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Everything posted by Skerdi

  1. Fun fact: Squads were able to use the same togglewalk but they did not request it. And yes bring it back please
  2. Start a poll please
  3. Happy birthday sou
  4. Rip a great squad
  5. This must be a disease. First filex, then joe, then you..
  6. @JohnnyEnglish I know but no one will buy houses that are put in overprice
  7. So someone goes and puts his 30k props in sale for 20 million. Players wont be able to buy them, just someone doesn't need a prop and needs slots he puts it in sale for a very high price. Unfair to the new players.
  8. So, this is what depression looks like?
  9. Happy bday john!
  10. PoS Sermon # 7 Date: 26/3/2019 Congregation: But sometimes we overdo, there is always a next victim, That double striking punch. A traitor can never be accepted, dead or alive, get your aces in the hole. There is only way to cross this bridge. When the vision is unclear shit becomes to much to bear. We will never forget it if you turn your back and walk away, we will never let you live it down. This is true skill, the strongest will, we will never lose will, say it yes shout it loud that you believe, tell the world. Time to wake up, the old curse is over, a new one is about to start. Get above show your real face cross this forest, get out of the water. You live now, go on and read this evil spell! Screenshoots:
  11. RP Number: 41 Roleplay Title: It lives in the woods! Part 2 Participants: @Skerdi @Warrior213 Story: Heads full of thoughts, eyes full of curiosity, brain full of sermons, there they go, straight into the woods. This is the place where strange events have happened. Forget the tears and the screams, it is the time to face the shadows or whatever it is called. All you had to do is pray to wake them up from a long sleep. But be careful the curse is still here, too late for the other priest who went straight to a tree without knowing what it had trapped inside. Twisted woods, next to a twisted road, next to a twisted lake, where something dangerous but wonderful lays and wants to make contact. There was nothing that could be done, just look at the priest jumping straight into water. The only questions that remains is, does it lives in the woods or does it lives beneath? Screenshoots:: https://imgur.com/a/5QujtUQ
  12. Personal Information Ingame name: Skerdi Account name: skerdi Age: 17 Native language: Albanian Additional languages: English Availability on a scale from 1 to 10 (how much you are generally able to play, 10 is every day): 8 Skill evaluation English language (0/10): I would like to rate my self as 8, since 9 and 10 are the highest level and you have to pass the C2 exams for those. Roleplaying skill (0/10): 9 Driving skill (0/10): 8 Strengths: Team working, roleplaying, being able to communicate in every situation, imagination. Weaknesses: Sometimes I find it hard to concentrate, very hard. FPS drops, sometimes when I get in specified areas my game just crashes. Background Previous organizations you associated with: Kool Times News, after a long inactivity of the group, the leader decided to close the agency. Criminal history: Since I started playing I have always been interested in criminal life. My first gang was Black Syndicate from where I was kicked for a mistake I did. South East Gangsters was a new gang which I joined to help my friends. It did not last long, it died after 1 month. Then I joined The Outfit, where I am an full member currently. Current organizations: The Outfit, Cunning Stunts, Invest Arms Corporation, Cartel El Muertos, Priests of Sodom. Personality Why do you want to join Global Trust?: I want to help the group to achieve something, I would like to learn something new and connect with people. I could improve my roleplaying skills. I would like to gain more experience in different fields. I could help with my roleplaying skills, imagination, I have also participated in some court cases and have been trained how to work as a lawyer, this is the reason I am interested to be part of GT lawyers team but no more, I am able to work in every position and willing to learn.
