, the only one that cared for you, just because you are a damn killer and kill victims for money, but how could I know who was that person.. I get my phone locate the men in black and blast one head while the other is corpse is being burned in the ground. The wall fades, I find myself putting flowers in a graveyard. Cry out loud, then I fell down find a gun put it in my temple scream and pop it. The sky darkens, the plane I was supposed to be crashes and burn to ashes, blood and tears fall and what to see it all was a lie, I didn't only have ice in veins, I even had blood in my eyes. Screenshoots: https://imgur.com/a/VGCSQIy
  25. @Judyes said in Black~Bullets | Media Archive: ROLEPLAY STORY: It was 3nd of February, we were still not so famous here in this country so we had a break of two days, we lived with the money we earned before by robbing. But how long can we live like that ? Not much, so we decided to offer the Wild Angels, some bags of high quality expensive stolen weeds and drugs at a cheap rate which we got by looting some goons near a place where no one really goes. It was great that the Wild Angels agreed and called us at their base with the drugs in order to check them. As soon as we reached their place, they started talking to us, and trying to be free also an old member of The Outfit told a drug specialist to check the drugs from the trunk of our cars to find out whether they are original or we are scamming them for money. They started liking our drugs, so they happily brought some vehicles to unload the drugs there, and started talking about the payment. First we had asked the rate a bit higher then we asked before, but they did not agree with that much of amount of cash instantly, so we've reduced the price a bit, took the cash and dropped off the drugs at their place. After that, they were impressed what we are doing to live on this city and offered us few more amount of money. Both of us were happy, so we headed straightly to a nearby bar after ages and had a great time dancing, chilling at the end of the story. PARTICIPANTS: @Judyes @Skerdi @bor SCREENSHOTS: Already posted.
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