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Everything posted by Skerdi

  1. Secretly has a crush on dufabo
  2. Best fifa player
  3. Someone car just explode there
  4. Afk the whole time
  5. Cant get his facts straight
  6. Everything a squad member can do, a trainee can do too, expect for radio usage. He can attend turfs, rp(if he wants too), arrest, go to brs, have access to police vehicles and aircraft, like the only benefit they gain from joining a squad are the weapons, which can be bought, but there is state trooper spawn. In the meantime gangs offer a lot more possibilities like turfs, brs, gang robberies. Also the formats on cop side and the rp character you should maintain forces the players to be very serious some times, also bad management of some squads hq teams, example inviting everyone. In the end even in real life, there are more crims than cops, server would be unbalanced if crims and cops ratio were the same.
  7. https://saesrpg.uk/topic/38/the-company you should apply here
  8. Everyone will place their cars somewhere for example near lv x or hospital, it will lag for low pcs
  9. Has trust issues
  10. You cant tell if he is just a bot
  11. Former gang member, but left cause he wasnt promoted
  12. Never see him in game
  13. Knife
  14. Mob
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