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Everything posted by Skerdi

  1. @Luna you too https://saesrpg.uk/category/263/cluckin-bell
  2. @Mixpeko wrong section create a topic here https://saesrpg.uk/category/263/cluckin-bell
  3. Good luck mate
  4. Welcome back, hope to see hs back too
  5. RP Number #08 Roleplay Title: Reviving the dead The Story: Today was a very special day for our priests who were going to practice the very first act of revival. Sounds weird but yes it is possible, our priests found an way to complete it. They got into the cars and started to move from Red County to Los Santos where the dead body was. Priests went there and saw a dead body laying in the ground, firstly they made sure no one was watching. After that they started to say their speech and after a few minutes what to see, the dead body got up and started to walk. The mission was successful and the revival was completed. Participants: @Legend @Skerdi @batya Date: 06.01.2019 Screenshots: Click Me
  6. Would you like to have ppl around that scream and shout out stupid things for no reason? Lets take an example that a 8 year old logs in and starts to scream and insult everyone? This will be a mess
  7. RolePlay Number #5 Roleplay Title: The surprising sacrifice The Story: Everything started at Red County cement when Priests of Soldom were called to pray at a ritual. This gave Priests chills, they were not interested to pray or to help anyone. They just needed a person as a sacrifice. After moving from Red County to Los Santos. Priests went and met the group, priests started to act and when everyone left they kindapped a guy and took him to the nearest graveyards. He started to cry and shout loud but it was 0 versus 16 lions offense. He was the best prey till his bones exhaust of his exhaust flames in hell our Priests will have the power. After the sacrifice was completed.. sadly the next part of the story is known only by our dark side and must be kept secret. Participants:@Legend @Prophet @iani @harb @Skerdi Date: 05.01.2019 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/gDpgOBx
  8. Event type: True or False Event price: 1.000.000$ LWS Helper: Ramos Event winner: Sou Event screens: https://imgur.com/a/I155Huk
  9. Event Type: Hydra Shooter Event Price: 1.000.000$ LWS: Duracell Event Winner: flusha Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/0zpkzZl
  10. Good luck men
  11. Good luck
  12. Event Type: 1 vs 1 boxing Event Price: 1.000.000$ LWS/G6: Duracell Event Winner: Petrow ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/9kxQwRT
  13. Man ... for real
  14. Event Type: Building Desctrocution Derby Event Price: 2.000.000$ LWS/G6: @Kowalski Event Winner: SnagiBators ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/gaO6Wqj
  15. Happy new year camels
  16. You too
  17. I dont think this is needed, people can buy houses easy. Can you please explain if I pay for rent will I be able to use it like the owner spawn at it use carspawn etc?
  18. Participants: @JohnnyEnglish Villain @Skerdi Story: It was a foggy morning when The Outfit council got a call. It was from the Overdose Crime managers who wanted to complete a deal. They wanted one truck full of weapons and ammo in exchange of money and a bag full with their proteins. This shocked the whole lynchpin, not because of the ammo The Outfit has done that for years nor money, but because of those proteins that it is said that can be modified and lead to an unknown power. After some time Skerdi got a truck and filled it with weapons and ammo, and then drove to Bone County cave near Tierra Robada. Around 12:00 Overdose Crime manager Johnny and his assistant Villain came to the location. They saw the truck full of ammo and handed Skerdi the bag of proteins. Skerdi showed them the weapons and tested them in their eyes. After that Villain handed 2 bags full of money and Johnny took the weapons. The deal is done but one story is not.. Screenshoots: https://imgur.com/a/I2net9E
  19. Event Type: Chicken nader Event Price: 1.000.000$ LWS/G6: @Filippo Event Winner: Horrizonts ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/QmQxwRv
  20. Happy birthday Arma!
  21. Some say that if this gets removed, people wont get stars if they crash players, Idk if this is true, but I would love to see this removed.
  22. Good luck
  23. Address: The Cr7 Discount Story Account name: nyter01 Last seen: 29th November 2018 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/m46XQO3
  24. It is a game if you want realistic things shut down your computer. Is it realistic that you respawn in hospital when you die, or when you repair cars for 3 seconds, thats why it is just a game. If you cant avoid getting jailed then it is your problem.
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