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Everything posted by Skerdi

  1. Its Mente birthday, hbd mate
  2. Get well soon bro
  3. Granted but it will take 10 years to get the rewards sorted. I want a ps4
  4. Merry Christmas everyone
  5. Event Type: Fallout Event Price: 1.000.000$ LWS/G6: @Legend Event Winner: Harb ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/CW6hvXX
  6. Good luck
  7. Event Type: Kick Skerdi off his NRG-500. Event Price: 1.000.000$(2 rounds) LWS/G6: @Kowalski Event Winner: kastya and Benny ScreenShots: Click here
  8. Event Type: True or False Event Price: 1.000.000$ LWS/G6: Ramos Event Winner: adem300 ScreenShot: Click here
  9. Event Type: Land on my SGT Event Price: 500.000$(2 rounds) LWS/G6: @Ramos Event Winner: Karim and Honer ScreenShot: Click Me :P
  10. Sold, can anyone lock this please.
  11. No cmon... we are mta not samp there are a lot of things to improve and you go to glue thing..
  12. @SniperLyfe your bid won meet me in game to complete the deal
  13. @Lincoln I have but tape holds an world record for it no one can write a book about him
  14. @SNome on action! https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/449215139913138176/525405828082040882/mock03.png
  15. It is located in Groove Street , infront of groove street bar, there is an ATM in front of it also. Starting bid: 750.000$(750k) Screenshoots: https://imgur.com/a/Z8UEyaZ
  16. Happy birthday
  17. @Ted they wont benefit that much because a gang can only br 2 times in a day and gangs that their crackers are 24/7 on do this everyday.
  18. Or we can reduce the amount of time banks need to restart to be bred again. I have noticed this is a problem regrading number of official banks and their activity.
  19. Happy birthday @Rocker you rock bro!
  20. Congratulations everyone
  21. Event Type: Kick Skerdi out of NRG-500. Event Price: 500.000$(2 rounds) LWS/G6: @RikKi Event Winner: Disaster (both rounds) ScreenShot: https://imgur.com/a/2Nca40l
  22. @Crash yes lock and archive this please
  23. Happy Birthday barras!!
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