  13. Ur time to shine @JohnnyEnglish
  14. Happy Birthday blzly!
  15. Event Number #42 Event Type: Last Man Standing Prize: 1.000.000$ LWS/G6 Helpers: @Star Winners: Voli Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/SJBqZGT
  16. PoS Sermon # 6 Date: 22/3/2019 Congregation: In our mind we are fighters, our heart is a lighter trapped with blue fire, supposed to be able to gain confidence and surpass everything that is blocking us. We are those unrealistic prayers who try to get everyone in our circle and control. To the father, demon good lord let the trumpets blow with our appearance. Lets cut those veins and drink this blood. Lets feed those beats and let the smell explode. All alone walking down the shadows of dark, cold and alone, must learn how to use the possibilities. Let the trumpets blow and let everyone scream! Screenshoots:
  17. RP Number: 40 Roleplay Title: It lives in the woods! Story: As the night goes by near the twisted woods of San Andreas there can be seen creatures and strange powers. What is going on those twisted woods? PoS priests trying to control its power, sounds pretty normal for priests but when you don't know what you are dealing with it you will have to fight it later. An unimaginable power that people explain as a dark ghost. The same power that used to haunt kids and made them to have that power. All priests know is that they should conquer the dark power and be able to use it for their benefits. But all they got are just some photos of the places of where it can appear. But what lives in the woods? Maybe someone will live to tell the rest of the story.. Participants: @Skerdi Screenshoots: https://imgur.com/a/PLxgqxC
  18. Toy Soldiers Strange food Part 2 Participants: Clucking Bell, @Skerdi @lazar Story: Food is the way through someone heart, but it can be used to go through someone veins, brains and even feelings, supposed when they have so said feelings. Clucking Bell and mafia working together, sounds weird and makes no sense. A food company working with gangs.. are they feeding them in turfs on what? Laugh conquered the room, until someone said that they had something to do with "toy soldiers". A cold silence conquered the whole room. A company that made clients happy now is responsible for military "failed experiments", kind of karma isn't it? A strong voice broke the silence, all he had to say was: 'Here are the photos and the videos of their workers packing the shit, that god knows what they have done, it heads next to The Outfit base near the place where the damn tragedy was seen days ago'. Cold winds blows, everyone asks if they can be feed, weren't they supposed to not have feelings? At least we all know that an "it" is not supposed to feel. But what everyone forgets is that 'toy soldiers' were humans, how can everyone forget that we made them be like that. Again... silence conquered. The only thing we know is that Clucking Bell is modifying their food so they can help to turn somebody into a 'toy soldier'. Everything was going okay.. till someone escaped form the shadows, but it seems like more and more are being "produced", and the company that was feeding people now is helping those turn into monsters... but in the end the real question is who will lose the most? Screenshoots: https://imgur.com/a/QVR8gVU
  19. Ma bro happy birthday rubik!
  20. As riley said, there may be miss informations about brs, a lot of gang members who are state troppers. There are a lot of in experienced players who have more than 750 arrests. Now days it is not hard to join a squad or sapa.
  21. Happy bday experti!
  22. Hbd neme
  23. Toy Soldiers The appearance Part 1 Story: What is a toy soldier? Is not "it" just supposed to be a damn soldier? Right, but "it" can not have any feelings, a soldier that is supposed to be a monster who follows every order and makes everything look easy. But do they exist? Maybe, or maybe not. They represent everything, they are the glitz and the glam, seen everywhere. The first one was seen at desert, and the last one was seen in a funeral. But what makes you a toy soldier? Hate, shame, fame, crate, fate mixed in a mixer with blood and closed in a gate. They walk through the hell gate and come back with a devil fate. An twisted experiment and now they don't want sympathy, friendship or apology its revenge what they seek, they are able to defeat the purpose. Now this hate turns around like a fucking gate able to close everyone fate, and the shit just happened right away since they were accidentally released. Modified psychopaths everywhere.. sounds great in the genial minds, doesn't it? Now whats a damn mission, if it is able to change your life and able to destroy everyone else one. What hides down the forests of pain is what appears in the lake of a failed game. She peaked, then he then "it" did the same, now clouds are gone , sun is shining till the fog appears above the water, the monsters are unleashed, screams and pain can be heard and tears of joy can be seen. 'Lets take their life, just because they are able to some damn voices no one would like to hear'. What lies around toy soldiers, should they be controlled or feared? But what are they for real? Maybe one day the answer will appear in the bright sky... Screenshoots: https://imgur.com/a/XV71Ztb
  24. @Cornelius said in Cya SAES: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, pizdiec cyka, sto ti budit igrat, ja ochin lubliu tbe moi urod <333333333333 Why dont u follow him, you seem like you like each other a lot
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