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Everything posted by Skerdi

  1. When you were drunk last night:
  2. @Filex said in Happy Birthday Bone: BONEY IS FINALLY 10 YES HBD BRODER No 6*
  3. Hbd
  4. Hbd u cat lover
  5. Skerdi


    18- no leak
  6. You will be missed ::: Won't* :::
  7. Happy birthday watermelon!
  8. @Kim said in Marso I need to ask you a few questions: -1 -1
  9. Good luck
  10. Happy bday tutu
  11. Shit I am late.. anyway happy bday turk
  12. Good luck
  13. @Zei said in The Andromada: @Skerdi said in The Andromada: @Zei said in The Andromada: @Filex said in The Andromada: Nah it would be an absuable vehicle it's big size can cause problem tho its smoother than other big planes such as the AT-400, in my pilot dcript which is still to be reviewed im including this as a vehicle for flights but with collisions absent ofc Indeed im voting no for its big size which will make it abusable + same for size will be jard to find a place to park it Does you AT-400 have an interior ? Yes it does I mean where to put cars... Well if you can get cars up there yes, but basically no
  14. @Zei said in The Andromada: @Filex said in The Andromada: Nah it would be an absuable vehicle it's big size can cause problem tho its smoother than other big planes such as the AT-400, in my pilot dcript which is still to be reviewed im including this as a vehicle for flights but with collisions absent ofc Indeed im voting no for its big size which will make it abusable + same for size will be jard to find a place to park it Does you AT-400 have an interior ? Yes it does
  15. @Bozi said in Your opinions on Game of Thrones ending?: I may be the only one who haven't seen GOT No you arent alone
  16. Do you mean a sr gets triggered in middle of the sea, can you explain it more please
  17. Wewww good luck
  18. Antithesis
  19. Address: Apartment 62 LV complexsouth Account name: speedkq Last seen: 13 april 2019 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/gPSPTGi
  20. Hbd zoom
  21. Hbd illu
  22. Good luck
  23. The world doesn't care for what you say, how in the hell you need people permission to like you? Screw that and focus in improving yourself. Otherwise you want to attract attention. Everything you should do is respect rules and everyone and everybody will respect you. None will feel sorry for you from a blackhole topic, mostly will turn you into a meme.
  24. Why the fuck do you need people permission and opinion? Change that mindset and do what you want lol, topics like this make no sense
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